Re: [Mono-list] Widgets

2005-12-05 Thread Chris Turchin

On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Shawn Vose wrote:

Other than gtk what is the other widget set that is available for both linux 
and windows. I think it is called wtk but I cant seem to find a url that has 
the .net bindings. Can someone please refer me to a proper link?

Kindest Regards,
Shawn Vose

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Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Interop Utility

2005-11-30 Thread Chris Turchin
For glib/GObject based APIs you should take a look at GAPI:


On Wed, 2005-11-30 at 17:32 -0500, Abe Gillespie wrote:
 Is there a utility out there that helps create the bindings to C
 library?  By that I mean something that autogenerates the necessary
 function with [DllImport] decoration.
 Mono-list maillist  -

Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-dev] GAPI library wrapping issue

2005-11-26 Thread Chris Turchin

I put together a managed wrapper for libsexy, a collection of a few nice
gtk widgets like a url label, image entry and spell-checking entry

In general, it was quite straight forward - once I read the GAPI wiki
page in detail and learned how to use the pkg-config --cflags stuff
(great page BTW), but one of the widgets is not working right: the copy
link locaton menu item of the SexyUrlLabel does not copy the text to
the clipboard in the managed version, though it works fine in the
regular widget. 

The url activated signal from the open link menu item is exposed as an
event and works, but the copy link location takes place in the C-code
and seems to just not be firing. 

The code is here (not always online, sorry, but try your luck): 
and/or here:

Anyone have an idea what could be wrong? Thanks.



Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-list] problem / wsdl

2005-10-27 Thread Chris Turchin


I installed mono using the linux installer for on a friend's FC4 system 
last night. All seemed well, then I tried compiling muine. It could not 
compile and seemed to be having a problem with the WSDL.exe: method not found in 
some class or another (sorry, not in front of the machine right now).

Simply starting wsdl from the command line had the same result. Has anyone else
seen this or is it more likely a configuration problem on this box?



Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-dev] service unavailable problem (was: Can't find older binaries)

2005-10-09 Thread Chris Turchin

On Sun, 2005-10-09 at 14:11 -0400, Joshua Tauberer wrote: 
 Can someone point me to the location of RPMs for 1.1.8? only has broken links since that 

This is what I am considering right now too... But before I do, I
thought I would share this

 Despite getting around the ThreadAbort issue, I'm having other mod_mono 
 problems that I can't track down [snip]Three problems seem to crop up after
  a few minutes of serving pages: Either  'Service unavailable', 'Internal 
 server error', or the request just hangs indefinitely. 

i have various unpredictable service unavailable errors and hangs as
well since upgrading to this morning (on SuSE 9.3). i noticed
this in the error_log after several crashes:

*** glibc detected *** malloc(): memory corruption: 0x09179018 ***

but this message is not consistently reproducible. i had a page that
would reproduce the error consistently but when i extracted the
implementation into a single executable (it was just an IHttpHandler
class that resized images), the problem went away. 

so, i created a bare-bones version of the IHttpHandler that will
reproduce the problem. it is attached to this email - you will need a
version of GD installed as well (i have gd-2.0.32-6); the .NET wrapper
for GD is include in the bin/ directory. a simple makefile for the
sample is included. 

interestingly, the crash it seems to be dependent on the size of the
previews I am generating:

below, the first request (and all requests for images of type Preview)
succeeds, the second (and all requests for images of type LargeFormat)
fail consistently. the large format is a 1024x768 image. - - [09/Oct/2005:22:02:44 +0200]
GET /gd-gallery/GDImage.ashx?fmt=Previewimg=%2fdata%2fimages%
2f2005-10-08%2fimg_5071.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 16996
2fimages%2f2005-10-08%2fimg_5071.jpg Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686;
en-US; rv:1.8b5) Gecko/20051006 Firefox/1.4.1 - - [09/Oct/2005:22:02:47 +0200]
GET /gd-gallery/largeformat.aspx?fmt=LargeFormatimg=%2fdata%2fimages%
2f2005-10-08%2fimg_5071.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 1785
2fimages%2f2005-10-08%2fimg_5071.jpg Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686;
en-US; rv:1.8b5) Gecko/20051006 Firefox/1.4.1

To test it, you need to pass the path to a jpeg file that the web server
process can read as the img parameter. i am testing with 4 megapixel
files, so you might try using a similarly large one...

the fmt parameter is the resize format: fmt=LargeFormat seems to
cause trouble for me.


