ANNOUNCE: Apache2::RequestRec::Time 1.0

2009-09-10 Thread Jan Pazdziora

The uploaded file


has entered CPAN as

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/J/JA/JANPAZ/Apache2-RequestRec-Time-1.0.tar.gz
  size: 3370 bytes
   md5: 2c08dc68bfeeae47c8df2eae87f3b22d

   As of mod_perl 2.0.4, it is possible to get request duration
   information by substracting current time from $r->request_time().
   However, that information is in seconds, so it's not possible to get
   the equivalent of Custom Log Format %D -- the time taken to serve
   the request, in microseconds.

   This module adds $r->request_duration_microseconds() method,
   and a couple of utility methods.

   Apache2::RequestRec::Time - Bring microseconds to Apache2::RequestRec

   use Apache2::RequestRec::Time ();
   # have Apache2::RequestRec object $r
   my $duration = $r->request_duration_microseconds();

   The Apache2::RequestRec::Time extends the Apache2::RequestRec
   functionality with method request_duration_microseconds(). That makes
   it possible to retrieve from Perl information equivalent to Custom Log
   Format’s %D: the time taken to serve the request, in microseconds.

   Parameters: $r: Apache2::RequestRec object

   Returns: time taken to serve the request, in microseconds.
   Actually, it’s time since $r->request_time(). It is equivalent to
   %D in Custom Log Formats.

   Parameters: $r: Apache2::RequestRec object

   Returns: time taken to serve the request, in seconds. Equivalent to
   %T in Custom Log Formats.

   Parameters: $r: Apache2::RequestRec object

   Returns: time the request was received, in microseconds since
   epoch.  This is microsecond-ish variant of $r->request_time().

Enjoy.  Comments welcome.

Jan Pazdziora

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Introducing GX

2011-09-21 Thread Jan Pazdziora
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 03:49:53PM +0200, Jörg A. Uzarek wrote:
> I am happy to announce the first public (developer) release of GX, a web 
> application framework that is designed from the ground up to be run in 
> persistent environments like mod_perl (or FastCGI).
> You can download the (pre-alpha) release from CPAN:
> or from the GX Framework website:
> I have also set up a public git repository at:
> A (pathetic excuse for a) quick start tutorial is available here:
> Please give it a try and post feedback here or on the GX Framework mailing 
> list ( Additional contact 
> information for reporting bugs, etc. can be found in the POD.

Hello Jörg,

three questions -- there already seems to be a GX framework for JS

Aren't you affraid of namespace clash?

The tutorial is nice but it's mostly a get-mod_perl-running tutorial
-- the resulting application is what seems to be just a static
welcome.html there. Any more complex example application, showing
some Perl code executed, and database accessed? The GX man page it
lacking the relationship explanation as well.

Can you provide some high level comparison to (say) Catalyst? Surely
there was a reason to come up with yet another web application
framework, so what are the selling points?


Jan Pazdziora

Re: how to run regex calculation

2020-01-09 Thread Jan Pazdziora
On Thu, Jan 09, 2020 at 05:21:38PM +0800, Wesley Peng wrote:
> what does (??{$1*$2}) means?

Check the perlre(1) man page for explanation of "(??{ code })".

As already mentioned, other venues like Perlmonks might serve better
for the generic Perl questions.

Jan Pazdziora

PerlOpenLogsHandler, END, Devel::Cover, and coredump

2009-05-15 Thread Jan Pazdziora


I'm getting segfaults when I use module which has an END {} block
as PerlOpenLogsHandler or PerlPostConfigHandler with Devel::Cover.
I found the problem when I used DBI in my PerlOpenLogsHandler but
even small module with an END block shows the same behaviour.

