Problem with Global Server ID - SGC

2000-03-06 Thread vijay karthik

Hi !

I am facing a problem while configuring Global server
certificate - SGC support !

1> I got a verisign Global Serv ID(for SGC) : gsid.crt
2> specified the gsid.crt under SSLCertificateFile
3> specified the key file
4> Got the intermediate verisign CA root(gsid_ca.crt) 
  and specified the same under
5> started apache: apachectl startssl

I installed 4.08 netscape browser with SCG support.
Selected the cipher - "RC4 encryption with a 128-bit
key and an MD5 MAC (When permitted)" ! I unselected
every other cipher from the browser.i expected a
step-up. The browser gave an error when connecting to
apache server.

"You cannot connect to an encrypted website because
SSL has  been disabled. you can enable SSL from
security->navigator option...etc"

Whereas if i select a cipher "RC4 encryption with a
40-bit key and an MD5 MAC" then the connection goes
thru fine. This means still the stepup doesnt work!

The ssl_engine_log file says...
OpenSSL: read 0/7 bytes from BIO#00159AF0
[mem:00175048] (BIO dump follows)
Spurious SSL handshake interrupt[Hint: Usually one of
those OpenSSL confusions]

The verisign customer support says "install
Intermediate Cert first and then
the SGC(Globas server) cert later.." but i could not
understand how you can do that..afterall, if i dont
specify the SSLcertificateFile when the 
SSLEngine is ON i wont be able to start the server at

Can someone help me on this ?

Thanks a lot

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Re: No response after starting apache1.3.11-modssl2.5.0 in WinNT

2000-02-13 Thread vijay karthik


The server prompts for the passphrase once
on my NT installation, but i went ahead and
typed the passphrase again eventhoug it didnt 
prompt for it.(it was seeming to be hanging,
but still i typed my password) and there
you go, evreything started to work fine.

Even the log file(when you set debug logtype option
in httpd.conf) has log messages that say the server is
waiting for the second try for passphrase.

seems like there is no explicit prompt message
but the program is still waiting for the
passphrase ? and until i type it, i see from openssl
command tool(s_client option) that the  client
is waiting for "Server Hello". once typed i could see
the handshake go thru fine!


--- Cheung Chun Ho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are able to build openssl-0.9.4, apache-1.3.11
> with modssl-2.5.0's
> patch applied in Win98 and run the SSL webserver
> successfully. 
> We do similar build in WinNT server 4.0 and use
> similar httpd.conf. We
> start the server by "apache -D SSL". Unlike in
> Win98, the server prompt
> the pass phase once, instead of twice. The server
> seems to be hanged
> afterward and both netscape and IE fail to connect
> to it, whether using
> http or https.  The same problem occurs with the
> opensa-0.20 package. If
> the server key is not pass-phase protected, both
> netscape and IE can
> connect to it using http and https, unless when we
> are doing SSL client
> authentication. 
> I wonder if anyone encounters similar problem and
> knows the solution for
> it.
> thanks and regards,
> Ho
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Re: modssl on NT

2000-02-11 Thread vijay karthik

Eventhough the openssl tool complains for the
certificate, it doesnt seem to to mean
much. Because i tried the same certificate on
my Unix installation(same setup:apache/modssl/bsafe)
it worked very fine. And still the openssl
tool on unix complained. probably the error
shown by the tool is not related to the
problem i am seeing.

The fact that the dummy certs work fine
but not verisign certs should give some lead to
which component the problem could lie in. 
(could it be in mod_ssl/openssl/bsafe patch?)

Any guesses?

--- vijay karthik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi !
> The apache server is working with the
> dummy certs but not the verisign cert.
> I ran the command,
> openssl verify 
> i got the following error
> verisign.crt:
> error 20 at 0 depth lookup:unable to get local
> issuer
> certificate

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Re: modssl on NT

2000-02-11 Thread vijay karthik

The httpd.conf was taken from unix and
 was failing hence the
modules were not getting loaded.
I removed the IfDefine from httpd.conf.
(thats the reason we give -DSSL in commandline
to start httpd on Unix ?)

