Hello Atsushi,


I’ve found that your fix in PreserveWhitespace() method in System.Xml\Mono.Xml.Xsl\XslTransformProcessor.cs (rev. 41620) causes some different behavior from .net. Some white spaces are omitted in the transform result.


What do you think about it?

See attached sample that reproduces the difference.


Vladimir Krasnov

    <entry name="XML"> 
        Extensible Markup language
        <details> Great stuffs </details>
    <entry name="XSLT"> 
        eXtensible Stylesheet and Transformation language
        <details> Great stuffs </details>
    <entry name="XPATH"> 
        X Path Language
        <details> Great stuffs </details>
    <bibref>XSLT </bibref>

Attachment: 91834.xsl
Description: 91834.xsl

Attachment: Class1.cs
Description: Class1.cs

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