Re: How to debug bizarre memory corruption in mod_perl

2008-07-09 Thread David Kaufman

"Stephen Clouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Under [mod_perl 2 and perl 5.10 on Fedora 9] I am getting some of the
> most bizarre and insidious perl core errors I've ever seen in my 15
> years of using perl.
> Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0xbd266be4, Perl interpreter:
> 0xba01c410 at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0/HTML/Mason/ 
> line
> 147.
> panic: attempt to copy value 20 to a freed scalar bd49dffc
> Use of freed value in iteration
> panic: free from wrong pool
> Not to mention countless application errors involving dereferencing.

Dereferencing demons, eh?  Your error rang a bell with me.  But it wasn't 
until I saw List/Util/ in your follow-up post that I remembered, 
List::Util did that same scary crashing thing to me a while back while I 
was debugging krang (which is mod_perl 1.3x-based).

It boiled down to the (IMO) senseless and unnecessary use of weak 
referrences somewhere deep in the dark bowels of the Scalar-List-Utils 
package.  I'd read somewhere that weak references were not all that stable 
in certain recent versions of perl, so when I saw all the weakening being 
done in there (and all the XS bugs the module has had to fix, in its change 

At the time, upgrading the module to the latest release didn't stop my big 
scary memory reference errors.  So I read through the code that used the 
module and was astonished at why the module was being used: the *one* line 
of code in the entire module that I was troubleshooting that *depended* on 
List::Util was a single, simple call to its exported method: first()

What does first() do?  It invokes kilobytes of fast, compiled XS code to 
...huh?  Return to me the first element in a list I pass to it that returns 
true for a code block I pass to it?  Yup.  Like this:

  # from the POD doco at

  $foo = first { defined($_) } @list;  # first defined value in @list

Who needs to install a CPAN module to do that?  I personally would have 
written it as:

  $foo = (grep defined, @list)[0];  # first defined value in @list

But thats kind of non-obvious to the programmer who finds it later (if they 
dont read the comment, that is).  You could also simply replace "first" 
with "grep" (and a pair of parens) and get the same effect:

  ($foo) = grep { defined($_) } @list;  # first defined value in @list

(at the cost of one extra byte and some wasted cpu cycles if the compiler 
doesn't notice that the lvalue is a list of length one, and lets grep 
process the whole list anyway, even after it finds and assigns a defined 
element in there).

IMO, even this would be better than loading List::Utils and calling 

  my $foo;
  for (@list) {
next unless defined($_);
$foo = $_;

So I fixed my bug by writing a line or two of perl to in order to remove 
one call to the List::Util module's first() function.

> My problem is that I don't even know where or how to start tracing or
> debugging such an issue to determine precisely what is scribbling on 
> perl's
> memory.

Starting from your error message (line 147 of HTML::Mason::Component) it 
appears HTML::Mason is calling a "dynamic method" method (one named in a 
variable).  No help there.  Okay, what else is HTML::Mason::Component 
using? What libraries has it loaded? Is List::Utils being used?

This looked suspicious to me:

  use HTML::Mason::Tools qw(absolute_comp_path can_weaken);

Just because you "can_weaken" a reference, does that mean you should?  Sure 
enough HTML::Mason::Tools loads Scalar::Util apparently to do some 
reference weakening.

I'd check my Mason component for use of the functions that the 
Scalar-List-Utils modules provide:


 first max maxstr min minstr reduce shuffle sum


  blessed dualvar isweak readonly refaddr reftype
  tainted weaken isvstring looks_like_number set_prototype

And see if rewriting these in pure perl helps.  Also, if it does, but would 
require changing code that you'd rather not monkey with, it looks like 
there is a pure-perl version of the module that can be installed by passing 
a -pm option to Makefile.PL:

  perl Makefile.PL -pm
  make test
  make install

Anyway, I hope somehow, some of this helps!


Re: How to debug bizarre memory corruption in mod_perl

2008-07-09 Thread Andy Armstrong

On 9 Jul 2008, at 09:09, David Kaufman wrote:

 # from the POD doco at

 $foo = first { defined($_) } @list;  # first defined value in @list

Who needs to install a CPAN module to do that?  I personally would  

written it as:

 $foo = (grep defined, @list)[0];  # first defined value in @list

Bear in mind that first may be much more efficient if the list is  
large and/or the test is expensive:

$ cat
use List::Util qw( first );

sub even {
my ( $where, $x ) = @_;
print "$where is checking $x\n";
return $x % 2 == 0;

my @in = ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );

my $first_even = first { even( 'first', $_ ) } @in;
my $grep_even = ( grep { even( 'grep', $_ ) } @in )[0];

print "$first_even, $grep_even\n";

$ perl
first is checking 1
first is checking 2
grep is checking 1
grep is checking 2
grep is checking 3
grep is checking 4
grep is checking 5
2, 2

I'm not suggesting that necessarily applies in this case - just a  
general observation.

