I am using mon.cgi 1.52 and everything is working fine so far.
However when I look for the service details cablecom:ping
there is a row "exclude_hosts" with hosts listed in server:nfs
but not defined as exclude_hosts in service cablecom:ping. This is 
somehow misleading. Is this a bug in or do I have a configuration 
or understanding problem?

I don't wan't bother you with my configuration details but 
for better understanding here it is an excerpt:

hostgroup eunet         router1

hostgroup cablecom

hostgroup server        cicero1 cicero2
                        cable1 cable2
                        appl01 appl02

watch eunet
    service ping
        description VIA NET.WORKS (ex EUnet) routers
        interval 20s
        monitor fping.monitor -r 3 -t 4000
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
            alert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            alertevery 1h
            upalert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

watch server
    service nfs
        description NFS service
        interval 1m
        monitor rpc.monitor -r mountd -r nfs
        exclude_hosts cicero1 cicero2 cable1 cable2
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
            alert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            upalert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            alertevery 1h

watch cablecom
    service ping
        description Cablecom routers
        interval 30s
        monitor fping.monitor -r 4 -t 4000 -T
        depend eunet:ping
        dep_behavior m
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
            alert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            upalert mail.alert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            alertafter 2m

-- Beat

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