
Please help me understand how Perl with mod_perl
handles the following situation. Consider 2 clients
out in the WWW using the same form to work on 2
different records of the same type. At submission, the
form executes a database function and passes the data
entered using the form. The function retrieves the
data from the CGI-like connection, assigns the data to
Perl dataspaces and begins processing the code series
of the function. Now the 2nd client executes the
function in the same way, right on the heels of the
1st client.

In the C language in a network environment, when a
client calls a database function in a DLL to access a
server database, a system semaphore is is used to
serialize code access to prevent the corruption

With only Perl, a different Perl interpreter instance
is started for each CGI request.   The instances don't
know about each other and dataspaces are unique to an

How does Perl with mod_perl handle this. Are there any
important differences with the only Perl situation.
Might the dataspaces be corrupted? How does this work?

My technical environment is Windows XP Home, Apache
2.0.049, Perl 5.8.3, and mod_perl 2.0.2. Thank you in
advance for any responses. I appreciate your time.

Craig Tussey

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