Re: apr_memcache operation timeouts

2013-03-11 Thread Joshua Marantz

Please don't hesitate to push back and tell me if I can supply the patch or
update in some easier-to-digest form.  In particular, while I have
rigorously stress-tested this change using mod_pagespeed's unit test,
system-test, and load-test framework, I don't really understand what the
testing flow is for APR.  I'd be happy to add unit-tests for that if
someone points me to a change-list or patch-file that does it properly.


On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 8:04 AM, Joshua Marantz wrote:

 I have completed a solution to this problem, which can be a drop-in update
 for the existing apr_memcache.c.  It is now checked in for my module as

 It differs from the solution in in that:

- It doesn't require an API change; it but it enforces the 50ms
timeout that already exists for apr_multgetp for all operations.
- It works under my load test (which I found is not true of the patch
in 51065).

 For my own purposes, I will be shipping my module with apr_memcache2 so I
 get the behavior I want regardless of what version of Apache is installed.
  But I'd like to propose my patch for apr_memcache.c.  The patch is
 attached, and I've also submitted it as an alternative patch to bug 51065.

 If you agree with the strategy I used to solve this problem, then please
 let me know if I can help with any changes required to get this into the
 main distribution,

 On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 5:21 PM, Joshua Marantz jmara...@google.comwrote:

 I've had some preliminary success with my own variant of apr_memcache.c
 (creatively called apr_memcache2.c).  Rather than setting the socket
 timeout, I've been mimicing the timeout strategy I saw in
 apr_memcache_multgetp, by adding a new helper method:

 static apr_status_t wait_for_server_or_timeout(apr_pool_t* temp_pool,
 conn) {
 apr_pollset_t* pollset;
 apr_status_t rv = apr_pollset_create(pollset, 1, temp_pool, 0);
 if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) {
 apr_pollfd_t pollfd;
 pollfd.desc_type = APR_POLL_SOCKET;
 pollfd.reqevents = APR_POLLIN;
 pollfd.p = temp_pool;
 pollfd.desc.s = conn-sock;
 pollfd.client_data = NULL;
 apr_pollset_add(pollset, pollfd);
 apr_int32_t queries_recvd;
 const apr_pollfd_t* activefds;
 rv = apr_pollset_poll(pollset, MULT_GET_TIMEOUT, queries_recvd,
 if (rv == APR_SUCCESS) {
 assert(queries_recvd == 1);
 assert(activefds-desc.s == conn-sock);
 assert(activefds-client_data == NULL);
 return rv;

 And calling that before many of the existing calls to get_server_line as:

 rv = wait_for_server_or_timeout_no_pool(conn);
 if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
 ms_release_conn(ms, conn);
 return rv;

 This is just an experiment; I think I can streamline this by
 pre-populating the pollfd structure as part of the apr_memcache_conn_t
 (actually now apr_memcache2_conn_t).

 I have two questions about this:

 1. I noticed the version of apr_memcache.c that ships with Apache 2.4 is
 somewhat different from the one that ships with Apache 2.2.  In particular
 the 2.4 version cannot be compiled against the headers that come with a 2.2
 distribution.  Is there any downside to taking my hacked 2.2 apr_memcache.c
 and running it in Apache 2.4?  Or should I maintain two hacks?

 2. This seems wasteful in terms of system calls.  I am making an extra
 call to poll, rather than relying on the socket timeout.  The socket
 timeout didn't work as well as this though.  Does anyone have any theories
 as to why, or what could be done to the patch in to work?


 On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Joshua Marantz jmara...@google.comwrote:

 Following up: I tried doing what I suggested above: patching that change
 into my own copy of apr_memcache.c  It was first of all a bad idea to pull
 in only part of apr_memcache.c because that file changed slightly between
 2.2 and 2.4 and our module works in both.

 I was successful making my own version of apr_memcache (renaming
 entry-points apr_memcache2*) that I could hack.  But if I changed the
 socket timeout from -1 to 10 seconds, then the system behaved very poorly
 under load test (though it worked fine in our unit-tests and system-tests).
  In other words, I think the proposed patch that Jeff pointed to above is
 not really working (as he predicted).  This test was done without
 SIGSTOPing the memcached; it would timeout under our load anyway and
 thereafter behave poorly.

 I'm going to follow up on that bugzilla entry, but for now I'm going to
 pursue my own complicated mechanism of timing out the calls 

Re: apache GUI frontend to edit config files

2013-03-11 Thread Eric Covener
On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 6:07 PM, Nce Rt wrote:

 Is there a GUI tool available to configure and control httpd server? Like 
 editing httpd.conf files, restart server, enable/disable modules, etc from UI.

There are some unpopular ones, and more  web control panel hosting
frontends.  Off-topic here, though.