Re: [Mono-list] Cross-Browser Session Mixing

2005-07-10 Thread Brion Vibber

David P. Donahue wrote:

I've noticed an interesting effect in .NET development where sessions
can get mixed if a single computer has two browsers open to the same
site.  I originally noticed it on CafePress, but now my own site is
exibiting the same behavior.  I wonder if this is something people have
tried to get around before, and what can be done about it.  It's rare
that a user will want to use two simultaneous browsers, but when it
happens it's certainly unexpected behavior from their perspective that
the sessions would mix.  Any ideas?

Two *browsers* or two *windows* of the same browser application?

If two windows of one application (such as two Internet Explorer
windows), this is perfectly normal and will happen in pretty much any
server-side environment.

Sessions usually are keyed to cookies, which are tied to the browser
application, not to any particular open window. HTTP is a stateless
protocol and makes no restrictions about how many views you might have
open on the client or what order you visit them in, so you should always
be prepared to be 'reentrant' with multiple hits coming from the client
in different places.

For instance, if the user is browsing through a list of items in one
window, then does another search in another window, that second search
should not obliterate any server-side state for the first search. The
user might want to look at and page through both lists side-by-side.

If you mean two separate applications are sharing session state (such as
Firefox and Internet Explorer), then there might be something
problematic going on. Generally different applications will have their
own cookie storage and should thus maintain different sessions.

A mixture here might indicate a poor session keying construct such as
using the client's IP address (not guaranteed to be unique) or a key in
the URL which got cut-and-pasted from one browser to another. (Session
keys in the URL are dangerous, since keys may leak through cut-n-paste
and HTTP referer headers on external links.)

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] UTF-16 and XmlTextReader questions

2005-07-29 Thread Brion Vibber

François Garillot wrote:

OK. I work from this basefile :
000 743c 7365 3e74 3ce1 742f 7365 3e74

This file does not appear to be UTF-16 at all; it appears to be in an
8-bit encoding, ISO 8859-1. In that encoding it is meaningful XML.

I take the base file again and run 'iconv -f utf-16 -t utf-16' on it.
I get :

000 feff 743c 7365 3e74 3ce1 742f 7365 3e74

This file, interpreted as UTF-16, reads as a series of Han characters:
"琼獥㹴㳡琯獥㹴". It doesn't contain any document element, so is
interpreted as a text node which is illegal outside of an element:

Unhandled Exception: System.Xml.XmlException: Text node cannot appear in
this state. file://test.xml Line 1, position 1.
in <0x001ee> System.Xml.XmlTextReader:ReadText (Boolean notWhitespace)
in <0x00186> System.Xml.XmlTextReader:ReadContent ()
in <0x0011f> System.Xml.XmlTextReader:Read ()
in <0x00071> test:Main ()

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-list] MySQL Connector/NET vs Mono

2005-09-08 Thread Brion Vibber

The documentation at strongly suggests
that MySQL's Connector/NET should be used in preference to the ByteFX
driver that ships with Mono.

However the current release of MySQL Connector/NET (1.0.5) appears to be
Windows-specific; it attempts to make native calls into some ws2_32.dll
and fails to work on Mono on eg Linux or Mac OS X.

Do we know if this is just a packaging bug (MySQL forgot to build a
portable-friendly binary?) or if MySQL is specifically abandoning Mono
and cross-platform compatibility?

Should Mono's online documentation be updated to reflect this?

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] MySQL Connector/NET vs Mono

2005-09-08 Thread Brion Vibber

Daniel Morgan wrote:

If people are having problems running the MySQL Connector/NET on Mono,
people could report these bugs to MySQL's bug database or wherever it is
or a message to their public forum or mailing list to let them know.

It was reported there a week ago, I added more details last night:

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] MySQL Connector/NET vs Mono

2005-09-08 Thread Brion Vibber

Reggie Burnett wrote:

Win32 specific code was added to the connector to work around
limitations in the Socket class.  I am not yet shipping Mono tested
binaries (though I am working on including this) and so it was an
oversight that 1.0.5 shipped broken on Mono.  I will correct it in the
next release.

MySQL *is not* abandoning Mono.  In fact, I have talked with Miguel
about getting Connector/Net shipping with Mono.

Great news! :)

In the meantime, would it be possible to include a notice and a link to
a previous, working version at the download page at ?

There's a bug report at as well.


-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] New Mono Web Site

2005-09-08 Thread Brion Vibber

Phil Thornhill wrote:

Whilst browsing the Mono website i got a php error!

If you encounter such an error in the future, don't forget to report
_the exact error message_ please. :)

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] New Mono Web Site

2005-09-08 Thread Brion Vibber

Miguel de Icaza wrote:

Whilst browsing the Mono website i got a php error!

If you encounter such an error in the future, don't forget to report
_the exact error message_ please. :)

This error happened after we migrated from 1.3 to 1.4.9 I believe, some
of the images are not showing up, check this url:

Those files do not exist in our backup either, so am afraid that
something went wrong.

That looks like a failure in thumbnail generation; it's trying to resize
the image to fit on the page, but the output fails.

Check the permissions on the subdirectories in files/ ... the web server
needs to be able to write stuff in there. (This is a fairly common
problem when people transfer a wiki from one server to another; if you
untar your archive as a regular user all the apache-owned files get
reassigned to you.)

