Re: [Mono-list] (Generics) type parameters and pointers

2004-07-29 Thread Martin Baulig
On Sun, 2004-07-25 at 13:51 +, Alan Jenkins wrote:
> I know type parameters cannot be pointers - ArrayList is not permitted - 
> but I haven't been able to a definitive statement regarding whether pointers 
> to the type of a parameter is permitted, e.g.
> struct Pointer  {
>   T* value;
> }
> Currently, gmcs will complain that it can't find the type "T*", but I would 
> have thought it would be relatively easy to allow, given that the following 
> is allowed.
> struct Array  {
>   T[] value;
> }


according to the spec (25.2), you can only take a pointer of an
unmanaged type, not a managed one.

csc says

> $ csc /unsafe C.cs
> Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 8.00.40607.16
> for Microsoft (R) Windows (R) .NET Framework version 2.0.40607
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2003. All rights reserved.
> C.cs(3,5): error CS0208: Cannot take the address of, get the size of, or declare a 
> pointer to a managed type ('T')
> C.cs(1,23): (Location of symbol related to previous error)

I'll fix gmcs to report the same error.


Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] interest/help?

2004-07-29 Thread Raúl Romero
Hi Michael!

First, sorry for my bad english, I'm spanish user, and I'm not customary
to write long letters.

Your propousal is very interesting, and I would like to help in what I
can if the time allows me.

I'm newbie in C# and ASP.NET developement, but I have more experience
developing with HTML and PHP...

If you could, I'll do a a Web page of the server using Typo3
( or, a best CMS in PHP (in my
opinion, of course).

I have more experience with this CMS, and I made more extensions and
plugins for it.

If I can help in another thing, please, tell me.

Best Regards.

El jue, 29-07-2004 a las 01:52 -0400, Michael Rizzer escribió:
> Hi all,
> I am considering buying a dedicated box to start up as a sort of charity 
> (just registered the domain a few minutes ago); I'd be 
> willing to pay for it in the next week or two if there is some 
> interest/help...
> I think this is really needed to help the mono community; and could be 
> great help for a lot of things; but I'm currently a bit overworked to 
> put in the effort necessary to make it work/happen...
> I'm hoping that there are some people on this list with some free time 
> that could adminster the server...
> I'm looking initially to get a dedicated box at or 
> and have some others do most of the work on it while I will 
> pay the dedicated hosting fees...might even be able to get a discount 
> from them if we plug their hosting business(es) on the front page..
> Eventually If it works out I'd like to get 3 dedicated boxes...1 for the 
> current release of mono...1 for the current build of the upcoming 
> mono...and one windows/ms box for people to test stuff that isn't 
> working right on the other boxes...but paying for all three is still not 
> in the cards for another  month or two.probablybut my business 
> has been increasing a lot and I'd eventually love to get all three; for 
> my own selfish reasons as well as helping out the mono effort...
> The only thing I really want in return is some free pr for my business 
> which is at ; could help my rep as well ;)...
> But I'm hoping that volunteers could take care of most of the tasks with 
> it; and I'd give them basically unlimited access to the boxes in return 
> for the help..maybe some free products of the stuff I sell if it turns 
> out to be a lot of work and the volunteers actually want the stuff I 
> sell; but I can't really afford to pay anyone; as I've only got 1 
> part time helper with my business right now..we might be able to work 
> something where better access costs a few $$ a month and that money 
> could be given to the server administers...but that might be hard to 
> work logistically and might not be worth the effort; while free for 
> everyone could be easy and good enough as long as sitespam bots don't 
> start opening accounts..
> I think might be a cheezy name and perhaps someone 
> could think of something a bit more clever...I was thinking 
> heh.. but that is probably a bit cheezy/strange 
> too... anyone??
> I only subscribed to the digest version of this list; but will be 
> checking the replies out; I am hoping that I can reply to people 
> quickly; but there is a good chance if you write me you won't get a 
> long/decent reply for a few days (I'm perpetually backed up on email 
> lately it seems)you can also call me at - 856-652-9118 if you'd like 
> to do it and we can set things up so those who are interested and have 
> the skills can set things up
> Anyway wanted to get this out there and see who is interested and see if 
> it could happen.I don't think there is anyone doing such a thing 
> right now; and I'd be happy to
> Mike
> ___
> Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Mono-list] how to receive console event signal in mono?

