Re: [Mono-dev] Debugger on Windows

2007-05-11 Thread Hubert FONGARNAND
Yes i agree, mono debugger IS NOT READY on linux...

Example i want to debug a simple app (without thread) (it just use

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~/Projects/SynchroPassPremium/SendToFT/bin/Debug $ mdb 
Mono Debugger
(mdb) r
Starting program: ./SendToFT.exe 
Cannot load symbol file 
Could not find file 
EXCEPTION: System.ArgumentException: Cannot compare addresses from different 
domains AddressDomain (0:) and AddressDomain (0:global)
  at Mono.Debugger.TargetAddress.check_domains (TargetAddress a, TargetAddress 
b) [0x0001e] in /home/hubert/mono/debugger/interface/TargetAddress.cs:95 
  at Mono.Debugger.TargetAddress.op_Equality (TargetAddress a, TargetAddress b) 
[0x0] in /home/hubert/mono/debugger/interface/TargetAddress.cs:146 
  at Mono.Debugger.Backends.SingleSteppingEngine.throw_exception (TargetAddress 
stack, TargetAddress exc, TargetAddress ip) [0x00031] in 
  at Mono.Debugger.Backends.SingleSteppingEngine.ProcessChildEvent 
(Mono.Debugger.Backends.ChildEvent cevent) [0x000c1] in 
  at Mono.Debugger.Backends.SingleSteppingEngine.ProcessEvent (Int32 status) 
[0x00295] in /home/hubert/mono/debugger/backend/SingleSteppingEngine.cs:214 
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) 
Mono.Debugger.Backends.SingleSteppingEngine:ProcessEvent (int)
  at Mono.Debugger.Backends.ThreadManager.engine_thread_main () [0x000ce] in 


Le jeudi 10 mai 2007 à 17:38 +0200, pablosantosluac a écrit :

 Ok, then I misunderstood a message I receive this morning telling something 
 about the debugger being unable to handle a simple app...
 - Original Message - 
 From: Andrés G. Aragoneses [ knocte ] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 5:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [Mono-dev] Debugger on Windows
 pablosantosluac escribió:
  Hi folks,
  Well, IMHO what we all DO need is a decent debugger on Linux. If I just 
  a debugger I would start developing with MonoDevelop today on Linux, and I
  guess most people would do the same Then we would be all day testing
  MonoDevelop, the compiler, the debugger and so on and so on... And this IS
  GOOD for Mono, much better than having some sort of replacement on 
  By the way porting an app to Linux will take some effort, ok, but what 
  gives is a real opportunity to do it and still develop with C#, the
  framework and so on... which is great! C# and the entire framework is IMHO
  the best development platform ever... let's have it on Linux with the only
  big piece is missing... a debugger!!
  I agree having it on Windows would help, but please... first on Linux!
 AFAIK the Debugger is ready on Linux. What is lacking is updating the
 Debugger Addin for MonoDevelop, which is the target of a SoC2007 project
 Then, I agree that having the debugger on Windows would be important,
 thus not having to drop the Debugger Addin for an hypothetic MD
 installer for Windows.
 Andrés [ knocte ]
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Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Problem with Mono in Fedora 6

2007-05-11 Thread Robert Jordan
   I'm still stuck with Mono in Fedora 6. All modules (mono-, 
 mono-basic-, libgdiplus-1.2.3, xsp-1.2.3 and mod_mono-1.2.1) were
 recompile and now I get this in apache error log is this:
 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File or assembly name mod-mono-server,
 Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756, or one of
 its dependencies, was not found.
 File name: mod-mono-server, Version=, Culture=neutral,

This could be an access rights problem. Check whether the tree you've
installed mono into is readable by the apache user.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Problem with Mono in Fedora 6

2007-05-11 Thread Marcos Cobeña Morián
Hi Marco (BTW, nice name :-) ),

I strongly recommend you to use a Filemon-like utility to check where
Apache's looking for mod-mono-server. For me, it seems like Apache's
looking in the wrong path.

I've tried to search that tool for GNU/Linux, but it seems to be
deprecated since some changes where introduced to the kernel. Please,
if you find something similar, send it back to the list, it'd be
really useful.



