Announce: JServ 1.1b2 for apache 1.3.9 and mod_ssl 2.4.5 RPM

1999-10-20 Thread GOMEZ Henri


Apache JServ 1.1b2 for apache 1.3.9 and mod_ssl 2.4.5 for
Redhat Linux 6.0

Just uploaded to :

Built under Redhat 6.0 with all updates and RPM 3.0.2.
I used ibm-jdk 1.1.8 which install on /opt. You can grab it

See you and enjoy.

Henri Gomez ___[_]
PGP KEY : 4912D659...oOOo..(_)..oOOo...
PGP Fingerprint : 8CAD0D50356DA7E45C540B010FFE39E8
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[BugDB] con reset by peer with netscape (PR#308)

1999-10-20 Thread modssl-bugdb

Full_Name: JP Donnio
Version: 2.4.5
OS: Linux RH 5
Submission from: (

Follow up of PR 294

Most Netscape browsers version 4 fail to establish a SSL connection to 
our servers. They complain about I/O error.

On the server all we get is something like this:

[Mon Oct 18 14:26:14 1999] [error] mod_ssl: SSL handshake interrupted by system
 Stop button pressed in browser?!] (System error follows)
[Mon Oct 18 14:26:14 1999] [error] System: Connection reset by peer (errno:

Some internet explorers (for mac?) have the same problem. Only MSIE 4 and 5 on 
win32 connect correctly.

Our web site is

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSE back / 2.4.6 prepared / feedback appreciated

1999-10-20 Thread Mehul N. Sanghvi

> So, while I'm busy with moving this week, please take the chance and fetch the
> latest snapshot from and try it out. It should
> be very stable. Please give feedback whether it works fine or fails horrible
> until Friday.
> Thanks.

I built it with APXS from Apache 1.3.9 and it seems to have built with
no errors.

Do i need to rebuild Apache/mod_ssl from scratch if i want to use MM ?
I did not use MM originally to build mod_ssl.



"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
 - Indira Gandhi
 stolen from Ben Laurie on the FSB list.
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[BugDB] followup connection error with netscape (PR#309)

1999-10-20 Thread modssl-bugdb

Full_Name: JP Donnio
Version: 2.4.5
OS: RH 5
Submission from: (

followup of PR 294 & 308

I have been able to reproduce the problem. I have installed a netscape 
communicator 4.07 french on win95.

If I try to connect to with it the connection fails
If I disable SSLv3 in communicator it connects (only SSL v2)

It seems like it is not possible to connect with SSLv3

I have modified the server not to propose SSLv3 ciphers with
but the problem still occurs.

Only way I have found to connect from this netscape is to disable 
SSLv3 from the navigator.

Any idea?

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSE back / 2.4.6 prepared / feedback appreciated

1999-10-20 Thread Ralf S. Engelschall

On Wed, Oct 20, 1999, Mehul N. Sanghvi wrote:

> > So, while I'm busy with moving this week, please take the chance and fetch the
> > latest snapshot from and try it out. It should
> > be very stable. Please give feedback whether it works fine or fails horrible
> > until Friday.
> I built it with APXS from Apache 1.3.9 and it seems to have built with
> no errors.


> Do i need to rebuild Apache/mod_ssl from scratch if i want to use MM ?
> I did not use MM originally to build mod_ssl.

MM is an optional part of EAPI and for EAPI you've to
recompile Apache. So, yes, for MM you've to recompile Apache.

   Ralf S. Engelschall
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: RSE back / 2.4.6 prepared / feedback appreciated

1999-10-20 Thread GOMEZ Henri

I just modified some stuff from latest RPM spec 
(Magnus and I), rebuild and tested.

It works fine under Redhat 6.0 + latest updates.

PS:I upgraded to mm 1.0.12 just to be up to date.
RE-PS: the same server support apache JServ 1.1b2 without any problems.

See you

Henri Gomez ___[_]
PGP KEY : 4912D659...oOOo..(_)..oOOo...
PGP Fingerprint : 8CAD0D50356DA7E45C540B010FFE39E8


RE: [BugDB] followup connection error with netscape (PR#309)

1999-10-20 Thread GOMEZ Henri

>followup of PR 294 & 308
>I have been able to reproduce the problem. I have installed a netscape 
>communicator 4.07 french on win95.
>If I try to connect to with it the 
>connection fails
>If I disable SSLv3 in communicator it connects (only SSL v2)
>It seems like it is not possible to connect with SSLv3

Same problem with netscape communicator pro french 4.7 on both
WinNT and Linux.

