Re: decline and fall of modperl?

2009-03-24 Thread Gunther
> Perrin Harkins wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 11:30 AM, Octavian Râsnita 
>> wrote:
> ...and in most parts of the
>>> world it is hard to find competent perl programmers.
>> ...The job
>> listings for Perl are strong.  They're huge compared to those for
>> Ruby.  Of course Java is massively more popular than either of them,
>> but that doesn't make the perl market small.
> I wouldn't use the word 'most', but here in Southeast Asia it's a real
> challenge to find a Perl developer with significant experience in Perl/
> modperl. Those who do use it as a minor scripting tool in their unix
> administration.
Having run a Perl and Java based technology company in Singapore myself
for a chunk of time in the early 2000s, I agree that there is some truth
to that. We did run into that as an issue and did end up importing Perl
and mod_perl talent overseas including some people who post here
relatively regularly who were able to enjoy a stay in SE Asia.

However, some markets are going to be a bit different. I think what you
are saying reflects also what a search of a Singaporean jobs database has
in it. Whereas in USA and Europe PHP = Perl in # of jobs, even in
Singapore, the number of Perl jobs is less than half of PHP and both small
than Java. From, Perl:18, PHP:51, Java: 210

With that said, that forms a relatively small n looking at one country --
although I imagine there should be little difference in Malysia etc. At
the risk of sounding American-centric, the number of jobs in America and
Europe is nonetheless a good chunk of the technology development in the
world so I believe the statistics are still compelling on those job sites
about relative use of the technology

-- Gunther

Re: decline and fall of modperl?

2009-03-23 Thread Gunther
> Alright, I don't want to quibble, but I would question any conclusions
> you can draw from the numbers based upon the sole fact that it is
> based upon how developer self-identify.
Every language has it's own sub-languages or frameworks that they identify
themselves as. So I suspect the statistics Lupe posted are OK on average
and reflecting the general reality and representation of job availability.

Adding onto what Lupe has posted, I can confirm my own quick search on (nationwide). Keywords: Perl, PHP, Java, Ruby yield the
following as of 5 minutes ago.

Perl (1795), PHP (1145), Java (4940), and Ruby (318)

If you wish to add Drupal or other keywords, you may want to consider
doing so rather than leaving open speculation. If PHP is a skill needed
for the job, I suspect it will appear *somewhere* in the job description.
If you search Drupal on for example you will see a lot of PHP

Addressing some other themes I've seen here (not a direct response to you)

- Perl has been around a long time without much change

I am not sure why anyone thinks that is a bad thing. The fact that it is a
stable language seems 'good' to me. It hasn't changed because it does it's
job really well for what it does.

- That the amount of tools that exist for Perl are 'confusing'

I am not sure that is the case. The # of tools that exist does offer
choice and it can be a bit difficult to weed through the bad stuff to get
to the more useful tools, but that's what a mailing list like this can
help with. Someone can easily post saying "I need something to do X Y and
Z and I am interested in the underlying power of mod-perl or perl, can you
guys help me" and there's always posts where people do help guide.

Still though, it's not like it's really that hard. People here on the
mailing list like Perrin have written up talks comparing different
toolkits which can inform the community as well.

And even without those resources, if you are used to working with open
source tools you can usually visit and website and within 5 minutes figure
out if it's active and booming community or a dead horse.

So I see little problem really. In fact, the choice is a great thing.

As Perrin I think said earlier (I'm paraphrasing liberally I suspect), if
a company has already made up their mind ahead of time to use or not use a
technology, it's pretty easy to bash whatever you want.

That's why I liked Lupe's statistics on German job market, and I can back
up the ratios of jobs with the USA website which makes me
comfortable that his #s are probably reasonable representation of job
market reality without FUD getting in the way.

Best regards,

PerlEx and mod_perl

2004-10-02 Thread gunther
I apologize if this has been posted here before, but I don't recall 
seeing it.

The ActiveState guys recently posted that they are stopping all 
development (although support will continue through March 2005) on PerlEx.
For those that are not aware, PerlEx is very similar to mod_perl and 
even uses a modified version of Apache::Registry to manage scripts run 
through it. I mention this news in case anyone who has experience in 
mod_perl and Windows versions of Perl is interested in helping the newly 
orphaned come over to the mod_perl side as a natural, eventual course of 

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Re: velocigen

2004-06-10 Thread gunther
The following talk link discusses how to do something similar to what 
you ask
I am not sure if Oreilly allows the presentations to be downloaded for 
old conferences somewhere on their website. If not, email me privately 
and I will dig up the slides for you.

In summary, you will probably do well by replacing start() and end() 
fnctions with BEGIN, END blocks instead and using Apache::PerlRun 
instead of Apache::Registry since Velocigen is more similar to PerlRun. 
Try Apache::Registry though because Apache::Registry is even better (but 
more finicky about how you write your code). Anyway, I am 95% sure that 
this would let you run your velocigen scripts mostly in mod_perl with 
minimal hassles.