Blegh indeed.

Kind Regards, 

ps: possibly related: for a while now (since 1.1.8?), I have been seeing
sessions become quickly invalid and am not sure why: i log into blogx to
post something and before i am done with the post (ok, i write slow but
not THAT slow!) I get an access denied error and need to log in again...
wierd... and that (as with the code from above) has been working for
ages, like since 0.30 or so, so I don't think it is the application...


Description: application/compressed-tar
Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-list] Reporting Engine

2005-05-27 Thread Chris Turchin

Regarding Report.NET:

It ran with mono with a minor change or two: The embedded resources were
not where they were expected (after just importing the csproj file into
monodevelop and just compiling - could have fixed this by using:
'-resource:FILE[,ID] Embed FILE as a resource' at the command line i
am sure...). 

It does not do anything with PInvoke, though the RT class does have a
few platform-specific convenience functions (printPDF, viewPDF) which
read the registry to get the path to acroread on win32. With a couple of
changes even this could work. I got ViewPDF() working by just replacing
the whole read registry thing with:

private static String _acroPath = acroread ;

and a bit of PlatformID magic to do The Right Thing on win32...

All the samples from the webpage ran without modification (except the
FontTest.cs, which seems to have trouble with unicode characters: it
renders the pdf, but the glyphs are wrong for characters like '' which
renders '').

Seems like an interesting project...


On Fri, 2005-05-27 at 07:54 -0700, Joe Audette wrote:
 I haven't tried this but I book marked it a while ago
 planning to check it out. Its a .NET reporting engine
 that renders to pdf.
 Joe Audette
 --- Harry Holt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  It appears that no one does (unless they responded
  off-list).  We've
  been using ActiveReports from DataDynamics, which
  is a nice .NET
  reporting tool.  We've discovered that it uses some
  native Win32 calls
  (kernel and gdi) for several of the modules
  (extensively for the PDF
  reports, for font rendering, apparently), so we have
  not been able to
  deploy that application to mono (which we must do).
  I have not been able to find anything appropriate
  that will work for
  us, so if anyone has any ideas, please let me know.
  Thx... HH
  On 5/25/05, Farzad Battiwalla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Does anyone know of a good reporting engine for
  Mono ? - I'm
   looking for something similar to Jasper Reports
  for Java, but on Dot
   Net. I'd also like it to be cross-platform,
  however, running on Linux is
   more important.
   Mono-list maillist  -
  Robbie the Nanobot says:
  Only YOU can prevent gray goo
  (NEVER release nanobot assemblers without
  replication limiting code)
  Mono-list maillist  -
 joe_audette [at] yahoo dotcom
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Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Play a mp3 with mono

2005-05-20 Thread Chris Turchin
You might want to look at Sonance or Muine, both of which is are mono based
music players. Both use the GStreamer bindings for mono:



On Fri, 20 May 2005, Pablo Cardona wrote:

 Hi, I'm trying to play sounds with Mono, and I've seen that the Sound
 class in the namespace Gnome only accepts .wav files, and I need to
 play a .mp3, so is in mono any class or method that can plays an .mp3

 Mono-devel-list mailing list

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Re: [Mono-list] XmlIncludeAttribute missing class

2005-05-11 Thread Chris Turchin

I don't think you can serialize hashtables (easily) to XML:

I did something similar a while back in mono with ArrayLists and that worked

public  class SearchList
[XmlElement(typeof(SearchType), ElementName = SearchType)]
public ArrayList Items = new ArrayList();

but I remember reading back then that hastables were a pain...



On Wed, 11 May 2005, Ricardo Gladwell wrote:

 I'm getting the following exception when I attempt to deserialize some
 objects in my application using System.Xml.Serialization:

 System.InvalidOperationException: The type WebPuppy.Model.Site was not
 expected. Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types
 that are not known statically.