2004-07-29 Thread mike roome
[oops, forgot to cc this to the list]

Sam Jost wrote:

>I'd like to know how I would receive a console event signal in a console
>program written in mono (running on linux)
>On windows I would use interop and kernel32 "SetConsoleCtrlHandler" function
>to capture a ctrl+break, but somehow I don't except this to work with linux.
>How would one capture signals with a mono console program in linux?

Mono.Posix has wrappers for the POSIX signal-handling functions (in
particular, Mono.Posix.Syscall.signal() is the method you need, i
believe). I don't think there are any docs available for them (at least,
there's nothing on Mono.Posix in my local copy of Monodoc), but afaict,
they're just straight p/invoke wrappers around the native functions, so
just check the relevant man pages (man 2 signal and man 7 signal).

(actually... looking at the source, there's a Signals enum, which is
marked with a [Map] attribute, which the comments say needs to be run
through a c helper function to map the enum values to the correct
underlying value used by the system, BUT, Syscall.signal() takes a raw int
for the signum... so i have no idea if it will work portably at the

Mike Roome

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] casting reference arguments

2004-07-29 Thread Alan Jenkins
I've found another case where the compiler should give a different error (at 
the moment it crashes).

public class Test {
public static void Main ()
byte b = 8;
int i = 256;

Increment (ref b);
System.Console.WriteLine ("8 + 1 = {0}", b);

Increment (ref i);
System.Console.WriteLine ("256 + 1 = {0}", i);

public static void Increment (ref int arg)
arg += 1;

public static void Increment (ref byte arg)
// reference cast - not allowed
Increment (ref (int) arg);

Who needs specifications to test against when you have a twisted mind?  
Seriouslly though, the above code could be legal - mcs might be expected to 
create a temporary variable of type int, assign the byte value to it, call 
the other Increment overload with it, and then assign its value back to the 
byte argument - so a check against the microsoft compiler is necessary.

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] WebMin Problem Connecting to Apache

2004-07-29 Thread Antonio Santana
I installed Apache 2 Httpd server under /usr directly.  I am able to get to 
it with console/command line operations, but WebMin is giving me the 
following error when I try accessing the server through the interface.

The Apache server executable /usr/local/apache2/bin does not exist. If you 
have Apache installed, adjust the module configuration to use the correct 

My Apache installation is in the /usr/local/apache2 directory.  Everything 
is there, I have checked, double checked and triple checked.

/usr/local/apache2/bin co/usr/local/apache2ntains the httpd, apachectl, etc.
I can't figure out what is wrong.  I have tried configuring WebMin to point 
to the above locations.  I am also loggin into WebMin as root.

I know I can use the console to do everything, but it's nice to have WebMin 
to go to when I need it.

Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] mod_mono sharing application session data

2004-07-29 Thread Matthew Metnetsky
I've searched google and found almost no information on this, so I
figured I'd ask here.

Has anyone had any luck of sharing HttpSession data between applications
(basically directories) ?  The site I'm beginning to build requires 1
login for multiple modules and I'd really rather not have a flat file
structure for such a huge application.

Any ideas?

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] mod_mono sharing application session data

2004-07-29 Thread Tom Larsen

Aren't HttpSessions "keyed" to the Session IDs they set?  In any event,
web applications traditionally operate in a disconnected state because
this is how web servers operate.  One HTTP request has nothing to do with
another.  You need to consider very carefully the idea of trying to make a
web app that goes against this.  If you really need a very tightly tied
together system then the web isn't a good platform.

Or are you asking more of a single sign on question?  What is in the
HttpSession that you need to share?