AxKit is really a tool on top of mod_perl, so migrating velocigen 
scripts to AxKit is really another issue entirely.

Good Luck
flav wrote:
I'm trying to migrate some velocigen script to mod_perl
did someone do it before ??
I'm trying to use axkit
If someone knows some tools...

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Domain Name PR was Re: mod_perl presence at OSCON (and other CONs) is at danger

2004-06-09 Thread gunther

Chris Shiflett wrote:

  --- gunther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: (doesn't exist) (doesn't exist)

A small point, and I would have to double-check, but I don't believe
underscores are allowed in domain names. You'd want to replace those with


Right, and that brings up another thing I want to change! :)  Actually
you are right. Technically underscores are not allowed although I think
some DNS servers and clients may support it (esp. from the microsoft
world?). Even though the original? DNS RFC supports hyphens, I remember
that many years ago when I worked for, the hyphen worked
OK on the server and many clients, but some email clients didn't like
the hyphen at all and said it was an invalid domain name if someone
wanted to send email to us. So eventually it was changed to

But if some clients do support underscore, since mod_perl is frequently
written with an underscore, may as well get that domain name too in
case the client supports it and someone actually types
or But still having as a primary
project-name related domain name would be there for people who can't
type _.

Regardless, this part (as I think you meant) is just a detail where the
main point shouldn't necessarily be lost as discussed below.

  A Google search for mod_perl gives me the mod_perl Web site, the user
guide, Stas's book, and Geoff's book, in that order. Those are all pretty
good resources, and this is where people looking for mod_perl information
are likely to end up. I think the more important issue is making mod_perl
something for which people search for information, because they've already
heard about it through other means.


You are right, but the point is to improve the PR. 

I am not contending that people cannot find what they are looking for.
I could find pubmed's real URL by searching on google also (following
my example of instead of the long national library of
medicine URL). But the point is one of convenience and perception.


It's convenient to remember that major projects or entities generally
have a domain name that links to them. Do you think
would be satisfied as (or substitute whatever
you like,, and even... etc...)

The fact that you have to remember instead of is not so convenient unless you go to the site all the time
or have it bookmarked. Most people on this mailing list probably do
both so maybe you don't see this being a problem, but to the
infrequenters, it's nicer to not have to remember what the "trick" was
(Oh yeah, mod_perl is an apache project, so it's not it's own domain
name, it's I am also not saying to give up could simply redirect to


I could be wrong, but I think the message of key URL
belonging to a mere single book on the market sends a message that is
not optimal to how the mod_perl community should present itself..

I perceive a project where a couple people (even if they are people
without whom mod_perl wouldn't exist! :) ) taking the
domain name for a book rather than allowing the project itself to
utilize that domain name is not serving the community at large. At best
it is not convenient for the community at large, at worst, it sends a
message of fragmentation that the project couldn't even get it's own
domain name and "looks like" some private couple of people took it out
from under the community (regardless of whether this is true or not).

I could understand why the authors would want to take the domain name
for themselves because it will give them a lot more hits (which
arguably increases the sale of their book), but I would argue that
mod_perl books as a whole will sell better in general if the project
itself has the added convenience of it's own primary domain name.
Enhancement of PR of mod_perl is good for everyone who sells a mod_perl
book including the original authors (I would think). 

[How Important Is This...Really?]

Anyway, I am talking PR here. Many PR things are actually unnecessary
to do.  You could spend the next 5-10 years without
pointing to the real mod_perl website and it probably would only make a
small difference, but still I think it would be a difference so I added
it to the "to do list" of what I personally believe should happen to
enhance mod_perl PR. It's OK if people disagree with me of course. :) :)

Re: mod_perl presence at OSCON (and other CONs) is at danger

2004-06-09 Thread gunther
 free Perl apps
out there, but mod_perl apps on tI count about 15
apps total (not counting "toolkits" or core "tools" like CMS systems).
This is part of a chicken and egg problem. On the one hand, if you have
a lot of apps, you are more likely to see adoption of the technology
and if the technology is well adopted, you are likely to see a lot more

Along with the apps is the convincing of the ISPs to support mod_perl.
How many support PHP (A lot I would gather?) and how many support
mod_perl? I gather it's about 50 from the directory of ISPs on the
mod_perl site, but how actively do they really support mod_perl? Do
they support it? Or does it come by default along with PHP with every
single shared user www account someone gets for the going rate of

Another issue... 

has anyone gone to the following URLs: -- a website for the "first" book but the link to the
real modperl site is actually buried way down as one of the links (some consulting firm called powerdata?) (doesn't exist) (doesn't exist)

For PR, I would think it would be nice for common URLs such as these to
be freed up and appropriately used or redirected to

As an only semi-frequent user of, I really prefer
typing or .org and not having to remember the
* convention.  Call me crazy, but even though I use pubmed
several times a week, I still find myself just typing
instead of the real url:  Similar concept.