But only on this site. Others site using various mod_ssl 
works well (ie using 1.3.9 but modssl 2.4.2)

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RSE back / 2.4.6 prepared / feedback appreciated

1999-10-20 Thread Ralf S. Engelschall

On Wed, Oct 20, 1999, GOMEZ Henri wrote:

> I just modified some stuff from latest RPM spec 
> (Magnus and I), rebuild and tested.
> It works fine under Redhat 6.0 + latest updates.
> PS:I upgraded to mm 1.0.12 just to be up to date.
> RE-PS: the same server support apache JServ 1.1b2 without any problems.

Sounds good. Thanks for your feedback.  

BTW, while I was busy today I've in the background let 10 clients continuesly
connected to a server via SSL for over 8 hours on my development machine and
all worked fine. No failures, segfaults or whatever else unusual situations
occured. So I guess 2.4.6 is ready to be kicked out the next days.

   Ralf S. Engelschall
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problem compiling Apache with mod_ssl on NT

1999-10-20 Thread Chowdhri, Kavita

Hi all
I have a problem with the compilation of Apache 1.3.4 with mod-ssl over
Windows NT. I am using Cygnus as the Unix interface and compiling using
VC++. I have been following the instructions as described in the modssl
documentation and am now trying to nmake (a VC++ command) Apache with the
makefile generated for NT. Everything goes fine until I get a linker error,
and I can't seem to figure it out. I am sending the list of instructions I
followed along with an attachment of the output that I obtained with the
nmake command. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
1. Make sure CygWin, Perl and the Visual Studio tools are already installed
and available through the commands `gzip', `tar', `perl', `nmake', `cl',
`link', etc. They are needed for configuring SSLeay and mod_ssl and for
building the packages. Additionally a text editor should be available.
We assume `vim' (Vi Improved), but you can use any preferred text editor.
NOTE: vim doesn't work under cygwin. 
2. Extract the required packages
$ gzip -d -c apache_1.3.x.tar.gz | tar xvf - 
$ gzip -d -c mod_ssl-2.1.x-1.3.x.tar.gz | tar xvf - 
$ gzip -d -c SSLeay-0.9.x.tar.gz | tar xvf - 
3. Configure and build the SSLeay library. This is a little bit
more complicated than under Unix, because you have to additionally
patch some source files. So be patient while hacking ;-)
o Enter the SSLeay source tree
$ cd SSLeay-0.9.0b
o Modify $INSTALLTOP in util\ to fit your preference (e.g.
$ vim util\
<< $INSTALLTOP="/usr/local/ssl";
>> $INSTALLTOP="p:\ssleay";
NOTE: Instead of p:, specify the path where SSLeay has been extracted.
o Edit file crypto\bn\bn_mulw.c by changing line 174:
$ vim crypto\bn\bn_mulw.c
<< return(ll&BN_MASK2);
>> return(BN_ULONG)(ll&BN_MASK2);
o Edit file crypto\des\des.h as following:
$ vim include\des.h
<< char *crypt();
>> #ifndef MOD_SSL
>> char *crypt();
>> #endif
o Create the all-in-one SSLeay Makefile for building under Win32:
$ perl util\ no-asm dll VC-WIN32 > makefile.win32
Note: When you've the Microsoft Assembler (`ml') installed on your
platform you can leave out the `no-asm' option, of course.
Trick: Even if you don't the have Microsoft Assembler you still
can make use of the optimized assembler version of the code.
SSLeay distribution comes with some precompiled .asm files. If
you want to use them, create an empty `ml.bat' file and put it
in your %PATH% and leave out the `no-asm'
flag above.
o Build the SSLeay package
$ nmake /f makefile.win32
o Install SSLeay into $INSTALLTOP. You have do this by hand:
(replace p:\ssleay with the path you set $INSTALLTOP to)
$ md p:\ssleay 
$ md p:\ssleay\bin
$ md p:\ssleay\lib
$ md p:\ssleay\include
$ copy /b inc32\* p:\ssleay\include
$ copy /b out32dll\ssleay32.lib p:\ssleay\lib
$ copy /b out32dll\libeay32.lib p:\ssleay\lib
$ copy /b out32dll\ssleay32.dll p:\ssleay\bin
$ copy /b out32dll\libeay32.dll p:\ssleay\bin
$ copy /b out32dll\ssleay.exe p:\ssleay\bin
NOTE: Again, specify the path instead of p:
o Leave the SSLeay source tree
$ cd ..
o Now put $INSTALLTOP\bin into your %PATH%
(needed because of the DLLs!)
4. Now apply the mod_ssl source extension and source patches to 
the Apache source tree.
$ cd mod_ssl-2.1.x-1.3.x
$ configure.bat \
--with-apache=..\apache_1.3.x \
$ cd ..
5. Build and install the SSL-aware Apache:
$ cd apache_1.3.x\src
$ nmake /f Makefile.nt
NOTE: This is where I had a significant number of warnings with unmatched
operators. I don't know if that is going to make a difference. E.g.
conversion from double to float- possible loss of data. Signed- unsigned
NOTE: While compiling, it couldn't find "ssl.h". This was an include
statement in c:\Program Files\Apache
Group\apache_1.3.4\src\modules\mod_ssl.h on line 81. I just looked for the
include statement (line 81 onwards) and explicitly included the file with
the entire path name such as
#include "c:\\progra~1\\apache~1\\ssleay~1.0B\\include\\ssl.h"
The other files under the SSLeay header files were also specified with
absolute paths.
The compilation proceeds until the ApacheModuleSSL.dll is being made. I get
an error which says that it can't open the library file when in fact the
file that it is looking for is actually present, i.e.
The path however is not specified correctly as the file is in "c:\program
files\apache group\ssleay-0.9.0b\lib\ssleay32.lib"
$ nmake /f Makefile.nt installr
Help on the above would be greatly appreciated.
Kavita Chowdhri 
Xerox Corporation 
Off 310-333-8190 
Res 323-766-9339 