 I've been careful to include all the relevant objects using the
 XmlIncludeAttribute so I can't figure out why the XML serializer is not
 properly finding the Site object. See code fragment below:

 using System.Collections;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Xml.Serialization;

 public class Test {
  public static void Main () {
  Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
  Site site = new Site();
  site.Id = id;
  configuration.Sites.Add( site );
  XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer (typeof
  using (FileStream fs = new FileStream (test.xml,
 FileMode.Create)) {
  serializer.Serialize (fs, configuration);

 public class Configuration {

   Folder sites = new Folder();

   public Folder Sites
   get {
   return sites;
   set {
   this.sites = value;


 [XmlInclude (typeof (Folder))]
 [XmlInclude (typeof (Site))]
 public abstract class Artifact {
   public string Id;

 public class Folder : Artifact, IEnumerable
   private Hashtable artifacts = new Hashtable ();

   public IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
   return artifacts.Values.GetEnumerator ();

   public void Add(object o) {
  Artifact artifact = (Artifact) o;
   artifacts[artifact.Id] = (Artifact) artifact;

 public class Site : Folder
 Mono-list maillist  -

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] XmlIncludeAttribute missing class

2005-05-11 Thread Chris Turchin

Sorry, I did not see that the Hashtable was private.

What I noticed when I tried your sample code is that if I decorate the
Configuration class with the XInclude's, then the error does not

[XmlInclude (typeof (Folder))]
[XmlInclude (typeof (Site))]
public class Configuration {


$ mcs ser.cs
$ mono ser.exe
$ more test.xml
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
Configuration xmlns:xsd=;
anyType xsi:type=ArrayOfAnyType1 /

Perhaps that was the issue?


On Wed, 11 May 2005, I wrote:


 I don't think you can serialize hashtables (easily) to XML:

 I did something similar a while back in mono with ArrayLists and that worked

 public  class SearchList
 [XmlElement(typeof(SearchType), ElementName = SearchType)]
 public ArrayList Items = new ArrayList();

 but I remember reading back then that hastables were a pain...



 On Wed, 11 May 2005, Ricardo Gladwell wrote:

  I'm getting the following exception when I attempt to deserialize some
  objects in my application using System.Xml.Serialization:
  System.InvalidOperationException: The type WebPuppy.Model.Site was not
  expected. Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types
  that are not known statically.
  I've been careful to include all the relevant objects using the
  XmlIncludeAttribute so I can't figure out why the XML serializer is not
  properly finding the Site object. See code fragment below:
  using System.Collections;
  using System.IO;
  using System.Xml.Serialization;
  public class Test {
   public static void Main () {
   Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
   Site site = new Site();
   site.Id = id;
   configuration.Sites.Add( site );
   XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer (typeof
   using (FileStream fs = new FileStream (test.xml,
  FileMode.Create)) {
   serializer.Serialize (fs, configuration);
  public class Configuration {
  Folder sites = new Folder();
  public Folder Sites
  get {
  return sites;
  set {
  this.sites = value;
  [XmlInclude (typeof (Folder))]
  [XmlInclude (typeof (Site))]
  public abstract class Artifact {
  public string Id;
  public class Folder : Artifact, IEnumerable
  private Hashtable artifacts = new Hashtable ();
  public IEnumerator GetEnumerator ()
  return artifacts.Values.GetEnumerator ();
  public void Add(object o) {
   Artifact artifact = (Artifact) o;
  artifacts[artifact.Id] = (Artifact) artifact;
  public class Site : Folder
  Mono-list maillist  -
 Mono-list maillist  -

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Dll loading failure

2005-04-28 Thread Chris Turchin

I think you need to set up your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. I have a simple
interop sample I did with mono here:

that you could look at for reference (see the READM). it creates a shared
library, uses it in a c-program and also uses it via DllImport in a c#-program.


Best Regards,


On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Jurek Bartuszek wrote:

 Hash: SHA1


 What do I have to provide in order to load a dll in C# (mono/mcs)?

