On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 04:36:34PM -0800, Ofer Nave wrote:
> Valid points, but I disagree on one - I think it IS partly a technical 
> problem.  Jimmy Wales tried to start a free online encyclopedia called 
> Nupedia before Wikipedia was a twinkly in his eye, and it failed 
> miserably after getting 24 articles total.  The problem was a technical 
> one - you had to submit articles, have them reviewed and approved, etc.  
> When Wikipedia was launched, it had 1000 articles within a month, 
> because the form factor was right - want to change something?  The edit 
> button is right at the top.  Go for it.

I agree that the wiki format can be a great one for creating a "low
barrier to entry" for collaborative documentation writing.

I've witnessed work really well for darcs ( 
http://www.scannedinavian.org/DarcsWiki/ )
and CGI::Application. ( http://www.cgi-app.org/ ). 

After working a good deal on both of those wikis, I've convinced that
even more subtle details of the format can make a different. The darcs
wiki is much more pleasant to work on-- it feels easier to use. 
I'm more likely to contribute there. I'm rather satisifed as user of
that software-- it's running the MoinMoin wiki:


So what does it take to get wiki.cpan.org or wiki.perl.org set up?  I suppose a
first order of business would be to arrange hosting space, and one more 
to set up and administer the wiki.



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