On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 09:50:17AM -0400, Buddy Burden wrote:
> Brian,
> > Sourceforget sucks. Don't start using it just because I did. :)
> I'd be really curious to hear your opinions on Sourceforge (there may be a
> push to force us to start using it here at work).  If you don't think you
> could sum it up and briefly and/or think it's too off-topic here, maybe you
> could post it somewhere else.  But I'm sure lots of folks could benefit from
> your accumulated wisdom. :)

I think one issue is that the only still offer CVS for SCM, while many people
want something else now: Subversion or darcs for example.  ( Although people
have figured out how to publish darcs repos into their SF web space:

There's also the ads. It's nice to work in ad-free environment whenever 

It's still nice that SourceForge bundles several services that somewhat 
integrated and


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