Re: [Mono-dev] XslTransform tool

2006-01-26 Thread Atsushi Eno
Hi Boris,

It would be nice to have such tool and mcs/tools/blah is fine. Problems

- We are not likely to add further functionality before Mono 1.2
  (thus am even refrained from adding forgotten "dtd2rng" in 
- The name should be better and general ;-)

Actually during recent relaxng development I created similar but mostly
validation oriented tool (i.e. like xmllint or xsltproc), attached. I 
haven't put it into svn mostly because it is too cheap and misses many
expected things (like XSLT params).

Both of your code and it could be merged into a single tool.

Atsushi Eno

> Hello all,
> I've build a simple "1-line-of-code" tool that applies xsl
> transformation to xml files, in order to transform NUnit output xml
> files to more suitable format to be used by automatic testing engine.
> Actually, I tried first to find such a tool in svn repository...
> somewhere in tools, but it was not here :(
> Does such a tool exists in svn repository, and if not - where can I
> commit this one (is mcs\tools\xmlformatter a good place)?
> Thanks,
> Boris
> --
> Boris Kirzner
> Mono R&D team, Mainsoft Corporation.
> Blogging at 
> ___
> Mono-devel-list mailing list
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.Xsl;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using Commons.Xml.Nvdl;
using Commons.Xml.Relaxng;
using Commons.Xml.Relaxng.Rnc;

using XSchema = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema;

namespace Commons.Xml.Relaxng
	public class Driver
		public static void Main (string [] args)
			try {
Run (args);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONO_XMLTOOL_ERROR_DETAILS") == "yes")
	Console.WriteLine (ex);
	Console.WriteLine (ex.Message);

		static void Usage ()
			Console.WriteLine (@"
Usage: mono-xmltool [options]


	--validate [*.rng | *.rnc | *.nvdl | *.xsd] [instance]
	--validate-rng relax-ng-grammar-xml instance-xml
	--validate-rnc relax-ng-compact-grammar-file instance-xml
	--validate-nvdl nvdl-script-xml instance-xml
	--validate-xsd xml-schema instance-xml
	--transform stylesheet instance-xml

environment variable that affects on the behavior:

	MONO_XMLTOOL_ERROR_DETAILS = yes : to get exception details.

		static void Run (string [] args)
			string command = null;

			if (args.Length == 0) {
Usage ();

			switch (args [0]) {
			case "--help":
Usage ();
			case "--validate-rnc":
ValidateRelaxngCompact (args);
			case "--validate-rng":
ValidateRelaxngXml (args);
			case "--validate-nvdl":
ValidateNvdl (args);
			case "--validate-xsd":
ValidateXsd (args);
			case "--validate":
ValidateAuto (args);
			case "--transform":
Transform (args);

		static void ValidateAuto (string [] args)
			if (args.Length < 1) {
Usage ();

			if (args [1].EndsWith ("rng"))
ValidateRelaxngXml (args);
			else if (args [1].EndsWith ("rnc"))
ValidateRelaxngCompact (args);
			else if (args [1].EndsWith ("nvdl"))
ValidateNvdl (args);
			else if (args [1].EndsWith ("xsd"))
ValidateXsd (args);

		static void ValidateRelaxngXml (string [] args)
			XmlReader xr = new XmlTextReader (args [1]);
			RelaxngPattern p = RelaxngPattern.Read (xr);
			xr.Close ();
			ValidateRelaxng (p, args);

		static void ValidateRelaxngCompact (string [] args)
			StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (args [1]);
			RelaxngPattern p = RncParser.ParseRnc (sr);
			sr.Close ();
			ValidateRelaxng (p, args);

		static void ValidateRelaxng (RelaxngPattern p, string [] args)
			XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader (args [2]);
			RelaxngValidatingReader vr = 
new RelaxngValidatingReader (xtr, p);
			vr.ReportDetails = true;

			while (!vr.EOF)
vr.Read ();

		static void ValidateNvdl (string [] args)
			XmlTextReader nvdlxtr = new XmlTextReader (args [1]);
			NvdlRules nvdl = NvdlReader.Read (nvdlxtr);
			nvdlxtr.Close ();
			XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader (args [2]);
			NvdlValidatingReader nvr = new NvdlValidatingReader (
xtr, nvdl);
			while (!nvr.EOF)
nvr.Read ();
			xtr.Close ();

		static void ValidateXsd (string [] args)
			XmlTextReader schemaxml = new XmlTextReader (args [1]);
			XSchema xsd = XSchema.Read (schemaxml, null);
			schemaxml.Close ();
			XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader (args [2]);
			XmlValidatingReader xvr = new XmlValidatingReader (xtr);
			xvr.Schemas.Add (xsd);
			while (!xvr.EOF)
xvr.Read ();
			xvr.Close ();

		static void Transform (string [] args)
			XslTransform t = new XslTransform ();
			t.Load (args

RE: [Mono-dev] XslTransform tool

2006-01-29 Thread Boris Kirzner
Hi Eno,

Actually your tool does everything I need (and much more :), so I'll be
fully satisfied with it
(the only thing I need to change is adding some #ifdefs since
Grasshopper does not support relaxng yet).

>   - We are not likely to add further functionality before Mono 1.2
> (thus am even refrained from adding forgotten "dtd2rng" in 
> mono/scripts...)

What do you think is the earliest opportunity this tool can be submitted
to repository?

Boris Kirzner
Mono R&D team, Mainsoft Corporation.
Blogging at  

Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] XslTransform tool

2006-01-29 Thread Atsushi Eno


Actually your tool does everything I need (and much more :), so I'll be
fully satisfied with it
(the only thing I need to change is adding some #ifdefs since
Grasshopper does not support relaxng yet).

It's easy to have switches, but it would be nicer to have relaxng
stuff into GH as well ;)

- We are not likely to add further functionality before Mono 1.2
	  (thus am even refrained from adding forgotten "dtd2rng" in 

What do you think is the earliest opportunity this tool can be submitted
to repository?

I talked with Miguel about it and it's still OK to have such one
included. I've put the tool in svn. Feel free to add required switches
to the source.

Atsushi Eno
Mono-devel-list mailing list