Tom Larsen

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Matthew Metnetsky wrote:

> I've searched google and found almost no information on this, so I
> figured I'd ask here.
> Has anyone had any luck of sharing HttpSession data between applications
> (basically directories) ?  The site I'm beginning to build requires 1
> login for multiple modules and I'd really rather not have a flat file
> structure for such a huge application.
> Any ideas?
> ~ Matthew
> ___
> Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] mod_mono sharing application session data

2004-07-29 Thread Chris Turchin

One secure solution would be doing custom digest authentication in an
IHttpModule  which is then valid for the various applications. The
authentication module could then be shared by all applications and maybe rather
than a flat file you could use a DB or LDAP for the back end. ;-)

In addition, you could fall back to BASIC authentication if the digest is not
supported (though I think all modern browsers support it nowadays).

I did something like this a while back and though it was not for multiple apps,
I think if you used the same 'realm' (see the spec.) for all your
applications then it should work.

There are a number of sample on how to do this in .NET out there.

Here is one:



On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Matthew Metnetsky wrote:

> I've searched google and found almost no information on this, so I
> figured I'd ask here.
> Has anyone had any luck of sharing HttpSession data between applications
> (basically directories) ?  The site I'm beginning to build requires 1
> login for multiple modules and I'd really rather not have a flat file
> structure for such a huge application.
> Any ideas?
> ~ Matthew
> ___
> Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] MySql on mono

2004-07-29 Thread Arx Henrique
Hi all,

i'm a newbie in mono and i'm from brazil, so my english is very bad :)

i try make a mysql connection with mono like i see in monodoc, but when
i will run the application this erros are reported:

Unhandled Exception: ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Unable to
connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts
in <0x00158> ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient.Driver:Open (ByteFX.Data.
in <0x0003c> ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlInternalConnection:Open ()
in <0x000ef> ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool:CreateNewPooledConnection
in <0x00214> ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool:GetPooledConnection ()
in <0x00052> ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPool:GetConnection ()
in <0x00112> ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlPoolManager:GetConnection
in <0x0007c> ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection:Open ()

But, i can connect to mysql database with others applications like php
and mysql control center. I don't know what's happen.

can anybody help me ?

the source code of my app is attached
// created on 28/7/2004 at 13:57
using System;
 using System.Data;
 using ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient;
 public class Test 
public static void Main(string[] args)
   string connectionString = 
  "Server=localhost;" +
  "Database=cientifico;" +
  "User ID=root;";
   MySqlConnection dbcon;
   dbcon = new MySqlConnection(connectionString);
   IDbCommand dbcmd = dbcon.CreateCommand();
   // requires a table to be created named employee
   // with columns firstname and lastname
   // such as,
   //CREATE TABLE employee (
   //   firstname varchar(32),
   //   lastname varchar(32));
   string sql = "select nom_doenca from doencas";
   dbcmd.CommandText = sql;
   IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();
   while(reader.Read()) {
string FirstName = (string) reader["nom_doenca"];
Console.WriteLine("Name: " + FirstName);
   // clean up
   reader = null;
   dbcmd = null;
   dbcon = null;

Re: [Mono-list] mod_mono sharing application session data

2004-07-29 Thread Matthew Metnetsky

On Thu, 2004-07-29 at 11:59, Tom Larsen wrote:
> Aren't HttpSessions "keyed" to the Session IDs they set?  In any event,
> web applications traditionally operate in a disconnected state because
> this is how web servers operate.  One HTTP request has nothing to do with
> another.  You need to consider very carefully the idea of trying to make a
> web app that goes against this.  If you really need a very tightly tied
> together system then the web isn't a good platform.
> Or are you asking more of a single sign on question?  What is in the
> HttpSession that you need to share?
> Tom Larsen
> On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Matthew Metnetsky wrote:
> > I've searched google and found almost no information on this, so I
> > figured I'd ask here.
> >
> > Has anyone had any luck of sharing HttpSession data between applications
> > (basically directories) ?  The site I'm beginning to build requires 1
> > login for multiple modules and I'd really rather not have a flat file
> > structure for such a huge application.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > ~ Matthew
> >

As it seems, every directory is assigned a cookie-session id used to tie
Session to an application/directory.  The problem is that if I travel
from one directory to another and check session its missing, because
HttpSession seems to be directory/application specific.  

