
I use mod_perl on http://www.a-blast.org/ and want to suggest it for

It is a "truly interactive text network", written completely in
mod_perl. For a quick, non-technical overview have a look on
http://www.assoziations-blaster.de/prixars/ (its in english on our old

About one year ago, it runs on M$ IIS with ActivePerl and some PHP, in
the meantime it is completely rewritten as Apache module, using MySQL as
database. With this, I speed up the execution time from ~3 Seconds to
~10 milliseconds for each Blast-Page (OK, OK, the old machine had a very
worst hardware, now we use only a semi-worst one: Pentium II 350, 320 MB
RAM with Soft-RAID 0 under Linux).

The blast_engine includes the links into the texts in realtime, also the
statistics are created in realtime:

    (german, with much more traffic)

The blaster uses the speed benefit of keeping the complete keyword list
in memory (more then 5 MB for the german version), for the non-linear
real-time linker I use a ~50 line regexp .-)
The HTML-Files are compressed on-the-fly with Compress::Zlib, so we keep
bandwidth (and transmission time to the users) small.

so, hmmm, if you have any (technical?) questions, feel free to ask ;)

The german version has about 5000 visitors and 20000 page views per day,
which is very good for a non-profit net.art project in germany.


Alvar C.H. Freude  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

    Demo: http://www.online-demonstration.org/  |  Mach mit!
Blast-DE: http://www.assoziations-blaster.de/   |  Blast-Dich-Fit
Blast-EN: http://www.a-blast.org/               |  Blast/english

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