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Hello list,

This is my first post so bear with me.

I am trying to write a simple PerlTransHandler that is going to modify the uri
into something. I want to modify the following

/articles/10/index.html   =>  /articles/index.html?id=10

So this is my attempt:


    my ($id) = ($uri =~ m|^/articles/(.*?)/|);
    my $newuri = $r->document_root . "/articles/index.html";
    my $uriobj = $r->parsed_uri;
    return OK;


All .html files are parsed by Embperl and that works fine.
What doesnt work is the $fdat{id} doesn't give me the id
that was set.. 

printing out Apache->request->parsed_uri->query
inside the index.html file doesn't give back anything..

I also tried to set the query string directly 
but that didn't work either.

any help or suggestions are welcomed. the book only
has one sentecne on using the query() method. thanks.

Ajay - The Knowledge Archive

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