   I'm still stuck with Mono in Fedora 6. All modules (mono-,
 mono-basic-, libgdiplus-1.2.3, xsp-1.2.3 and mod_mono-1.2.1) were
 recompile and now I get this in apache error log is this:

 System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File or assembly name mod-mono-server,
 Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756, or one of
 its dependencies, was not found.
 File name: mod-mono-server, Version=, Culture=neutral,
   at (wrapper xdomain-invoke) System.AppDomain:CreateInstanceAndUnwrap
   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
 System.AppDomain:CreateInstanceAndUnwrap (string,string)
   at System.Web.Hosting.ApplicationHost.CreateApplicationHost (System.Type
 hostType, System.String virtualDir, System.String physicalDir) [0x0]
   at Mono.WebServer.VPathToHost.CreateHost (Mono.WebServer.ApplicationServer
 server, Mono.WebServer.WebSource webSource) [0x0]
   at Mono.WebServer.ApplicationServer.GetApplicationForPath (System.String
 vhost, Int32 port, System.String path, Boolean defaultToRoot) [0x0]
   at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
   at Mono.WebServer.ModMonoWorker.InnerRun (System.Object state) [0x0]
   at Mono.WebServer.ModMonoWorker.Run (System.Object state) [0x0]

   If I type mod-mono-server in the console, it runs with no problem. What is
 apache looking for? In the console I get:

 mod-mono-server Enter
 Listening on: /tmp/mod_mono_server
 Root directory: /root
 Hit Return to stop the server.


   Marco Castro

 Mono-devel-list mailing list

Marcos -
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] TDS RPC patch

2007-05-11 Thread Mirco Bauer
On Fri, 2007-05-11 at 05:35 -0600, A Nagappan wrote:
 Base work of this patch was done by Senganal. Previous Mono ADO.NET
 Thanks for reviewing the patch :) Modified Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes to
 Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes. This patch should work with MS-SQL 2000 server
 too, if possible please verify it ?

IMHO that would not fix the issue, as the locale/encoding differs
between Windows/MSSQL installations, I think the default encoding should
be used, Encoding.Default.GetBytes(). That would use the default
encoding of the operating system then, or does the protocol require
UTF-8? I am not familiar with the TDS protocol specification.


Mirco 'meebey' Bauer


Version: 3.12
GIT d s-:+ a-- C++ UL$ P L++$+++$ E- W+++$ N o? K- w++! O M-
PE+ Y- PGP++ t 5+ X++ R tv+ b+ DI? D+ G++ e h! r-++ y?

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] [PATCH] C# 3.0 Feature: Automatic Properties

2007-05-11 Thread Scott Peterson

On 5/11/07, Raja R Harinath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Scott Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 This patch implements the automatic properties feature of C# 3.0 as
demoed by Anders Hejlsberg at Mix (
 soma/applications/silverlight/v1/videos/DEV04.wmv at 12 minutes, 40
seconds). Please vet!

 +Field current_accessor_field;
 +ToplevelBlock make_accessor_block (Expression type, bool get)
 + if (current_accessor_field == null) {
 + current_accessor_field = new Field (current_container,
 + Modifiers.PRIVATE, 
 + null, Location.Null);
 + current_container.AddField (current_accessor_field);
 + }

Very messy It's an unnecessary global, with wierd behaviour.  Why don't
you move this to the rule itself, and make it a local.

Agreed. This whole patch is actually pretty terrible. I'm refactoring it

+ Parameter value = new Parameter (type, value,
Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location.Null);
 + Parameters parameters = new Parameters (new Parameter [] { value
 + ToplevelBlock block = new ToplevelBlock (current_block,
parameters, Location.Null);
 + This t = new This (block, Location.Null);
 + MemberAccess ma = new MemberAccess (t,

The get accessor should not have any parameters.

 + if (get) {
 + Return r = new Return (ma, Location.Null);
 + block.AddStatement (r);
 + }
 + else {

On a stylistic note, we prefer the } and the else to be on line:

  } else {

Preferably the only two forms of 'else' that we have in the code are:

  } else {

Use the second form even when one arm of the 'if' has multiple
statements and the other has only a single statement.

- Hari

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Planning: Mono version numbers.

2007-05-11 Thread Andreas Färber

I agree that the Mono version will never directly tell a user whether  
a certain API is usable or not.

Instead, this information is distributed over the Bugzilla system and  
multiple Wiki pages, with most interesting Wiki pages being much  
too hidden. Personally, I usually end up typing the Wiki page names  
manually because I often can't find an easy way to navigate to them  
via the website itself.

