
2003-11-14 Thread Schuyler Erle
* On 14-Nov-2003 at 11:03AM PST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> > And because 'shred' is open-source, and part of the Linux vs
> > SCO drama, it serves as something of a touchstone - By
> > understanding the algorithm, you know its
> > advantages/disadvantages; fast but naive compared to parsing to
> > an ASN.
> Good point. Algorithm::Shred?
> > Its also applicable to any line-oriented text, not just
> > programs, hence the File::
> Again, Algorithm::Shred sounds more like it.

Yes, by analogy with Algorithm::Diff, I think that makes a lot of


DBD naming question?

2002-01-23 Thread Schuyler Erle
c data when set to true.



This module goes out of its way to make Apache::DBI do approximately 
the right thing. Almost too far.

=head1 BUGS, CAVEATS, and other WHATNOT

This is a total hack. It's probably designed all wrong, but it was intended
to be dropped right in to existing applications and just work, not to be pretty.

I think I hate the interface, but I'm not sure what to do about it.
Recommendations welcome.

Note that the structure of the DBD::Multiplex module is intentionally flat, to
make it easy to subclass, on the off-chance you, say, don't like the callback
interface or want to do something more sophisticated with it. This does mean, however,
that one can perhaps inadvertently do really strange things, like call connect() on a
statement handle, etc. I don't know what this means for the state of the free
world at large, but I'll take suggestions.

=head1 AUTHOR

Schuyler D. Erle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


This code is copyright (c) 2002 O'Reilly & Associates, and is distributed under the
same terms as perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L, L


package DBD::Multiplex;

use DBI ();
use strict;
use vars qw( @ISA $VERSION $err $errstr $drh @db_export );
use constant DEBUG => 1;

@ISA= "DBI::dr";
$VERSION= "0.10";
$err= 0;   # holds error code   for DBI::err
$errstr = "";  # holds error string for DBI::errstr
$drh= undef;   # holds driver handle once initialized

@db_export  = qw( prepare ping ); # Subs we want to export to compound dbh classes.

 A couple subs you might want to override if subclassing...

sub post_connect
my ( $drh, $dbh, $user, $pass, $attr ) = @_;

if ( my $dsn = $dbh->{multi_read} ) {
# Use the default user, password, etc. if the DSN is specified as a string.
$dsn = [ $dsn, $user, $pass, $attr ] unless ref $dsn;

warn "$dbh: Creating read-only handle $dsn->[0]...\n" if $dbh->{multi_debug};

# Get the read-only handle, and stash it in the read-write handle.
$dbh->{multi_read_dbh} = DBI->connect( @$dsn ) or return;
return 1;

sub prepare_multiplexed 
my $dbh = shift;
my $st  = shift;

# If this is a SELECT statement, and we have a read-only handle, use it.
# Otherwise, use the read/write handle with its original prepare method.
if ( $st =~ /^\W*SELECT\b/io and $dbh->{multi_read_dbh} ) {
warn "$dbh->prepare: caught select, using read-only handle: $st\n" if 
return $dbh->{multi_read_dbh}->prepare( $st, @_ );
} else {
warn "$dbh->prepare: not a select, using primary handle ($dbh): $st\n" if 
return $dbh->SUPER::prepare( @_ );

 DBD::Multiplex specific what-not.

sub _subclass
my ( $drh, $dbh ) = @_;
no strict 'refs';

# Build the original driver class name, and the mixin class name.
( my $dbd   = ref($dbh) || $dbh ) =~  s/::db$//o;
( my $mixin = $drh  ) =~  s/(::dr)?$/::$dbd/o;

unless ( %{"$mixin\::db::"} ) { # Been there, done it.
# Instantiate the mixin classes, if they don't already exist.
@{"$mixin\::$_\::ISA"} = "$dbd\::$_" for (qw( st db ));

# Export db handle methods.
    *{"$mixin\::db::$_"} = $drh->can($_) for @db_export;

return "$mixin\::db";

 Overridden DBD functions.

sub driver
my ($class, $attr) = @_;

return $drh if $drh;

$drh = DBI::_new_drh( $class, { 
Name=> $class,
Version => $VERSION,
Err => \$err,
Errstr  => \$errstr,
Attribution => "$class $VERSION by Schuyler Erle ",

return $drh;

sub connect
my $drh  = shift;
my ( $dsn, $user, $pass, $attr ) = @_;
my %clean_attr;

# Parse out the DSN. See if we have a "unified" style DSN.
my ( $dbi, $multi, $driver, $dbname, $master, $slave, $etc )
= split( ":", $dsn, 6 );

# If not, stuff whatever ended up in $slave onto $etc.
if ( defined($slave) and $slave =~ /[=;]/o ) {
$etc = $slave . ( defined($etc) ? ":$etc" : "" );
$slave = undef;

# Build the "original" master DSN.
$dsn = join(":", grep( defined($_), $dbi, $driver, $dbname, $master, $etc ));

# Apache/ can't handle non-scalar attribute values. So hide everything.
if ( $INC{'Apache/'} and $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} ) {
$clean_attr{$_} = $attr->{$_} for grep( !/^multi_/o, keys %$attr );
} else {
%clean_attr = %$attr;

my $dbh = DBI-&