This is very annoying.  Suppose you have an application (as I will soon)
where you have a Core module that supplies users, roles, etc and a
login.  From there you would travel to other modules which would of
course need to know that your logged in (a cookie works -
FormsAuthentication class).  But suppose I set your Member object into
Session within the Core module, the Foo module could not access it.  So
in fact I would have to check your cookie and retrieve again the Member
object associated to that cookie from the database.  Thus, an unecessary
call to the database, and two instances of the same object sitting in
session.  Its a data integrity nightmare!

Any ideas, suggestions solutions?  

~ Matthew

P.S. Sadly, this must be a web application.

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [Mono-list] mod_mono sharing application session data

2004-07-29 Thread Andrew Arnott
> This is very annoying.  Suppose you have an application (as I will soon)
> where you have a Core module that supplies users, roles, etc and a
> login.  From there you would travel to other modules which would of
> course need to know that your logged in (a cookie works -
> FormsAuthentication class).  But suppose I set your Member object into
> Session within the Core module, the Foo module could not access it.  So
> in fact I would have to check your cookie and retrieve again the Member
> object associated to that cookie from the database.  Thus, an unecessary
> call to the database, and two instances of the same object sitting in
> session.  Its a data integrity nightmare!

In defense of your idea, it sounds very reasonable.  Having a site made up of
several subdirectories doesn't mean it's a bad program to use the web as a
platform.  Certainly sessions should span directories when it's the same web
app.  IIS certainly treats it that way.

I unfortunately can't help though, as I have not done any work with sessions
on Mono yet.  I have done it extensively in IIS however, and eventually would
like to try porting it to Mono.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[Mono-list] running mono problem

2004-07-29 Thread Israel Fdez Cabrera
Hi all, I'm using mono at work without problems, now I'm installing it on my 
laptop to work at home. I download a lot of rpm mono depends on, one of the 
is libgtkhtml3, well... all mono rpms got installed well but now I run 
monodoc and I get an error:

Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: gtkhtml-3.0

The exception is right, there is not such dll in my system, but the most 
curious thing is that in my job's PC, where mono run well and monodoc too, 
there is not gtkhtml-3.0 or similar... ???

I'll appretiate any hel in respect
best regards and thanks fot the time

Israel Fdez Cabrera
Usuario Linux: 270292
Ciudad La Habana, Cuba.

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] MySql on mono

2004-07-29 Thread Arx Henrique
Sorry, when i click in reply button they send only for you.

in odbcinst.conf

Trace   = No
TraceFile   = /tmp/sql.log
ForceTrace  = No
Pooling = No

Description = MySQL driver
Driver  = /usr/lib/odbc/
Setup   = /usr/lib/odbc/
CPTimeout   = 
CPReuse = 
FileUsage   = 2

in odbc.ini

Description = MySQL
Driver  = MySQL
Server  = localhost
Database= cientifico
Port= 3306
Socket  = 
Option  = 

when i run isql cientifico, they show all tables 

Em Qui, 2004-07-29 às 18:35 +, lamyae Benabdeljalil escreveu:
> Arx Henrique wrote:
> >Ok, i install unixodbc and libmyodbc, and setup my dsn, but when i run
> >my application show the same error.
> >
> >the User ID args on  MySqlConnection is mysql's user or the name of my
> >unixodbc conf ?
> >
> >Em Qui, 2004-07-29 às 17:32 +, lamyae Benabdeljalil escreveu:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>It is ok, me too i am working on debian unstable platform. so you need 
> >>to install the odbc driver (libmyodbc...), and unixodbc.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> what did you write in odbc.conf and odbcinst.conf?