Here's what I have:


use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use Apache::TestMM qw(clean test);
NAME => 'mod_perl-end-devel-cover-test',
'Apache2::Const' => 0,
'Test' => 0,
'Test::More' => 0,
'Devel::Cover' => 0,


package TestEND;
sub handler {
return 0;
END { print STDERR "END\n"; }


PerlSwitches -...@serverroot@/../lib
PerlOpenLogsHandler TestEND


use Test;
plan tests => 1;


use Apache::TestRunPerl ();

I can run make test just fine. When I run make testcover TEST_VERBOSE=1,
I get

waiting 60 seconds for server to start: .[  error] 
server has died with status 255 (please examine t/logs/error_log)
[  error] oh nuts, server dumped core 
[  error] for stacktrace, run: gdb /usr/sbin/httpd -core 
sh: line 1: 14749 Terminated  /usr/bin/perl 
/home/adelton/project/mod_perl-end-devel-cover/t/TEST -one-process -bugreport 

The backtrace is

#0  Perl_pp_entersub (my_perl=0x24a61b8) at pp_hot.c:2643
#1  0x010a5cf3 in Perl_call_sv (my_perl=0x24a61b8, sv=0x20, flags=6) at 
#2  0x00a19b3e in modperl_perl_call_list (my_perl=0x24a61b8, 
subs=0x29d8d94, name=0xa3d281 "END") at modperl_util.c:483
#3  0x00a26068 in modperl_perl_call_endav (my_perl=0x24a61b8) at 
#4  0x00a260c5 in modperl_perl_destruct (perl=0x24a61b8) at 
#5  0x00a0f725 in modperl_interp_destroy (interp=0x24cfff8) at 
#6  0x00a0f7e1 in modperl_interp_pool_destroy (data=0x249e2c0) at 
#7  0x0069ead9 in run_cleanups () at memory/unix/apr_pools.c:2306
#8  apr_pool_destroy (pool=0x24a21c0) at memory/unix/apr_pools.c:774
#9  0x0069ed98 in apr_pool_clear (pool=0x2333638) at 
#10 0x009be6b0 in main (argc=1650552405, argv=0xbf8e85c4) at 

and the error_log has

[Fri May 15 21:20:21 2009] [notice] SELinux policy enabled; httpd 
running as context unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0

So the END block is executed but the restart of the apache server
(the one which happens after PerlPostConfigHandler) fails. The problem
does not occur when the module is used as PerlHandler. The problem
does not occur without Devel::Cover.

The versions of software are


-- I'm using packages from Fedora 10, not compiled by myself.

Have you got any hints what could be the problem or where to
start looking for the cause of the segfault?


Jan Pazdziora

Re: Custom PerlResponseHandler for a subrequest

2024-06-04 Thread Jan Pazdziora
On Tue, Jun 04, 2024 at 03:35:06PM +0200, Jan Kasprzak wrote:
>   Hello,
> I am trying to do something like this in PerlAuthenHandler,
> and it mostly works:
> sub auth_handler {
>   my ($r) = @_;
>   ...
>   if ($cond) {
>   $r->set_handlers(PerlResponseHandler => sub {
>   my ($r) = @_;
>   $r->content_type('text/plain');
>   $r->print("custom handler was here\n");
>   return Apache2::Const::OK;
>   });
>   $r->user('dummy-user-for-a-dummy-handler');
>   return Apache2::Const::OK;
>   }
>   ...
> }
> when $cond happens, I get 200 OK with "custom handler was here"
> instead of whatever is configured as PerlResponseHandler in httpd.conf.
> So far good.


> Then for requests meeting $cond above I get the following:
> -> 302 to /directory/ (trailing slash, OK)
> -> 200 with custom handler as expected
> -> 200 with custom handler as expected
> -> 200 from My::Ordinary::Handler - FAIL
> -> 200 with custom handler as expected
> -> 200 from My::Ordinary::Handler - FAIL
> It seems that the auth_handler gets called for all the above requests,
> but for the failed ones mod_rewrite creates subrequests, which do not inherit
> the custom PerlResponseHandler set by auth_handler(). How can I replace
> a PerlResponseHandler even for a subrequest? Or how can I tap to a subrequest
> creation? Or how can I bypass mod_rewrite from within the PerlAuthenHandler
> and return my own 200 OK response immediately?

Are you able to check / configure some logging to see if that
auth_handler was called at all in the redirect / subrequest case,
and if the $cond was found true there?

Do you still see the dummy-user-for-a-dummy-handler logged (with
My::Ordinary::Handler content), or is that user information missing
as well?

How is that auth_handler configured / enabled anyway?

Jan Pazdziora