[BugDB] snakeoil-ca-rsa.crt is expired (PR#310)

1999-10-20 Thread modssl-bugdb

Full_Name: Tom Vaughan
Version: SNAP-19991020
OS: GNU/Linux
Submission from: (

[tvaughan@rehab pkg.sslcfg]$ pwd

[tvaughan@rehab pkg.sslcfg]$ ../../openssl-0.9.4/apps/openssl  x509 -noout -text
-in snakeoil-ca-rsa.crt 
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number: 0 (0x0)
Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C=XY, ST=Snake Desert, L=Snake Town, O=Snake Oil, Ltd,
OU=Certificate Authority, CN=Snake Oil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Not Before: Oct  8 17:40:19 1998 GMT
Not After : Oct  8 17:40:19 1999 GMT
Subject: C=XY, ST=Snake Desert, L=Snake Town, O=Snake Oil, Ltd,
OU=Certificate Authority, CN=Snake Oil [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject Public Key Info:
Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
Modulus (1024 bit):
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Basic Constraints: 
CA:TRUE, pathlen:0
Netscape Cert Type: 
SSL CA, S/MIME CA, Object Signing CA
Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem compiling Apache with mod_ssl on NT

1999-10-20 Thread Ralf S. Engelschall

On Wed, Oct 20, 1999, Chowdhri, Kavita wrote:

> I have a problem with the compilation of Apache 1.3.4 with mod-ssl over
> Windows NT. I am using Cygnus as the Unix interface and compiling using
> VC++. I have been following the instructions as described in the modssl
> documentation and am now trying to nmake (a VC++ command) Apache with the
> makefile generated for NT. Everything goes fine until I get a linker error,
> and I can't seem to figure it out. I am sending the list of instructions I
> followed along with an attachment of the output that I obtained with the
> nmake command. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> [...]
> $ cd mod_ssl-2.1.x-1.3.x
> [...]

You're using very anchient versions of Apache, mod_ssl and SSLeay.  Don't do
this - use the recent versions, please. I've tried this a few days ago on a
Win32 environment myself and it worked fine with the latest mod_ssl snapshot.
So please start over with these newer versions.

   Ralf S. Engelschall
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)
User Support Mailing List  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Automated List Manager[EMAIL PROTECTED]