Andy Armstrong, Hexten

Re: How to debug bizarre memory corruption in mod_perl

2008-07-09 Thread Frank Wiles
On Wed, 9 Jul 2008 13:23:13 +0100
Andy Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 9 Jul 2008, at 09:09, David Kaufman wrote:
> >  # from the POD doco at
> >  #
> >
> >
> >  $foo = first { defined($_) } @list;  # first defined value in @list
> >
> >
> > Who needs to install a CPAN module to do that?  I personally would  
> > have
> > written it as:
> >
> >  $foo = (grep defined, @list)[0];  # first defined value in @list
> Bear in mind that first may be much more efficient if the list is  
> large and/or the test is expensive
  Agree on the efficiency.  I worked with a company on a large
  mod_perl application (300K+ lines of code) that used a particular
  function VERY often, that took an array and returned all the
  unique values.

  It did this with the common Perl Cookbook way of putting everything
  into a hash and returning the keys().  I switched that function
  to using List::MoreUtils::uniq() and they saw almost a 10% speed
  improvement to their entire application. Granted this was a special
  case because of how often that particular function was used (which
  was a bad design decision in the first place), but sometimes 
  using these types of modules is useful/necessary even if the
  normal "Perl core" way of doing it is relatively simple. 

  For example, if we use the technique above vs first() you get: 

  100 items in the list: 
Rate  Grep first
  Grep   85470/s--  -74%
  first 331126/s  287%--
  5000 items in the list:  
Rate  Grep first
  Grep1743/s--  -99%
  first 125000/s 7073%--

  So even for relatively small lists it can be a huge performance

   Frank Wiles, Revolution Systems, LLC. 

Re: How to debug bizarre memory corruption in mod_perl

2008-07-09 Thread Stephen Clouse
Well, thank you for your advice, gentlemen.  It got me on the right track,
and I did manage to figure out the issue today.  You may or may not be
surprised to find it was this:

my $foo = "bar" if $baz;

Apparently one of the previous programmers left about 100 such constructs
littered about the Perl and Mason code.  Fixing them cleared up all the
bizarre issues.

We had Perl::Critic for the Perl side of the app, and I've done some hacks
to criticize the Mason code, but someone had disabled the
ProhibitConditionalDeclarations policy.  *facepalm*

It's interesting that this didn't manifest under Perl 5.8.  Not sure if it's
worth trying to develop a test case, since my...if falls into the "never do
this" category anyway.

Stephen Clouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Apache2::Request undefined symbol

2008-07-09 Thread Colin Wetherbee

Mark Hedges wrote:

That's a normal thing.  All installed modules put their
config into mods-available.  Then you use `a2enmod` to
manage those symlinks and turn them on or off in


I believe all Debian-based distributions have done this with Apache 2 
for a few years now.

It scared me quite nicely when I upgraded the first time they did this 
(on Debian "unstable", I believe) and found none of my modules were 
enabled anymore and my Apache configuration had been overwritten. :)


RE: Apache2::Request undefined symbol

2008-07-09 Thread Paul Cameron
Yes, it's not obvious that you need to enable the module after
installing it. Why doesn't the installer enable it automatically?

-Original Message-
From: Colin Wetherbee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 July 2008 12:52 PM
To: Mark Hedges
Cc: Paul Cameron;
Subject: Re: Apache2::Request undefined symbol

Mark Hedges wrote:
> That's a normal thing.  All installed modules put their config into 
> mods-available.  Then you use `a2enmod` to manage those symlinks and 
> turn them on or off in mods-enabled.


I believe all Debian-based distributions have done this with Apache 2 
for a few years now.

It scared me quite nicely when I upgraded the first time they did this 
(on Debian "unstable", I believe) and found none of my modules were 
enabled anymore and my Apache configuration had been overwritten. :)


Re: How to debug bizarre memory corruption in mod_perl

2008-07-09 Thread Perrin Harkins
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 9:23 PM, Stephen Clouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We had Perl::Critic for the Perl side of the app, and I've done some hacks
> to criticize the Mason code, but someone had disabled the
> ProhibitConditionalDeclarations policy.

I'm thrilled to hear that this ultimately was valuable because I
suggested that policy.  It would be great if you'd share your hack to
make Critic work on Mason code somewhere.

> It's interesting that this didn't manifest under Perl 5.8.

And a little scary, since some people definitely have this bug and the
warning for it in 5.10 was removed before release.