Gosh, I guess I am being very negative in this email. Sorry if I come
across that way. 

I could be wrong, but I suppose a positive way moving forward would be
to resolve the following issues to generate more positive PR for
mod_perl in the following summary:

1) Promoting classes of applications that use mod_perl
    eg Success stories for classes of applications that use mod_perl
(maybe even bioinformatics) 
 a once a month "interview" with someone using mod_perl
successfully would make a nice repetoire of more stories.
2) Promoting applications that use mod_perl
   If you've written a useful app that uses mod_perl at your workplace,
please see if your employer would consider allowing it to be open
3) Let's get the domain names in order. 
eg It's nice that Lincoln and Doug have had all these ages,
but now that their book has been out for years, it would be nice to
give the URL back to the community and instead have their book use a
more appropriate URL like Likewise for other URLs. 
4) ISPs That support mod_perl
  This is a tough one but I think it would be interesting to know what
supporting mod_perl means for the 50 ISPs on the list. Is there a way
that they can share their secrets (ala #1) to encouraging other ISPs to
support mod_perl. Can people evangelize the use of mod_perl on their
servers? I suppose this may only happen if there are enough apps in #2
to force the ISPs to want to enable mod_perl by default though...
5) Create a google bomb whereby when "web apps of mass domination" is
searched, comes up. Then report the google bomb as a
news item on slashdot.  

I guess I should stop my spewing now. I wish everyone here luck in
promoting mod_perl.


Re: Comments on Struts-like mod_perl module

2003-12-05 Thread Gunther Birznieks

Stuart Moffatt wrote:


About a month ago, I was put on a project that was perl-based, but with no
framework. As our GUI team develops mostly in java, and now mostly with
struts, I came to love the MVC architecture. Simple to estimate, design, and
maintain. I loved struts mvc so much that I implemented a struts-like
framework in plain old CGI. I used it for the perl project with great
success: quick, modular development from the client to the API.

I like this as well. How is the performance under CGI though? Do you 
support an identical config to struts? Which version of struts do you 

Do you sit on top of wombat? The Perl Servlet API?

I called it Straps (STRuts - A Perl Substitute). [Struts-developers: Let me
know if I've broken the rules for embedding Struts in the nickname]. It is a
bit of a cutesy name, but I didn't want to assume I could use --
and it really isn't just an interface to a struts-ish servlet, it actually
replaces one.

Sounds good to me.

The main controller, rather than a java servlet, is a cgi installed in the
docroot at /straps/servlet.cgi
All requests go through this cgi, fire off Actions and ActionForms (just
like struts), store data in the session. and then land on a resulting cgi
page that would get the data out of the session and load up an
HTML::Template for the view. The ActionForms contain our application data


Interesting! Do you emulate the Struts widgets in HTML::Template?

All in all, a rudimentary, but working version of a perl implementation of
But like most CGI apps, there were failings (performance, URI control, etc)

In the last two weeks, I've converted the "servlet" cgi to mod_perl, and
made it look like a real struts servlet. I have not ported the application
yet, but I have a new project that is also perl so I will build this app on
top of the mod_perl version of Straps, which I am tentatively calling
Apache::Straps. You all know the kinds of speed improvements I've seen
(100-150x on the loading of the framework alone with a small test
application), not to mention the hooks into the URI-mapping and request
cycle that I am ecstatic about.

I think the Apache-specific one should be Apache::App::Straps (similar 
to Chris' thing) but that you should make this module as Apache-specific 
as possible but require CGI::Straps or Straps or CGI::App::Straps as the 
core set of modules that defines straps.

If you put this project primarily under the Apache::* namespace, it will 
be mistakenly branded as being Apache-specific which it shouldn't be IMHO. 

The best two examples of modules that were created under Apache::* 
namespace and still (I believe) confuse people into thinking they are 
only for mod_perl is Apache::Session (which can be used for CGIs) and 
Apache::DBI (which can be used for other persistent Perl environments). 
I personally believe you should avoid this problem.

In addition, there are many other mechanisms for improving performance 
of CGI from SpeedyCGI and I think Matt Sergeant has a PersistentPerl 
interface, and then there is ActiveState's PerlEx (Not greatly supported 
these days but it does exist )for IIS and Velocigen as a commercial 
product to embed Perl in Netscape And ISAPI Servers like IIS... etc..

So I think if a group of people used SpeedyCGI, you might find your CGI 
version of Straps having reasonable performance.

Anyway, I thought the Right Thing To Do was get the idea out on this list
before any upload to CPAN, etc. I suppose at some point I'd have to talk to
the Struts people to find out if they mind as the framework and config file
uses the same naming conventions as struts.


Where is the website? :)

Is there a mailing list I can subscribe to? You might want to also cross 
post to the p5ee mailing list ... as servlet API to some degree falls a 
little bit under p5ee (servlets being a part of j2ee).

Good Luck!

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