There is a directory here:
but not the 30/ subdirectory mentioned in the error message; if it's
unable to create that it can't store the thumbnail, and then things go awry.

Also you might consider configuring PHP to log errors instead of
displaying them to end users; you can adjust the error_log and
display_errors settings in php.ini.

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] New Mono Web Site

2005-09-08 Thread Brion Vibber

Miguel de Icaza wrote:

There is a directory here:
but not the 30/ subdirectory mentioned in the error message; if it's
unable to create that it can't store the thumbnail, and then things go awry.

Wow, that was fast.  Yes, you are right, the directory was not owned by
the Apache user, but by the local user.  This is now fixed.


Also you might consider configuring PHP to log errors instead of
displaying them to end users; you can adjust the error_log and
display_errors settings in php.ini.

Is this a system file, or a file that would live in the public_html dir?

System file; might live in /etc or /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib or ... ;)
On Debian/Ubuntu I find it in awful places like /etc/php4/apache.

I'd try 'locate php.ini'; if that fails make a script containing just
 and check its output; it should show the path to the
config file near the top.

-- brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-list] Source RPMs or .spec files?

2005-09-14 Thread Brion Vibber

I've found that I often need to patch Mono for some niggling bug in the
class library that's been fixed in SVN. It could simplify my life in
managing multiple servers a bit if I could build local RPMs of the
latest release with the needed patches and put them in a local yum
repository rather than manually building things from source everywhere.

I found a set of old RPM spec files at
but these only go up to 1.1.2; I imagine things like the list of which
files are installed have probably changed. Are there SRPMs or bare .spec
files for the current release available somewhere?

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [good] [Mono-list] What's up with

2005-09-15 Thread Brion Vibber

Abe Gillespie wrote:

No, that's Mono's main project site.  I read the Mono blogs everyday.
Go to the main Mono site and click on the blogs link in the
upper-right.  It's broken.  :( ? Works fine for me... Can you
describe the error or behavior you get? Have you tried switching
browsers or clearing the cache?

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Brain gone blank

2005-09-26 Thread Brion Vibber

Paul F. Johnson wrote:

On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 16:16 +0200, Matthijs ter Woord wrote:


Hmm, I don't seem to have that one either here or at home. Has it gone
from the developer version?

If you installed from RPMs, it's in a separate package that doesn't have
"mono" in the name: bytefx-data-mysql.

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Why UTF-16 strings in Mono.Unix?

2005-10-17 Thread Brion Vibber

Jonathan Pryor wrote:

On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 19:03 +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:

Why are UTF-16 strings used in Mono.Unix?  Doesn't this mean that some
resources are inaccessible to programs running under Mono in a
multibyte localeq (such as one using UTF-8)?

Care to elaborate?  System.String is always used to represent strings in
Mono.Unix and Mono.Unix.Native, but Mono's marshaler will convert the
strings to UTF-8 for the P/Invoke call.

A peek at Mono.Unix/UnixMarshal.cs hints that managed strings are
marshalled to/from the locale encoding (assuming Encoding.Default is the
locale encoding); so locales other than UTF-8 ought to also work.

Florian, for some background on how CLI/.NET/Mono code interfaces to
native code, and specifically how paramters of various types are handled

-- brion vibber (brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Scripting the Linux OS with Mono

2005-11-10 Thread Brion Vibber

Abe Gillespie wrote:
I was wondering if there's any easy way to run C# scripts in Mono. 
I'm fairly new to Linux (just at about a year) and I'd like to avoid

learning yet another language (Perl, sh, etc.).  Has anyone written a
.Net program that takes a file as input and runs that code?  Perhaps
Mono can do this natively?  How cool would it be to have startup
scripts written in C#?!

If you're not attached to C# specifically, you might want to check out 
Boo. It's a Python-inspired language for the CLR (so all the familiar 
class library is available to you), and should be rather more 
appropriate for lightweight scripting.

It includes an interactive interpreter which should work for scripts as 

-- brion vibber (brion @
Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Long-running services

2006-01-22 Thread Brion Vibber
Ben Maurer wrote:
>>> I know that there are a number of popular programs that are being developed 
>>> in 
>>> Mono, but I can't seem to find much precedent at the service/daemon/server 
>>> level. Can anybody confirm that Mono is up to this challenge, or should I 
>>> wait 
>>> a bit? If so, what milestone would I be looking for? 
> I'd also point out that Wikipedia uses Mono as the backend for their
> search engine. They chose Mono after trying both a java/gcj/classpath
> based implementation and a c# one, finding that Mono's vm provided
> greater stability.

On the search daemon, the main problems I've had have been when memory or file
descriptors become exhausted. If you can avoid that, and don't trip any runtime
bugs ;) it seems steady as a rock and will run for hours, days, or a couple 

In some places we've had memory leak problems under Mono but I suspect these are
from bugs in the dotlucene port's handling of index updates. (It's known to have
some such problems.) Since I only seem to be able to reproduce it after several
hours under Wikipedia's load level it was hard to debug and I've just put off
the live index updates feature...

A more minor issue is that setting up for standard Unix-style daemon operation
seems tricky. There is a runner for 'services', but it's not well documented.
For the moment we use a hacky little shell script and a PID file which usually
works for basic start/stop/restart behavior where you don't need a clean 

-- brion vibber (brion @ / brion @

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Mono-list maillist  -