Sorry, should have said I was running MP2 under RH
Apache/2.0.54 (Unix) mod_perl/2.0.0 Perl/v5.8.0 configured

From: cfaust-dougot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 5/30/2005 10:30 AM
Subject: Previous Pages/Requests appearing

I am having problems with previous pages/requests showing up on refreshes and/or the clicking on links not going to the proper page etc. etc.
Its a new server and I didn't think it was the code so I commented out all mod_perl scripts and added the simple script below.
I also got the same problem with the script, even though I had "?aaa=true", the page wouldn't change to what was defined by the "print_aaa" sub, switching to "?bbb=true" would result in no change either.
What is strange is all I would need to do is wait 4 or 5 seconds and then go back and the very first request would always do the proper thing, of course "perl-status" showed a new process (perl-status never showed more then 1 process during the testing).
Any idea?
##### Test Script ##
package MP2ShareTest;
use strict;
use CGI;
use vars qw($r $CGI);
# Main
# Our Mod_Perl Content Handler
sub handler {
 $r = shift;
 $CGI = new CGI();
 my %form_data = ();
 %form_data = $CGI->Vars;
 if ($form_data{'bbb'} eq 'true') {
 } elsif ($form_data{'aaa'} eq 'true') {
 } else {
  print "No Form Data";
 return Apache2::Const::OK;
} # End of Sub
sub print_aaa {
 print '<a href="">Click for BBB</a>';
sub print_bbb {
 print '<a href="">Click for AAA</a>';

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