Naming help for upload management system

2004-01-04 Thread Mark Stosberg

I'd like to get some naming comments on a module I'm interested
in uploading to CPAN.

The working name I have now is "CGI::MediaDB".

Working with Data::FormValidator and, it makes it easy
to manage file uploads with the meta data stored in a SQL database
(Postgres and MySQL are supported), with the actual files stored
on the file system.

A single function will create any needed thumbnails, and write out 
all files to the database and file system.

There are also functions to remove files (from the filesystem and DB)
based on web-form input.

Finally, it create a hashref for a file, suitable for giving to 
a templating system for display and linking.

I've mostly used it with images so far, but arbitrary file formats are

I chose to use the CGI top-level namespace because it does rely on a object to work. "MediaDB" seemed like a decent way 
to describe it provides functions relating to mananging a database of

CGI::UploadDB perhaps is an even better match, since the files don't
have to be "media" files.  

My working documentation is here:

I plan to also write a tutorial to clarify things even further.



Re: Namespace suggestions for new module submission (record-level transaction howto?)

2004-01-04 Thread Arthur Corliss
On Sat, 3 Jan 2004, david nicol wrote:

> I am not certain how big Sleepycat's release is any more, but
> I think a DB::Inline done with wrapping sleepycat code
> would be an interesting project.  That might just move the problem
> from library synchronization to making sure that everyone has access
> to a compiler though.

Agreed, that's another concern that I have, which is one of my lesser reasons
for doing a "Pure Perl" solution.

> I would like to hear more about the "record level locking and
> transactions."  Perltie does not support these features: what will
> the interface look like?  My own efforts to do record level locking
> with DirDB from above the perltie are done by:

Keep in mind that I've got a great deal of performance tuning to do, along
with some serious regression tests to make sure everything works the way that
I'm intending.  This isn't stable code yet.  In a nutshell:  I'm cheating the
system through the use of the transaction log (something that will be in use
for *every* write to the db), and I still want to preserve concurrent writes.

Outside the nutshell:  This system is nothing more than an AVL binary tree
implementation, using four files (index, key values, associative values, and
the transaction log).  The write process goes something like this:  check the
transaction log for any open transactions for the same record, write lock the
log and add the entry (concurrently executing transactions can ignore the
advisory lock to mark their transaction complete).  Update the application
blocks in the relevant files, write-locking only if the file are to be extended
(and as before, other writes that aren't extending the files can ignore the

As for transactions:  what I've described above is all I have at the moment.
Atomic record updates.  What I'd like to do at some point is add support in
the log format definition for multiple record updates, but that isn't done

Another FYI, before someone asks:  I chose four files for storage for a reason
(all reasons are influenced by my feeble-mindedness, of course).  First, I
wanted to be able to crawl/rebalance the binary tree with fixed length records
for performance reasons.  Second, having separate files for the actual values
of the keys and associative values allows me to have full binary storage
capability without worrying about special encoding tricks, etc.  Outside of my
method of tracking available "slots" of storage (i.e., deleted records) for
reuse, there's nothing but data in those two files, not even record
demarcation.  The transaction log, of course, speaks for itself.

Now, if someone knows a better way, I'm all ears.  :-)

> If you're making up your own file format, how about CorlissDB?

The only problem I have with that is I don't want to give the impression that
this is just another wrapper for yet another C implementation.  Many people
will assume that they'll need some libraries and end up ignoring it.

> You said "support tied hashes" -- Did you mean support for storing
> hash references?

Nope.  It will support the hash binding via the tie() function.  That's the
primary method of use I have for it right now.

> I added support for hash references to my DirDB (and DirDB::FTP)
> modules and would appreciate your feedback on the semantics of the
> interface.  They are as follows:
>   When you store a reference to a native perl hash to DirDB,
> the hash becomes blessed so that further manipulation of the referenced
> hash manipulates the persistent store as well.
>   When you store a reference to a tied hash to DirDB, you get
> a deep copy.
>   When you store anything other than a scalar or an unblessed hash
> reference, the module throws a croak without overwriting or corrupting
> These semantics make it possible to do multi-level autovivification
> inside a DirDB data structure, even over the network (by FTP.)

Sounds interesting.  I haven't used that module before, but I think I'll go
download it and check it out.  I can imagine a few uses for it.  As to the
semantics, I can't speak intelligently on that until I get a fuller feel of
how the module will typically be used.

--Arthur Corliss
  Bolverk's Lair --
  Digital Mages --
  "Live Free or Die, the Only Way to Live" -- NH State Motto

Re: Event::IO::Listener/Linear modules proposal

2004-01-04 Thread Randy W. Sims
On 1/3/2004 11:22 PM, David Robins wrote:
I have two modules that make use of the module that would be more 
generally useful that I'd like to contribute to CPAN:

Event::IO::Linear - aggregates received data into 'lines'; handles timeouts; 
buffers writes.  Works with either Unix or Internet sockets (and presumably 
anything else based on IO::Socket).  I'm open for new names for this one as I 
realize 'linear' doesn't have a whole lot to do with lines in the perl sense 
Well, perl can read a file line by line where line is defined by the 
_record_ seperator. So maybe it should have 'Record' in the name?

Event::IO::Listener - simple server object that spawns new connections.

Code is at: (not in "CPAN 
distribution" format yet).