 This piece of code has been compiled using mcs.

 using System;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

 public class Hello {

 public static extern int Add(int a, int b);

 public static int Main() {

 Console.WriteLine(Your sum: {0}, Add(2,3));

 return 0;

 Executed on windows, dodaj.dll is being found and a result of 5 is being
 displayed. However, when I run `mono main.exe` on Linux, I still keep
 getting this exception:

 $ mono main.exe

 Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: dodaj.dll
 in (wrapper managed-to-native) Hello:Add (int,int)
 in 0xf Hello:Main ()

 Is there any system variable that should be set, or else?


 Jurek Bartuszek
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

 Mono-list maillist  -

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Mono.Data.SqliteClient status

2005-04-14 Thread Chris Turchin

there is also another project doing an provider for 3.x version of
sqlite at


it is using the bsd license. i wanted to try using it - i got it to compile with
mono - but have not tested it (with success) yet, it has some capitalization
issues w.r.t. class names, etc which make it not possible to just drop in and
switch the namespaces. and i was too lazy to change my code to make it work, but
looks interesting as well...


On Thu, 14 Apr 2005, Miquel Ramírez wrote:


 I am developing an application under mono-1.1.5 that relies heavily on
 Sqlite and I am finding several unexpected problems. For instance,
 ADO.Net parameters are not supported at all, although a patch
 implementing that was submitted several months ago:

 I have just checked out the class libraries out of svn and the code is
 exactly the same... and the question that comes up to my mind is
 whether Mono.Data.SqliteClient is currently being actively maintained.
 However, that code features several bugs - specially in the parameter

 I also found a trivial - and pretty puzzling Hey, why the heck it is
 not rolling back changes!!! :D - bug in SqliteTransaction.cs, as the
 accompanying diff I hope shows.

 Finally, I am having other weird problems, never seen before that I am
 not being able at all to replicate - DML statements affecting too much
 rows and less columns as any sane person would expect... however I am
 unsure this is not entirely my fault. This is putting me in a frame of
 mind that I suspect even of my speaker's  shadow  on the table :S


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-list] mod_mono/apache error issue?

2004-11-06 Thread Chris Turchin

I have the following code in an httphandler that works fine with xsp but
in mod_mono yields a 500 server error (without any entry in the apache

context.Response.ContentType = image/jpeg;
//write resized gd-sharp image to client...

It seems dependent on the amount of time the method needs,
since when I save smaller files it succeeds and when I try and save
large files it often fails. 

sample: (this should work)

sample 2: (this should fail)

any ideas what I can do to avoid this and/or to find out more about what
is going wrong? since there is no error caught in the try/catch
statement in manged code and apache writes no error to the error_log, i
am out of ideas... 




Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] anon cvs disk full errors?

2004-09-30 Thread Chris Turchin

it seems anoncvs is broken:

cvs server: failed to create lock directory for
(/var/lock/cvs/xsp/tools/nunitasp/doc/api/#cvs.lock): No space left on device
cvs server: failed to obtain dir lock in repository
cvs [server aborted]: read lock failed - giving up
can't create temporary directory /tmp/cvs-serv5126
No space left on device
? autom4te.cache
cvs [server aborted]: error
closing /tmp/cvs-serv5129/packaging/CVS/Entries.Log: No space left on

is there another server i can use? 




Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Problem with multiple web applications

2004-09-21 Thread Chris Turchin
 without use the 
 link present in core application I don`t get any error (the core 
 application in this case is not loaded).
 I have finding some information about this issue, and I have found some 
 information about a bug quite similar to my error (it`s bugzilla report is, but that nowadays is 
 closed as resolved. There are a thread in this list talking about this bug 
 Could anybody tell me if my error could be a new bug related with the one I 
 have mentioned?
 Thanks very much,
 Paco Carpe.
 Ests pensando en cambiar de coche? Todas los modelos de serie y extras en 
 MSN Motor.
 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] mod_mono sharing application session data

2004-07-29 Thread Chris Turchin

One secure solution would be doing custom digest authentication in an
IHttpModule  which is then valid for the various applications. The
authentication module could then be shared by all applications and maybe rather
than a flat file you could use a DB or LDAP for the back end. ;-)

In addition, you could fall back to BASIC authentication if the digest is not
supported (though I think all modern browsers support it nowadays).