Therefore I think we rather need a better information policy on  
what's working and what's planned, targeted at .NET developers (as  
opposed to the core Mono developers). It might prove helpful to  
actually create a new progress page, linked from the main page,  
containing a brief status overview for individual components that are  
or will and will not be available (e.g. a table with colors  
detailling status of SVN HEAD and the latest release). Such an  
overview page could then link to the existing class-level status  
pages (which has more information than a casual user expects) and to  
all the existing individual pages describing the actual technologies.

Today, there's a Plans page, only linking to technology pages, and  
there's the slides as a snapshot of what was available and planned at  
that particular point in time.

Given that such status information is provided in a convenient and  
centralized way, Mono could continue with its own versioning scheme  
and 1.3.x for the next breaking changes instead of having to talk of  
a distant-sounding upcoming 2.0 version and holding back breaking  
changes until then.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] [Ximian-mono-list] Planning: Mono version numbers.

2007-05-11 Thread Marek Habersack
On Fri, 11 May 2007 21:46:07 +0200, Massimiliano Mantione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Fri, 2007-05-11 at 14:13 -0400, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
  So what we need is to come up with a new release number scheme for
  the above.   
 Just my 2c, and it might look really gross...
 Calling versions major.minor, I'd do the following:
 - Increment major at release C (compacting GC and API changes),
   especially because of the API changes.
 - Increment minor for every other release, number assigned with
   a first come, first served policy between the releases :-)
 Trying to assign numbers now, before we know what will be ready
 first, is inappropriate IMHO.
 Since it's *likely* that A and B will become ready before the rest,
 this *could* mean:
 - 1.4 = Mono A
 - 1.5 = Mono B
 - 2.0 = Mono C
 - 2.1 = Mono whatever comes next...
 But if the order in which things get ready changes, this scheme
 changes accordingly.
It's not that bad, your scheme :). Personally, I like the way the dynamic
libraries on *nix are done. They consist of three parts:


We increase the first if we break the ABI (either the runtime or the class
libraries, or introduce any other breaking changes in the toolchain etc.). We
increase the second one if we add new class libraries/methods without breaking
the ABI. The third is increased every time we do a release that's netiher #1 or
#2 above. Of course, it can lead to version numbers like 2.1.12314, but the
version part increase rules can be defined a bit differently to what I outlined
above. The idea is that each part of the release version should have a real and
clearly defined meaning.

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Planning: Mono version numbers.

2007-05-11 Thread marek safar

 We have basically mixed .NET API-matching features, with our
 own API features, and with runtime changes.   In addition, the 3.x
 work really will come out completely out of sync: 3.5 is a lot simpler
 and easier to reach than 3.0 is.  

Just to confuse everyone even more 3.5 will contain Greed Bits and
Red Bits. It means that 3.5 will overwrite 2.0 core libraries like
mscorlib too.

I did quick diff between 3.5 B1 mscorlib and 2.0 RTM mscorlib and
what I found is

25 new methods/properties
1 removed method/property
3 warnings (changed attributes, base classes, etc.)

 Maybe we need something like this:
   * Mono A: Estimated 3-4 months of work.
   The core 2.0 done + ASP.NET 2.
   2.0 profile (minus Winforms) becomes officially supported.

Mono 1.8

   * Mono B: Estimated 6-9 months of work.
   When Windows.Forms 2.0 is complete

Mono 2.0

   * Mono C: 9+ months. 
   When the Compacting GC is done
   Make the runtime embedding API changes here.

Hopefully will make it into Mono 2.0

   * Mono D: 9+ months.
   When the new IR/optimization framework is ready

Mono 2.2

   * Mono E: 6-9 months of work.
   When System.Core and other 3.5 libraries are finished
   maybe we could even split this up in chunks. 

Mono 2.5

I am just not sure whether we should include .NET 3.0 into our releases
or keep it separate, e.g. Mono Fx 1.0 Release

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] SafeFileHandle marshalling patch

2007-05-11 Thread Jonathan Chambers

This patch adds an empty constructor to SafeFileHandle so it can be
marshalled as a return value or an out param for pinvokes. If there is an
easy and useful test to write for this in addition to the runtime safehandle
tests, let me know.


Description: Binary data
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