I know this is a little bit off topic, and I won't resent any flamage 
agreeing with me on that but I can't raise any responses whatsoever in
comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix and [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
is quiet, so I'm bringing my troubles here in the hopes that I can get
at least pointed in the right direction.

I'm declaring myself officially, completely lost.  I'm trying to compile
a new apache+mod_perl+mod_auth_mysql and make test fails 1 test in the
cgi module and 2 tests in the include module.  Well, I turned off 
mod_cgi, and I don't need mod_include here either, so I says to myself
fine, I'll install it anyway.  So when I go to start httpd-perl
I get an error saying:

syntax error on line 28 of /etc/httpd-perl.conf:
API module structure 'env_module' in file 
/usr/local/lib/apache/mod_env.so is garbled - perhaps this is not an
Apache module DSO?
/usr/local/sbin/httpd-perl-ctl start: httpd could not be started.

Aaargh! now I'm dead in the water.  So I pull down fresh sources for
apache, mod perl, and mod_auth_mysql and try it all over again, with 
the same (predictable) results.

The possibilities I see are:

1) my apache+mod_perl shares lib/apache with my front-end 
apache+mod_ssl that I compiled with mm-1.1.3 support, but I 
didn't do that with apache+mod_perl.
2) I changed my ld.so.conf to include /usr/local/lib, 
/usr/local/lib/apache, and /usr/local/lib/mysql, and ran 
ldconfig -v on that, which doesn't make sense since
the apache+mod_ssl works fine and dandy.  Anyway I need 
the /usr/local/lib/mysql at least for mod_auth_mysql to work.
3) I can't share DSO modules between apache+mod_ssl and
apache+mod_perl, mm support or not.

Unfortunately, where I'm at is that I can't parse t/logs/error_log
at all, nor does anything in the test kit jump out at me and say
"OK, now I'm testing this part of the server."

So, I'm trundling off to test possibilities 1 and 3.  In the meantime
if anyone can either tell me I'm completely on the wrong track, or
point towards places, things, or people which would be useful, I'd me
most grateful; this is my development box, and I can't do any 
development until I solve this.

Christopher Everett

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