I did something like this a while back and though it was not for multiple apps,
I think if you used the same 'realm' (see the spec.) for all your
applications then it should work.

There are a number of sample on how to do this in .NET out there.

Here is one:



On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, Matthew Metnetsky wrote:

 I've searched google and found almost no information on this, so I
 figured I'd ask here.

 Has anyone had any luck of sharing HttpSession data between applications
 (basically directories) ?  The site I'm beginning to build requires 1
 login for multiple modules and I'd really rather not have a flat file
 structure for such a huge application.

 Any ideas?

 ~ Matthew

 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Implemented classes

2004-07-21 Thread Chris Turchin
Hi Valentina,

I can only comment on one:

 --System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState (to use session variables with web

You need to explicitly indicate EnableSession for a web method if you are not
doing this already. Sample (tested and seems to work with asmx test form,
though the session was not persisted between clicks, I assume this is a
client-side issue but am not sure...):

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Language=c# class =sumThis%
using System;
using System.Web.Services;
public class sumThis:WebService
[WebMethod(Description=Accumulated sum over
public int Add(int a,int b)
if (Session[sum]==null)
Session[sum] = 0;
int sum;
return Convert.ToInt32(Session[sum]);



Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] mod_mono doesn't monitor file changes on Novell shares

2004-07-09 Thread Chris Turchin
Hi Erik, Andrew, et al.,

On Fri, 9 Jul 2004, Erik Dasque wrote:

 My guess is that the file watchers don't work on network shares ?

in win32 its actually implemented using SMB, so it will work at least on
windows with network shares. i use it that way at least...


i seem to remember reading that fam would do this as well, but i have much
experience with it. more info is here (FAM FAQ):

hope that helps.


Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] xsp / mono processes question

2004-07-01 Thread Chris Turchin

I have been noticing this for a while (probably was always that way) but am not
sure if this is normal or if I have a configuration problem:

On my machine with apache/mod_mono the mono processes are always at the top of
the process table (sorted by time and/or %cpu) and two of them seem to always be
using between 3 and 5% of my cpu, even when idle. is this normal / to be

It doesn't bother me except that I would like to know if it function as
designed or not.



top - 15:36:40 up  7:58,  7 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.03, 0.00
Tasks: 159 total,   3 running, 156 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):   1.0% user,   2.0% system,   0.0% nice,  97.0% idle
Mem:900260k total,   559688k used,   340572k free,75832k buffers
Swap:   811240k total,0k used,   811240k free,   253748k cached

 3825 apache16   0 31060  30m 8196 S  1.8  3.4   7:09.23 mono
 3815 apache12   0  3268 2932 2588 S  0.9  0.3   4:16.34 mono

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] xsp more than one app failure

2004-06-27 Thread Chris Turchin

i am experiencing this as well with mod_mono - i had submimtted it to bugzilla
a while back and it was working again but since thursdsay or so i have seen
regression  (usinig anon cvs).

in my report, i thought it had more to do with a specific control, but now it
appears indeed to have more to do with multiple webapps.


ps: stack trace:

Server error in '/blogx' application
Description: Error processing request.

Error Message: HTTP 500.

Stack Trace:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
in 0xf System.Int32:FindSign
in 0x00427 System.Int32:Parse
in 0x00013 System.Int32:Parse (string,System.IFormatProvider)
in 0x00019 System.Convert:ToInt32 (string,System.IFormatProvider)
in 0xe System.String:System.IConvertible.ToInt32 (System.IFormatProvider)
in 0x00473 System.Convert:ToType (object,System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)
in 0x00069 System.Convert:ChangeType (object,System.Type)
in 0x0020d
in 0x000e9
in 0x001e3
in 0x003e0
in 0x0014b System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateControlTree
in 0x00494 System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateControlTree
in 0x00494 System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateControlTree
in 0x00494 System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateControlTree
in 0x00050 System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateMethods ()
in 0xa System.Web.Compilation.PageCompiler:CreateMethods ()
in 0x00148 System.Web.Compilation.BaseCompiler:GetCompiledType ()
in 0x00251 System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator:GetCompiledType ()
in 0x00036 System.Web.UI.PageParser:CompileIntoType ()
in 0x00018 System.Web.UI.TemplateControlParser:GetCompiledInstance ()
in 0x00050 System.Web.UI.PageParser:GetCompiledPageInstance
in 0x00011 System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory:GetHandler
in 0x00337 System.Web.HttpApplication:CreateHttpHandler
in 0x0011f CreateHandlerState:Execute ()
in 0x00084 StateMachine:ExecuteState

