Re: Perl Script using MapToStorageHandler

2006-03-02 Thread Glenn Martin
Sure id love to see that script... to be completely
hones im still kinda new to perl even... Im getting it
slowly... Anyway, im just looking to achieve my goal
and that is to have a working script/perl module that
can switchout config based on incomming URI... a
perfect example would be the one im working on now...
the Subversion/Dav one...


--- Torsten Foertsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 01 March 2006 23:20, Glenn Martin
> wrote:
> > Sounds great, but how would i do something simular
> to:
> >
> >       $r->add_config([sprintf(' > "%s/?">', $uripath),
> >                           'DirectoryIndex .',
> >                           'Options +Indexes',
> >                           'Dav svn',
> >                           sprintf("SVNPath %s",
> > $localpath),
> >                           '']);
> >
> >
> > and
> >
> >       $r->add_config([sprintf('',
> > $localpath), 'DirectoryIndex .', 'Options
> +Indexes',
> > 'Dav On', '']);
> That leads to an error saying that " not allowed at that point. 
> In your case I think you don't need the "Directory"
> around your 
> configuration, I think. But, let me explain how the
> configuration is applied 
> to a request. After startup when the configuration
> has been parsed you have a 
> server/vhost-specific default configuration. That is
> everything outside 
> "Directory", "Location" and so on. Just before
> MapToStorage a copy of this 
> config is made. Then the core-MapToStorage handler
> applies "Location", 
> "Directory" etc blocks to that copy. At the end of
> the request this copy is 
> thrown away.
> The mod_perl MapToStorage handler comes in after the
> server-specific config is 
> loaded but before the core handler. In fact if the
> mp-handler returns OK the 
> core-handler is skipped.
> When $r->add_config([EMAIL PROTECTED], $override) is applied
> in MapToStorage it is very 
> similar to
> AllowOverride $override
> @lines
> Only this location block is applied *before* any
> Directory block.
> That means
> 1) If your mp-handler returns DECLINED, your current
> configuration can be 
> overridden by the core-handler, because it comes
> after you.
> 2) Anything you apply to the config in MapToStorage
> applies to a copy. Hence, 
> nothing is needed to undo the changes.
> 3) Your config can be applied by
> $r->add_config([
>                 'DirectoryIndex .',
>                 'Options Indexes',
>                 'Dav svn',
>                 sprintf("SVNPath %s", $localpath),  
>], ~0) # ~0 == AllowOverride All
> But, a few thing cannot be applied by means of
> $r->add_config. For example 
> "AllowOverride" needs a "Directory" block or
> "ProxyPassReverse" does 
> different things if it appears outside or inside a
> "Location" block. Further, 
> mod_perl-2.0.2 cannot apply "Options" if working
> under Apache 2.2. For these 
> situations I have posted a patch a few days ago
> (last Friday I think). I hope 
> it will make it into mod_perl 2.0.3 see
> In fact, I am currently working on a module that can
> read the configuration 
> from a database and apply it on the fly. It already
> works pretty good. If you 
> want I can send you a current copy. I think of
> releasing it on CPAN later 
> this week or early next week.
> Torsten

Re: Perl Script using MapToStorageHandler

2006-03-01 Thread Glenn Martin
Sounds great, but how would i do something simular to:

  $r->add_config([sprintf('', $uripath),
  'DirectoryIndex .',
  'Options +Indexes',
  'Dav svn',
  sprintf("SVNPath %s",


$localpath), 'DirectoryIndex .', 'Options +Indexes',
'Dav On', '']);

--- "Philippe M. Chiasson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Glenn Martin wrote:
> > Actually if i read the documentation correctly, im
> > doing it just right. Map to Storage is right
> before it
> > get mapped to a Location/Directory... and thus
> this is
> > where id want to add Directory/Location and Alias
> > directives based off of the incomming URI... Im
> trying
> > to control DAV input. Take the URI, translate it
> to a
> > Folder, Check the folders contents to see if it
> > matches a Subversion repository and if it does map
> the
> > Location to SVN Dav and that repository otherwise
> Map
> > the Directory to the URI using an Alias and a
> > Directory and turn on normal WebDAV... Then return
> > Decline to Apache then tries to Match the URI to
> the
> > Modified Config. Which will active the correct
> module
> > for the correct folder...
> I hope I understood this correctly, so apologies if
> I didn't.
> > However i need this configuration change to be
> > Temporary... Per request only... I need the Alias'
> or
> > Location/Directory sections to no longer exist..
> You can't 'remove' configuration directives you've
> injected
> in httpd. And those are very *global* and would
> affect
> much more than the current request.
> > What handler do i use? and how do i reset the
> > configuration?
> You don't reset the configuration, but you simply
> take a different
> approach.
> Instead of trying to inject httpd configuration,
> your MapToStorage handler
> needs to emulate Alias/Location directives. For
> instance, if you needed
> to Alias /foo to /var/www/foo, instead of doing what
> I believe you are currently
> doing:
> $r->add_config(["Alias /foo /var/www/foo"]);
> Simply do what mod_alias would have done...
> $r->filename(File::Spec->catfile("/var/www",
> $r->uri));
> And you get pre-request behaviour just like you
> wanted. And it's tons faster too ;-)

