i thought it might be usefull for mod_ssl to log (at debug level) the
entropy source from which the PRNG will be seeded from so that proper
entropy source configuration can be verified. i've attached a small patch
(mod_ssl-2.8.12-1.3.27) which does this.

best regards,
        aspa                                    http://www.kronodoc.fi/
*** pkg.sslmod/ssl_engine_rand.c.orig   Mon Jan 27 10:07:26 2003
--- pkg.sslmod/ssl_engine_rand.c        Mon Jan 27 10:40:46 2003
*** 87,92 ****
--- 87,98 ----
      time_t t;
      pid_t pid;
      int m;
+     char *ctxNames[] = { "", "startup", "connect" };
+     char *rssrcNames[] = { "", "builtin", "file", "exec"
+ #if SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION >= 0x00905100
+                          , "EGD"
+ #endif
+     };
      mc = myModConfig();
      nReq  = 0;
*** 97,102 ****
--- 103,111 ----
          pRandSeed = &pRandSeeds[i];
          if (pRandSeed->nCtx == nCtx) {
              nReq += pRandSeed->nBytes;
+           ssl_log(s, SSL_LOG_DEBUG, "%sRequesting %d bytes of entropy from %s:%s in 
+'%s' context", prefix, pRandSeed->nBytes, rssrcNames[pRandSeed->nSrc], 
+pRandSeed->cpPath, ctxNames[pRandSeed->nCtx]);
              if (pRandSeed->nSrc == SSL_RSSRC_FILE) {
                   * seed in contents of an external file

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