On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, Tomasz Soroka wrote:

 I have problem with xsp since beta 3

 it's also in rc1, so look at this:

 All apps work properly, when I run them as standalone - for example:

  mono /usr/bin/xsp.exe  --root . --applications /www:possibleWWW

 Problem is when I try run more than one app with xsp

  mono /usr/bin/xsp.exe  --root . --applications

 first app is my homepage and second is a xsp testing pages - from xsp
 installation. My homepage is written with using and compiled with
 mono.It uses firebird .net assembly compiled also with mono.

 when I first call /test 1 in browser


 it load properly next when i try call /www


 i get stacktrace (this app standaolne works perfectly)

 Description: Error processing request.

 Error Message: HTTP 500.

 Stack Trace:
 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
 in 0xf System.Int32:FindSign 
 in 0x00427 System.Int32:Parse 
 in 0x00013 System.Int32:Parse (string,System.IFormatProvider)
 in 0x00019 System.Convert:ToInt32 (string,System.IFormatProvider)
 in 0xe System.String:System.IConvertible.ToInt32 (System.IFormatProvider)
 in 0x00473 System.Convert:ToType (object,System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)
 in 0x00069 System.Convert:ChangeType (object,System.Type)
 in 0x0020d System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:GetExpressionFromString 
 in 0x000e9 
 in 0x001e3 
 in 0x003e0 

Re: [Mono-list] gtk-sharp CVS build failing

2004-06-27 Thread Chris Turchin
Hi Fawad,

thanks for the tip (off the list) on how to solve this. if anyone else is having
this problem (and I just saw on IRC that others are) then try this suggestion
from fawad:

  When doing the compilation, you need to pass the option
'--optimize=loop' to mono. I had to go into the Makefile for each
assembly in gtk-sharp, change the RUNTIME variable from
MY_PATH_TO_MONO/bin/mono to  MY_PATH_TO_MONO/bin/mono

This is a known mono bug and should be fixed soon.


On Sat, 26 Jun 2004, Fawad Halim wrote:

gtk-sharp build is failing for me with this error:

 Name: pattern Type: FcPattern*  in callback PangoFT2SubstituteFunc
  Stubbing it out 

 Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference
 not set to an instance of an object
 in 0x0005d GtkSharp.Generation.ClassBase:GenMethods

 make[3]: *** [generated-stamp] Error 1
 make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/data/fawad/cvs/mono/gtk-sharp/pango'
 make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/data/fawad/cvs/mono/gtk-sharp/pango'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/data/fawad/cvs/mono/gtk-sharp'
 make: *** [all] Error 2

 I'm getting this same error on both FC2 and Debian Unstable. mono and
 gtk-sharp source was gotten from CVS.

 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Casting and Plugin Issue

2004-06-27 Thread Chris Turchin

hi  pablo,

i am no  expert, but i think  you need to rerference the  assembly containing
which should perhaps not be in the  same assembly as said  plugin itself.


On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, Pablo Fischer wrote:


  I don't have any other idea, but I thought that maybe instead of doing:
  my_method = t.GetMethod(MGetPosts);
  object retVal = my_method.Invoke(activator,
  BindingFlags.Instance |
  BindingFlags.NonPublic |
  new Object[]{3, user},
  You could do:
  IPluging p = (IPlugin)t;
  object retVal = p.MGetPosts(3, user);

 Sounds great, I tried what you said with two assemblies: one is the
 Structs.dll (*Struct.cs) and the other Plugin.dll (Plugin.cs and the
 interface IPlugin.cs), then I compiled MyApp with

 mcs MyApp.cs -r Structs.dll

 And then tried to cast it, and it fails:

 Test7.cs(20) error CS0246: Cannot find type `IPlugin'

 Also I did a Console.WriteLine to 't' (Type) and prints

 Seems that I can't cast an interface, or what I'm doing wrong?.