> Philippe M. Chiasson
> m/gozer\@(apache|cpan|ectoplasm)\.org/ GPG KeyID :
> 88C3A5A5
> F9BF E0C2 480E 7680
> 1AE5 3631 CB32 A107 88C3A5A5

Re: Perl Script using MapToStorageHandler

2006-03-01 Thread Glenn Martin
Sounds great, but how would i do something simular to:

  $r->add_config([sprintf('', $uripath),
  'DirectoryIndex .',
  'Options +Indexes',
  'Dav svn',
  sprintf("SVNPath %s",


$localpath), 'DirectoryIndex .', 'Options +Indexes',
'Dav On', '']);

--- "Philippe M. Chiasson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Glenn Martin wrote:
> > Actually if i read the documentation correctly, im
> > doing it just right. Map to Storage is right
> before it
> > get mapped to a Location/Directory... and thus
> this is
> > where id want to add Directory/Location and Alias
> > directives based off of the incomming URI... Im
> trying
> > to control DAV input. Take the URI, translate it
> to a
> > Folder, Check the folders contents to see if it
> > matches a Subversion repository and if it does map
> the
> > Location to SVN Dav and that repository otherwise
> Map
> > the Directory to the URI using an Alias and a
> > Directory and turn on normal WebDAV... Then return
> > Decline to Apache then tries to Match the URI to
> the
> > Modified Config. Which will active the correct
> module
> > for the correct folder...
> I hope I understood this correctly, so apologies if
> I didn't.
> > However i need this configuration change to be
> > Temporary... Per request only... I need the Alias'
> or
> > Location/Directory sections to no longer exist..
> You can't 'remove' configuration directives you've
> injected
> in httpd. And those are very *global* and would
> affect
> much more than the current request.
> > What handler do i use? and how do i reset the
> > configuration?
> You don't reset the configuration, but you simply
> take a different
> approach.
> Instead of trying to inject httpd configuration,
> your MapToStorage handler
> needs to emulate Alias/Location directives. For
> instance, if you needed
> to Alias /foo to /var/www/foo, instead of doing what
> I believe you are currently
> doing:
> $r->add_config(["Alias /foo /var/www/foo"]);
> Simply do what mod_alias would have done...
> $r->filename(File::Spec->catfile("/var/www",
> $r->uri));
> And you get pre-request behaviour just like you
> wanted. And it's tons faster too ;-)

> Philippe M. Chiasson
> m/gozer\@(apache|cpan|ectoplasm)\.org/ GPG KeyID :
> 88C3A5A5
> F9BF E0C2 480E 7680
> 1AE5 3631 CB32 A107 88C3A5A5

Re: Perl Script using MapToStorageHandler

2006-03-01 Thread Glenn Martin
If i am doing this wrong, how would you suggest doing

Glenn R. Martin

--- Andy Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 1 Mar 2006, at 21:44, Glenn Martin wrote:
> > Ive got a script im wokring on that uses the
> > "PerlMapToStorageHandler" at that point it adds to
> the
> > Apache Configuration using the Incomming URI,
> creating
> > Location/Directory Sections, and an Alias or
> two...
> >
> > However, i need to be able to remove these changes
> > after the request is completed... How would i
> remove
> > theses changes and what handler would you suggest
> for
> > me to tie in to?
> You're doing it wrong I'm afraid. Why do you want to
> change the  
> server config during a request?
> -- 
> Andy Armstrong,

Re: Perl Script using MapToStorageHandler

2006-03-01 Thread Glenn Martin
Actually if i read the documentation correctly, im
doing it just right. Map to Storage is right before it
get mapped to a Location/Directory... and thus this is
where id want to add Directory/Location and Alias
directives based off of the incomming URI... Im trying
to control DAV input. Take the URI, translate it to a
Folder, Check the folders contents to see if it
matches a Subversion repository and if it does map the
Location to SVN Dav and that repository otherwise Map
the Directory to the URI using an Alias and a
Directory and turn on normal WebDAV... Then return
Decline to Apache then tries to Match the URI to the
Modified Config. Which will active the correct module
for the correct folder...

However i need this configuration change to be
Temporary... Per request only... I need the Alias' or
Location/Directory sections to no longer exist..

What handler do i use? and how do i reset the

--- Andy Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 1 Mar 2006, at 21:44, Glenn Martin wrote:
> > Ive got a script im wokring on that uses the
> > "PerlMapToStorageHandler" at that point it adds to
> the
> > Apache Configuration using the Incomming URI,
> creating
> > Location/Directory Sections, and an Alias or
> two...
> >
> > However, i need to be able to remove these changes
> > after the request is completed... How would i
> remove
> > theses changes and what handler would you suggest
> for
> > me to tie in to?
> You're doing it wrong I'm afraid. Why do you want to
> change the  
> server config during a request?
> -- 
> Andy Armstrong,

Perl Script using MapToStorageHandler

2006-03-01 Thread Glenn Martin
Ive got a script im wokring on that uses the
"PerlMapToStorageHandler" at that point it adds to the
Apache Configuration using the Incomming URI, creating
Location/Directory Sections, and an Alias or two... 

However, i need to be able to remove these changes
after the request is completed... How would i remove
theses changes and what handler would you suggest for
me to tie in to?

Thank You
Glenn R. Martin