- Perrin

Re: How to debug bizarre memory corruption in mod_perl

2008-07-09 Thread Stephen Clouse
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 11:05 PM, Perrin Harkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm thrilled to hear that this ultimately was valuable because I
> suggested that policy.  It would be great if you'd share your hack to
> make Critic work on Mason code somewhere.

Oh, yeah, sure.  Here's my test script.  It just takes the compiled Mason
object and runs it through Critic.  Also, the last half is shamelessly
cribbed from Test::Perl::Critic.

This is less useful than it seems because Mason's object code output doesn't
pass Perl::Critic itself :)  But it's probably a start for someone to
improve upon -- maybe modulize it and throw it on CPAN.  Or maybe improve
Mason's code output so it does pass a critique.

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw(once);

use File::Find ();
use HTML::Mason::Compiler::ToObject ();
use Perl::Critic ();
use Test::More;

my $critic = Perl::Critic->new(
  -profile => 't/perlcriticrc',

local *HTML::Mason::Commands::r = \"0";

my @files;
my $wanted = sub {
  return if -d $_;
  return if $_ eq 'favicon.ico';
  return if $File::Find::name =~ /\.svn|images|javascript|css/;
  push @files, $File::Find::name;
File::Find::find($wanted, 'htdocs');

plan tests => scalar(@files);

foreach my $file (@files) {
  eval {
my $src;
{ local $/ = undef;
  open(my $foo, $file) or die "Couldn't open $file: $!";
  $src = <$foo>;

my $compiler = HTML::Mason::Compiler::ToObject->new;
my $object_code = $compiler->compile(
  comp_source => \$src,
  name => $file,
  comp_path => 'htdocs',

@vios = $critic->critique($object_code, -severity => 1);

  if ($@) {
diag(qq{Perl::Critic had errors in "$file":});
  } elsif (@vios) {
diag(qq{Perl::Critic found these violations in "$file":});
my $verbose = $critic->config->verbose();
Perl::Critic::Violation::set_format( $verbose );
foreach my $vio (@vios) { diag("$vio") }
  } else {

Stephen Clouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

some flawed benchmarks

2008-07-09 Thread adam . prime
A couple of months ago i was going through slides from gozers "From  
CGI to mod_perl 2.0, Fast!" talk, which has some benchmarks comparing  
CGI, perlrun and registry to each other.  At which point i realized  
that i've never really known how much faster using straight handlers  
is than using one of the CGI emulation layers.  I also didn't have any  
idea how much faster SetHandler modperl was vs SetHandler perl-script.

So i decided to see what i could figure out.  I took gozers CGI from  
the slides (slightly modified) and ran it through the paces on my  
laptop, then converted the script to run as a straight handler.

here's the CGI version:


print qq[Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n];


Hello Worlds



Here's the Handler version

package Kabob::HelloWorld;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Apache2::RequestRec ();

use Apache2::Const -compile =>qw(:common);

sub handler {
my $r = shift;


Hello Worlds



return Apache2::Const::OK;


and here's the conf (these tests were all running through a light  
mod_proxy front end too)

ProxyPass http://localhost:8080/cgi/
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8080/cgi/

ScriptAlias /cgi/ /www/p/

Alias /perlrun/ /www/p/

ProxyPass http://localhost:8080/perlrun/
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8080/perlrun/

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler ModPerl::PerlRun
Options +ExecCGI
PerlSendHeader On

Alias /registry/ /www/p/

ProxyPass http://localhost:8080/registry/
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8080/registry/

SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler ModPerl::Registry
Options +ExecCGI
PerlSendHeader On

ProxyPass http://localhost:8080/perlscript/
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8080/perlscript/

SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler Kabob::HelloWorld

ProxyPass http://localhost:8080/modperl/
ProxyPassReverse http://localhost:8080/modperl/

SetHandler modperl
PerlResponseHandler Kabob::HelloWorld

and here's the results (which are no doubt flawed for a number of reasons)

running: ab -n 1 [url]

Requests per second:217.80 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:   4.591 [ms] (mean)
Transfer rate:  53.17 [Kbytes/sec] received

Requests per second:482.49 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:   2.073 [ms] (mean)
Transfer rate:  114.49 [Kbytes/sec] received

Requests per second:693.33 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:   1.442 [ms] (mean)
Transfer rate:  164.53 [Kbytes/sec] received

SetHandler perl-script
Requests per second:772.12 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:   1.295 [ms] (mean)
Transfer rate:  189.94 [Kbytes/sec] received

SetHandler modperl
Requests per second:1048.66 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:   0.954 [ms] (mean)
Transfer rate:  250.84 [Kbytes/sec] received

I'm not sure how well you can really compare the CGI emulation numbers  
to the PerlHandler numbers, but personally i think the 30%ish  
improvement from perl-script to modperl is pretty amazing.  I wouldn't  
have imagined it would have been that high.
