my appache sends the error code 14094412 if I try client  
authentication with a certificate. See log below:  
ap229537.zdv.commerzbank.com:443, client   
(OpenSSL library error follows)  
[Mon Mar 05 10:03:52 2001] [error] OpenSSL: error:14094412:  
SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert bad certificate   
[Hint: Subject CN in certificate not server name or   
identical to CA!?]  
The hint doesn't say anything: It's not a server name  
because it's a user certificate. There are user  
certificates without servernames in DN that will work.  
It's not an certificate with SubjectDN same as IssuerDN.  
What does the errorcode want to say?   
Thanks a lot  
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