New module Math::Logic::Predicate

2002-09-03 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server

The next version of the Module List will list the following module:

  modid:   Math::Logic::Predicate
  DSLIP:   bdpOp
  description: Query a Predicate Logic database
  userid:  LPALMER (Luke Palmer)
  chapterid:6 (Data_Type_Utilities)
  enteredby:   BDFOY (brian d foy)
  enteredon:   Tue Sep  3 18:30:59 2002 GMT

The resulting entry will be:

::Predicate   bdpOp Query a Predicate Logic database LPALMER

Please allow a few days until the entry will appear in the published
module list.

Parts of the data listed above can be edited interactively on the

Thanks for registering,
The Pause Team

New module Math::Logic

2000-05-21 Thread Perl Authors Upload Server

The next version of the Module List will list the following module:

  modid:   Math::Logic
  description: Provides pure 2, 3 or multi-value logic
  userid:  SUMMER (Mark Summerfield)
  chapterid:6 (Data_Type_Utilities)
  enteredby:   ANDK (Andreas J. König)
  enteredon:   Sun May 21 17:42:43 2000 GMT

The resulting entry will be:

::Logic   RdpO Provides pure 2, 3 or multi-value logic  SUMMER

Please allow a few days until the entry will appear in the published
module list.

Parts of the data listed above can be edited interactively on the

Thanks for registering,
The Pause Team