Now the apache with modssl/openssl is running
when i start apache.exe. Eventhough the
apache server is now listening on SSL port
i dont get any response back!(no failures in
ssl_error_log file) The browser hangs with 
"contacted: waiting for reply" message!

any pointers on what to check to find out the

--- vijay karthik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I forgot to mention that i am using 
> bsafe library instead of rsaref.
> (apache1.3.9+modssl+openssl+bsafe+NT)
> thanks
> vijay
> > Hi !
> >
> > I am trying to run apache+modssl+openssl on NT.
> > I was able to build the openssl libraries.
> > I had my apache source tree extended with
> > modssl modules on my unix machine. I copied it
> > over to my NT box and compiled it. Everything
> > went thru fine and i installed apache from the
> > Build. 
> >
> > I ran the binary "Apache.exe" and i see the apache
> > server listeneing on normal port(8080).(I see no 
> > error message while startup) But i dont see
> > the SSL-aware Apache server(port#8443) up! 
> > There are  no ssl related error logs in the 
> > logs directory !
> __
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Re: modssl on NT

2000-02-11 Thread vijay karthik

I believe "LoadModule" has no effect on NT.
i removed the LoadModule line from the conf

let me know if you have any idea about how i
should proceed debugging this problem.

i have attached the httpd.conf file which i am 


## httpd.conf -- Apache HTTP server configuration file
ServerType standalone
ServerRoot "c:\apache"
PidFile c:\apache\logs\

AddModule mod_env.c
AddModule mod_log_config.c
AddModule mod_mime.c
AddModule mod_negotiation.c
#AddModule mod_status.c
AddModule mod_include.c
AddModule mod_autoindex.c
AddModule mod_dir.c
AddModule mod_cgi.c
AddModule mod_asis.c
AddModule mod_imap.c
AddModule mod_actions.c
AddModule mod_userdir.c
AddModule mod_alias.c
AddModule mod_access.c
AddModule mod_auth.c
AddModule mod_so.c
AddModule mod_setenvif.c

AddModule mod_ssl.c

Port 8080

Listen 8080
Listen 8443

DocumentRoot "c:\apache\htdocs"

ErrorLog c:\apache\logs\error_log
LogLevel warn
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\"
\"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
CustomLog c:\apache\logs\access_log common

ServerSignature On

AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt
AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl.crl

SSLPassPhraseDialog  builtin
SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300
SSLMutex  file:c:\apache\logs\ssl_mutex
SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
SSLLog  c:\apache\logs\ssl_engine_log
SSLLogLevel info

DocumentRoot "c:\apache\htdocs"
ErrorLog c:\apache\logs\error_log
TransferLog c:\apache\logs\access_log

#   SSL Engine Switch:
#   Enable/Disable SSL for this virtual host.
SSLEngine on

SSLCertificateFile c:\apache\conf\ssl.crt\verisign.crt

CustomLog c:\apache\logs\ssl_request_log \
 "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"

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Re: modssl on NT

2000-02-11 Thread vijay karthik

I forgot to mention that i am using 
bsafe library instead of rsaref.


> Hi !
> I am trying to run apache+modssl+openssl on NT.
> I was able to build the openssl libraries.
> I had my apache source tree extended with
> modssl modules on my unix machine. I copied it
> over to my NT box and compiled it. Everything
> went thru fine and i installed apache from the
> Build. 
> I ran the binary "Apache.exe" and i see the apache
> server listeneing on normal port(8080).(I see no 
> error message while startup) But i dont see
> the SSL-aware Apache server(port#8443) up! 
> There are  no ssl related error logs in the 
> logs directory !
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modssl on NT

2000-02-10 Thread vijay karthik

Hi !

I am trying to run apache+modssl+openssl on NT.
I was able to build the openssl libraries.
I had my apache source tree extended with
modssl modules on my unix machine. I copied it
over to my NT box and compiled it. Everything
went thru fine and i installed apache from the

I ran the binary "Apache.exe" and i see the apache
server listeneing on normal port(8080).(I see no 
error message while startup) But i dont see
the SSL-aware Apache server(port#8443) up! 
There are  no ssl related error logs in the 
logs directory !

or Is there someother way of starting ssl apache ?
(like on unix: -DSSL)

When i access the normal port thru browser it shows
the normal installation success page:
"The SSL/TLS-aware Apache webserver was
successfully installed on this website

I have got a certificate and the location of the
cert file is correctly specified in httpd.conf. 
The error_log is clean. 

I have added the line 
LoadModule ssl_module  c:\apache\modules\ 
Any other changes that need to be done in httpd.conf ?

Can someone tell me where the problem could be ?
What should i be checking to find out the 
problem area ?


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