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [Mono-list] mod_mono sharing application session data

2004-07-29 Thread Matthew Metnetsky
On Thu, 2004-07-29 at 13:14, Andrew Arnott wrote: 
> > This is very annoying.  Suppose you have an application (as I will soon)
> > where you have a Core module that supplies users, roles, etc and a
> > login.  From there you would travel to other modules which would of
> > course need to know that your logged in (a cookie works -
> > FormsAuthentication class).  But suppose I set your Member object into
> > Session within the Core module, the Foo module could not access it.  So
> > in fact I would have to check your cookie and retrieve again the Member
> > object associated to that cookie from the database.  Thus, an unecessary
> > call to the database, and two instances of the same object sitting in
> > session.  Its a data integrity nightmare!
> In defense of your idea, it sounds very reasonable.  Having a site made up of
> several subdirectories doesn't mean it's a bad program to use the web as a
> platform.  Certainly sessions should span directories when it's the same web
> app.  IIS certainly treats it that way.
> I unfortunately can't help though, as I have not done any work with sessions
> on Mono yet.  I have done it extensively in IIS however, and eventually would
> like to try porting it to Mono.

I believe I've solved my annoying problem.  It seems that the following
structure of directories will share session information.

/ - application login

But I was doing the following, which definitely did NOT work.

/public - application login

This does make sense - but the lack of documentation about any of this
is extremely annoying.  No where is this stated that I could find.  But
having thought about it, and related it to the way Web.config files load
it makes perfect sense.  

Any ways, BLAH.  Thanks.

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Mono with MySQL; Glade and Menubar

2004-07-29 Thread Colin
Two questions if I may:
1. I have set up a simple application using MonoDevelop (Mono 1.0, most 
recent versions of everything according to Red Carpet) to access data in 
a local MySQL database. When compiled in MonoDevelop I get messages 
about not finding the necessary assemblies for accessing mysql, however 
in a command line interface specifying the libraries with -r params the 
programme compiles and runs just fine. Am I missing some kind of 
directive in MonoDevelop that would allow it to find System.Data and 

2. In another application I have a simple glade window with one button 
working fine, however if I add a menubar to the window I get a lot of 
warnings about "Unknown property stock_item in class GtkImageMenuItem" 
followed by other errors. Does this mean that some elements in the GTK+ 
bag of goodies are currently supported, and others not, or am I missing 
another specification?

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] casting reference arguments

2004-07-29 Thread Black Fox
Hash: SHA1

> so a check against the microsoft compiler is necessary.

Building this code on Microsoft compiler report this error :

Main.cs(28,19): error CS1510: A ref or out argument must be an lvalue
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] [ANN] Mono: A Developer's Notebook now available

2004-07-29 Thread Edd Dumbill
I'm pleased to announce the availability of the book "Mono: A
Developer's Notebook", written by Edd Dumbill and Niel Bornstein and
published by O'Reilly.

The book's already in some stores and should ship soon from online
bookstores (despite what Amazon says about the release date!)

We cover installing Mono 1.0 (for Linux, Mac and Windows), getting
started with C# and .NET APIs, Gtk#, XML, ASP.NET & web services, IKVM,
autoconf/automake and more.

I'd like to thank the members of the Mono community for helping us as we
wrote the book.  We're really proud to have published the first book
covering Mono 1.0.

-- Edd Dumbill

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Any interest in a new open source project?

2004-07-29 Thread Andrew Arnott

I have a project I call Safari Cell, for now, that takes a relational
SQL database and turns it into a DataSet with DataTables for every table,
complete with DataRelations, UniqueConstraints, ForeignKeyConstraints and a few
other handy things.  All the Data… objects are hidden, however, behind classes
that manage filling those entities with data from the database on an
as-called-for basis.  Modified data is cached and written later by a
lazy-writer thread.  Unused data is eventually removed from the cache.  Any
modified column is validated against any extra schema available from the DB


The goal is to make it really easy to write business objects
that operate on relational databases, to take advantage of fast caching,
transactions, and all without writing any plumbing code in the business object
itself.  Safari Cell scans the database schema at startup and exposes
everything through typed classes.  


I have done a great deal of work on this project, all in
Visual Studio .NET in C#.  I want to make it open source so that others can
help add code to support other DB servers besides just MS SQL Server.  I
started the project with extensibility and multiple database server backends in


Is there a great deal of interest in helping these classes
grow and mature?  I am planning on putting the source up on Novell’s
sourceforge if people are willing to use/contribute.


- Andrew Arnott