[Mono-list] Release 1.1.5 is not in RSS

2005-03-27 Thread Martin Brenn
The release of version 1.1.5 is not published in RSS:
Martin Brenn
Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Re: latest gtk# svn not working when compiled with latest mono/gmcs

2005-03-27 Thread Rodrigo B. de Oliveira

I've just confirmed the same behavior on a fresh ubuntu system with
the latest svn  sources:

** ERROR **: file marshal.c: line 6151
(mono_marshal_get_managed_wrapper):   should not be reached

Any ideas?


On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 21:03:52 -0300, Rodrigo B. de Oliveira
> Hi,
> I'm running a SuSE 9.2 x86 box with the latest mono/mcs/gtk-sharp svn sources.
> Can anyone please confirm that the following application works/does
> not work in your system when compiled with gcms?
> using System;
> using Gtk;
> public class App {
> public static void Main(string[] args) {
> Application.Init();
> Window w = new Window("Test");
> w.DeleteEvent += delegate(object sender, DeleteEventArgs args) {
> Application.Quit();
> };
> w.ShowAll();
> Application.Run();
> }
> }
> The problem seems to be related to the referenced corlib version. mcs
> will add a reference to 1.0.5000, boo and gmcs will add a reference to
> 2.0.3600.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> bamboo
> http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/bamboo/
> Got objects? http://www.db4o.com/

Got objects? http://www.db4o.com/
Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Re: Suggestions

2005-03-27 Thread Nik Derewianka
Robert Jordan wrote:
I know there is a bug open about it, i know there is a control panel 
work around.  But really, ASP.Net development with mono is completely 
unuseable for real world situations on any platform.  This is despite 
the fact that most of it is pretty much there waiting to be used.

I don't agree with this point.
Serious development implies a staging/development server,
so I simply don't care whether I have to restart Apache
or not: it's just a script that gets called after a
sucessful build. 
There are 3 issues:
1) In a large virtual host environment - this situation is not workable 
from a support side of things (see the mono forge forums as an example 

2) Not all programmers are sys admins.  Not all sysadmins coming to mono 
are familiar with linux (which is currently the only way to do 
ASP.Net).  I'm hardly a computer newbie, but getting a system up and 
running with mono has taken a lot longer than is needed due to the fact 
that i have needed to learn a new operating system, new installation 
method, new web server, Mono installation and configuration (thats fine) 
on a system that to be fair not all people will find as user friendly as 
their current operating system. Suggesting that they just whip up a 
script to restart the server is not going to work for everyone.

3) What is wrong with just saying under the ASP.Net section of the 
website "works on linux, requires apache restart for reloading dll's".  
The curious dont get annoyed when they download and set everything up 
only to find this issue which that have to search the web to find out 
about.  The comfortable know exactly what needs to be done and can 
handle it.  The - "im waiting for a drop in replacement" people dont 
waste their time.

The effect overall atm is that people who are comfy with .Net, apache 
and linux will have no problems doing asp.net development with Mono.  
But how large a segment of the industry do you think that is compared to 
people who know .Net and IIS and want to try out Mono ?

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

[Mono-list] Re: Suggestions

2005-03-27 Thread Nik Derewianka

I know there is a bug open about it, i know there is a control panel 
work around.  But really, ASP.Net development with mono is 
completely unuseable for real world situations on any platform.  
This is despite the fact that most of it is pretty much there 
waiting to be used.

I use XSP in "real world situations" on Linux, and I find that it's 
hardly more of a hastle than IIS.
Okay - but are you a .Net developer from windows with little to no 
experience of linux ??  If so, how long did it take you to arrive at a 
solution for restarting the server compared to how long it took you to 
start developing with IIS ??

I may have this completely wrong, the biggest influx of Mono users could 
be from existing linux users who want a better programming situation 
that is found with Mono - in which case, some of my suggestions are 
misguided because they are due to my lack of knowledge of Linux.  
However, i think that .Net being a Microsoft technology initially means 
that a large userbase are windows developers who like the appeal of Open 
Source and are trying out Mono.  For this reason, they are going to be 
unfamiliar with Linux, are going to be running into similar issues as i 
have, are going to be asking the same questions on the lists time and 
time again (if they even bother to subscribe).

Whilst ideally i would like to be contributing code to make Mono a 
better project, i can, as a user still offer feedback on the setup 
process and point out things that could be improved, hopefully saving 
thousands of other developers who might be similar in my skillset from 
going through some of the same frustration that i have been through.  
The fact that there are many blogs out there with similar frustrations 
being vented would seem to indicate that there is room for improvement - 
maybe we are just trying to get into the game too early and Mono will 
get to a much more useable point soon.

It can never be as good, as Microsoft is for-profit, and will always 
be revising their products (C# won't be the C# we know now in five 
years, I'll warrent.  
I actually dont buy this at all.
An excellent production team with good processes in place will make good 
products regardless of how the product is licenced at the end or whether 
they are for profit (and last i checked, Novell was definitely a 
for-profit company).

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

Re: [Mono-list] Re: Suggestions

2005-03-27 Thread Zac Bowling
I like Mono and ASP.NET for simply a compatibility aspect. I feel safer
running on Linux as well. It means if a common vulnerability that can
attack IIS servers comes out over night, I can't see it effecting me to
much and if its a design flaw that we both over looked, I get to apply
the patch and really see what it does.

The only issue I have is using .NET compiled ASP.NET components from 3rd
party companies where they have path issues like calling images and
stuff from a resource directory that is cased wrong statically in their
code. A few symbolic links in a few places fix most of that as a
temporary fix until I get the company made it, to fix it (most companies
are open to the idea of their products working in a new market as well
so they are more then happy about working on Mono compatibility).

I feel that its just a mater of time before we ASP.Net using Mono added
to packages like Ensim and CPanel and other hosting providers offering
it preinstalled on hosting servers. 

I haven't found any issues in the SVN head requiring to much work that a
simple script can't fix and a half second restart of apache isn't not
going to hurt unless someone is in mid stream of a massive download
(which rarely happens with my stuff). 

Rarely do I run into an issue. Granted its all config files, but I
prefer them (in fact on IIS 5 I would use a metabase editor and on II6 I
would edit the new XML metabase directly instead of using the gui 95% of
the time). Structure and automation is possible with flat config files
(part of the reason why Microsoft can't get into the virtual hosting
market since its so hard to automate it). I can quickly scan over my
sites and see if anyone of them is different and fix it. If for someone
reason I'm allowing WebDav on one and not on another I can put custom
comments in. It would take me a day or two to do what I need to do in
IIS what I can do under mod_mono in an hour. Granted its not the best
solution for a person wanting to put a site and go and make little
changes here and there when they want too, but after the learning curve
the benefit is clear.

I love the the asp.net state management provided under mono as well.
Similar to Microsoft's method but not clouded in strange things, its
really simple to understand to so you can find out what is going on when
a server isn't responding to your session keys correctly.

Its all manageable from this aspect :-) 

Hope that helps. 

Zac Bowling
Mono Project Contributor 

Any views or opinions expressed do not necessarily represent that of
Novell, my employer, other people related to the mono project, my self,
the little people in my head, my mom, my dog, my cat, my fish, Bill
Gates, the President of United States, my neighbors, my attorney, the
Blue Man Group, the Deparment of Justice, and Greenpeace. 

Most of what I say is a lie. Even this. So you can't believe me when I
tell you that you can't believe me. Trust me on that one.

Finally, by the time you read this sentence you will have already read

Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com