
I would suggest trying 
out https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack

Any feedback is more than welcome.

On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 11:18:40 AM UTC+1, Mark Hardwick wrote:
> Hey Guys
> I'm new to mojolicious and also trying to port a fairly large mod_perl 
> application over to using it, so you're like to see a few newbie questions 
> from me.
> First thing, the current application uses File::Hashcache to provide 
> automatic versioning of css and js files.  It works really well.  
> I can't tell if automatic versioning is something that mojolicious does 
> for me or if I need to integrate Hashcache (or something similar) into 
> Mojolicious.  
> If I do need to integrate Hashcache, could someone point in the right 
> direction?  
> I've read the documentation on Rendering (which I assume would be the 
> place to start), but I can't see how I'd do it (assuming it can be done).
> Cheers

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