Re: errors installing libapreq [RESOLVED]

2003-07-14 Thread Stas Bekman
Chris Devers wrote:
Well, I rebuilt Apache/mod_perl, and it seemed to work. For those that
hit the same error, the fix -- which I've saved as a script for future
reference :) -- is as follows:
* Install Apache/mod_perl:

pushd $modperldir

$perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.xx/src \
APACHE_PREFIX=${builddir} \
APACI_ARGS='--sbindir=${builddir}/sbin, \
--sysconfdir=${builddir}/etc, \
--localstatedir=${builddir}/var, \
--runtimedir=${builddir}/var/run, \
--logfiledir=${builddir}/var/logs, \
--proxycachedir=${builddir}/var/proxy, \
make test
sudo make install
pushd $apachedir
sudo make install
echo Verifying that the build worked:
${builddir}/sbin/apachectl configtest  \
  echo congratulations, you may now reset apache by running  \
  echo ${builddir}/sbin/apachectl start
* Installation may disrupt Perl modules. I had to rebuild Apache::Test

% sudo /sw/bin/perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan install Apache::Test
* Install libapreq:

% perl Makefile.PL \
 -httpd /usr/local/apache/sbin/httpd \
 -apxs  /usr/local/apache/sbin/apxs
% make
% make test
% make install
Everything went smoothly up to the `perl Makefile.PL [...]` step, where I
got this error:
skipping test setup...Undefined subroutine Apache::Test::config called at 
/sw/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/darwin/Apache/ line 90.
Warning: prerequisite Apache::Test 1.03 not found. We have unknown version.
And, as I say, rebuilding Apache::Test in the CPAN shell took care of
that. Others may hit different problems that could be fixed similarly.
All better now :)
That's all because of the issue case-insensitive issues with Apache/ 
vs. Apache/, which are no longer a problem, since mod_perl 2.0, no 
longer carries Apache/ (it has been renamed to Apache/

Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---

Re: errors installing libapreq [RESOLVED]

2003-06-26 Thread Chris Devers
Well, I rebuilt Apache/mod_perl, and it seemed to work. For those that
hit the same error, the fix -- which I've saved as a script for future
reference :) -- is as follows:

* Install Apache/mod_perl:



pushd $modperldir

$perl Makefile.PL \
APACHE_SRC=../apache_1.3.xx/src \
APACHE_PREFIX=${builddir} \
APACI_ARGS='--sbindir=${builddir}/sbin, \
--sysconfdir=${builddir}/etc, \
--localstatedir=${builddir}/var, \
--runtimedir=${builddir}/var/run, \
--logfiledir=${builddir}/var/logs, \
--proxycachedir=${builddir}/var/proxy, \
make test
sudo make install

pushd $apachedir
sudo make install

echo Verifying that the build worked:
${builddir}/sbin/apachectl configtest  \
  echo congratulations, you may now reset apache by running  \
  echo ${builddir}/sbin/apachectl start

* Installation may disrupt Perl modules. I had to rebuild Apache::Test

% sudo /sw/bin/perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan install Apache::Test

* Install libapreq:

% perl Makefile.PL \
 -httpd /usr/local/apache/sbin/httpd \
 -apxs  /usr/local/apache/sbin/apxs
% make
% make test
% make install

Everything went smoothly up to the `perl Makefile.PL [...]` step, where I
got this error:

skipping test setup...Undefined subroutine Apache::Test::config called at 
/sw/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/darwin/Apache/ line 90.
Warning: prerequisite Apache::Test 1.03 not found. We have unknown version.

And, as I say, rebuilding Apache::Test in the CPAN shell took care of
that. Others may hit different problems that could be fixed similarly.

All better now :)


channeler, n.
Also SPIRIT GUIDE. Politically correct terms for DAEMON.

-- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995

Re: errors installing libapreq

2002-06-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try an older version.
 --- Tim Bolin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  ok, im at
the end of my proverbial rope on this one
 and dont know how to 
 proceed... i am trying to install libapreq for
 Apache::Request, and when i 
 try to run make the thing just pukes up a huge
 long string of errors like:
 make[1]: Entering directory
 gcc -c -I/usr/local/httpd//include
 -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include -O2 -march
 =i386 -mcpu=i686   -DVERSION=\0.10\
 -DXS_VERSION=\0.10\ -fPIC 
 -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/CORE  apache_re
 In file included from apache_request.c:58:
 apache_request.h:38: parse error before `table'
 apache_request.h:38: warning: no semicolon at end of
 struct or union
 apache_request.h:48: parse error before `}'
 apache_request.h:48: warning: data definition has no
 type or storage class
 apache_request.h:55: parse error before `table'
 apache_request.h:55: warning: no semicolon at end of
 struct or union
 apache_request.h:58: parse error before `*'
 apache_request.h:58: warning: data definition has no
 type or storage class
 apache_request.h:59: parse error before `}'
 apache_request.h:89: parse error before `*'
 apache_request.h:89: warning: data definition has no
 type or storage class
 apache_request.h:90: parse error before `*'
 apache_request.h:91: parse error before `*'
 apache_request.h:92: parse error before `*'
 apache_request.h:93: parse error before `*'
 it goes on for 200 more lines or so with many
 different seemingly 
 syntactical errors...
 i decided for grins to try v0.33 and see what
 happened, and curiously 
 enough, i get exactly the same errors... well, for
 the first 50 lines or 
 so, i was just eyeballing the first screen or two...
 anyone have any idea at all what would cause this?
 it occurs if i try to do 
 it with the CPAN module or when i do it manually...
 i even tried it with 
 both the Makefile.PL and using configure... same
 id definitely appreciate any insight any of you
 might have on how to 
 resolve this...
 -Tim -
- Find yourself a bargain!

Re: errors installing libapreq

2002-06-26 Thread Joe Schaefer

[cross-posted to apreq-dev]

Tim Bolin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 ok, im at the end of my proverbial rope on this one and dont know how
 to proceed... i am trying to install libapreq for Apache::Request, and
 when i try to run make the thing just pukes up a huge long string of
 errors like :
 make[1]: Entering directory `/root/.cpan/build/libapreq-0.33/c'
 gcc -c -I/usr/local/httpd//include -I/usr/local/httpd//include 
 -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include -O2 -march
 =i386 -mcpu=i686   -DVERSION=\0.10\ -DXS_VERSION=\0.10\ -fPIC 
 -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.6.1/i386-linux/CORE  apache_re
 In file included from apache_request.c:58:
 apache_request.h:38: parse error before `table'

Your include files aren't defining the table struct.  gcc can't find 
your apache header files (maybe they're in /usr/local/apache/include ?).
Also, the typical compile lines should have a whole lot more -I flags.
In your case, modperl may not be properly installed- otherwise your
compile lines would look more like this (wrapped):

  make[1]: Entering directory `/home/joe/src/apache/cvs/httpd-apreq/c'
  cc -c -I/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/auto/Apache/include 
  -I/usr/local/apache/include -Dbool=char -DHAS_BOOL
  -I/usr/local/include -O2-DVERSION=\0.10\ -DXS_VERSION=\0.10\ 
  -fpic -I/usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386-linux/CORE  apache_request.c

You probably need to reinstall modperl (preferably from source) to get
libapreq to build correctly on your OS.

Joe Schaefer

Re: errors installing libapreq

2002-06-26 Thread Dave Rolsky

On Tue, 25 Jun 2002, Tim Bolin wrote:

 ok, im at the end of my proverbial rope on this one and dont know how to
 proceed... i am trying to install libapreq for Apache::Request, and when i
 try to run make the thing just pukes up a huge long string of errors like:

You forgot to mention (though you did in your message to the Mason list)
that you're using mod_perl 1.99_something, with which Apache::Request will
not compile.


we await the New Sun