Re: mod_perl 2.0 Handler issue

2008-03-12 Thread André Warnier

xyon wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am writing my first mod_perl handler. I've looked at some of the docs
online and have come up with the config/code below. However, when I go
to visit the URL in Apache, I get a download prompt for type:

try this :

sub handler {
my $r= shift;  # get the Apache Request object

$r-content_type('text/html'); # set some Response header
$r-print(h1It works !/h1); # send some content

return Apache2::Const::OK; # make Apache happy

In your original version, what happens is :

sub handler {
my $self= shift;  # you get the Request object here
# you return no content at all
return Apache2::Const::OK; # tell Apache it's OK

I guess that with no content returned (not even HTTP headers), Apache is 
left to wonder what to return, and returns something to the browser with 
 a funny content type.

On the other hand, if in your http config you had :

PerlResponseHandler Myserver::Handler-handler

then your handler sub should be :

sub handler {
my $self = shift; # get Myserver::Handler class
my $r= shift;  # get the Apache Request object

$r-content_type('text/html'); # set the Response headers
$r-print(h1It works !/h1); # send some content

return Apache2::Const::OK; # make Apache happy

That is because with the Package-sub syntax in the http config, 
mod_perl sets up the call differently, and calls you sub() as a method.

One last tip :
If, instead of returning Apache2::const::OK in your handler, you send 
nothing back but return Apache2::const::DECLINED, then Apache will 
revert to its own default handler, and send back what it would normally 
send (probably a directory listing in this case).

Hope this helps.


Re: mod_perl 2.0 Handler issue

2008-03-12 Thread xyon
Hey everyone,

I am working on my first Object-Oriented project, and have hit a slight
snag. I am using HTML::Template to output within the View module, but it
never outputs. I don't see any errors in the logs, I just get a blank
page. Below is pertinent information including a test script with its

OS Info:

CentOS release 4.6 (Final)

Package info:



package Myserver::View;

#Setup some essentials
use strict; #strict tolerance for code
use Carp;   #debugging
use diagnostics;#more debugging
use warnings;   #more debugging

#Loadup some needed functions
use HTML::Template;

sub new {
my $self= shift;
return $self;

sub mainpage {
my $self= shift;
my $template= HTML::Template-new( filename =
cache = 1,
debug = 1, 
stack_debug = 1 );
print Content-Type: text/html\n\n;
return $self;



#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Test printing of the main page
print Main Page..;

#Let's load the view module
use lib ../;
use Myserver::View;
#Now let's load some things that are very handy
use strict; #strict tolerance for code
use Carp;   #debugging
use warnings;   #more debugging
use diagnostics;#even more debugging

# Let's create an object
my $view= Myserver::View-new;

# Now, let's tell View to display the main page

print .OK;



htmlbody bgcolor=#FF00FFTest!/body/html

Output with debugging on (as above):

$ tests/ 
### HTML::Template Debug ### In _parse:
### HTML::Template _param Stack Dump ###

$VAR1 = [
  \'htmlbody bgcolor=#FF00FFTest!/body/html

Main Page..Content-Type: text/html

### HTML::Template Debug ### In output
### HTML::Template output Stack Dump ###

$VAR1 = [
  \'htmlbody bgcolor=#FF00FFTest!/body/html


Output without debugging:

$ tests/ 
Main Page..Content-Type: text/html