  Assembly a;
  Type t;
  MethodInfo my_method;

  a = Assembly.LoadFrom(BloggerPlugin.dll);
  t = a.GetType(MBloggy.Plugins.IPlugin);

 As I said, I'm testing what you suggested, but with Reflections the
 plugins are working great!

 Pablo Fischer Sandoval (pablo [arroba/at]
 Fingerprint:  5973 0F10 543F 54AE 1E41  EC81 0840 A10A 74A4 E5C0

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] xsp more than one app failure

2004-06-27 Thread Chris Turchin

i got a copy of the bug changes via cc - looks good. i had mailed gonzalo about
this lasat tuesday, but not heard back and figured it was  just me having the
prob... i added  anohther comment to the  bug too.

On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, Tomasz Soroka wrote:

 I've reopened this bug:

 look at:

 for comment and test cases


 W liście z nie, 27-06-2004, godz. 13:17, Tomasz Soroka pisze:
  So I will add it to bugzilla, because it seems to be still a problem.
  W liście z nie, 27-06-2004, godz. 10:59, Chris Turchin pisze:
   i am experiencing this as well with mod_mono - i had submimtted it to bugzilla
   a while back and it was working again but since thursdsay or so i have seen
   regression  (usinig anon cvs).
   in my report, i thought it had more to do with a specific control, but now it
   appears indeed to have more to do with multiple webapps.
   ps: stack trace:
   Server error in '/blogx' application
   Description: Error processing request.
   Error Message: HTTP 500.
   Stack Trace:
   System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
   in 0xf System.Int32:FindSign
   in 0x00427 System.Int32:Parse
   in 0x00013 System.Int32:Parse (string,System.IFormatProvider)
   in 0x00019 System.Convert:ToInt32 (string,System.IFormatProvider)
   in 0xe System.String:System.IConvertible.ToInt32 (System.IFormatProvider)
   in 0x00473 System.Convert:ToType (object,System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)
   in 0x00069 System.Convert:ChangeType (object,System.Type)
   in 0x0020d
   in 0x000e9
   in 0x001e3
   in 0x003e0
   in 0x0014b System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateControlTree
   in 0x00494 System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateControlTree
   in 0x00494 System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateControlTree
   in 0x00494 System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateControlTree
   in 0x00050 System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateMethods ()
   in 0xa System.Web.Compilation.PageCompiler:CreateMethods ()
   in 0x00148 System.Web.Compilation.BaseCompiler:GetCompiledType ()
   in 0x00251 System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator:GetCompiledType ()
   in 0x00036 System.Web.UI.PageParser:CompileIntoType ()
   in 0x00018 System.Web.UI.TemplateControlParser:GetCompiledInstance ()
   in 0x00050 System.Web.UI.PageParser:GetCompiledPageInstance
   in 0x00011 System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory:GetHandler
   in 0x00337 System.Web.HttpApplication:CreateHttpHandler
   in 0x0011f CreateHandlerState:Execute ()
   in 0x00084 StateMachine:ExecuteState
   On Sun, 27 Jun 2004, Tomasz Soroka wrote:
I have problem with xsp since beta 3
it's also in rc1, so look at this:
All apps work properly, when I run them as standalone - for example:
 mono /usr/bin/xsp.exe  --root . --applications /www:possibleWWW
Problem is when I try run more than one app with xsp
 mono /usr/bin/xsp.exe  --root . --applications
first app is my homepage and second is a xsp testing pages - from xsp
installation. My homepage is written with using and compiled with
mono.It uses firebird .net assembly compiled also with mono.
when I first call /test 1 in browser
it load properly next when i try call /www
i get stacktrace (this app standaolne works perfectly)
Description: Error processing request.
Error Message: HTTP 500.
Stack Trace:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an 
in 0xf System.Int32:FindSign 
in 0x00427

Re: [Mono-list] XSP - Experiences?

2004-06-24 Thread Chris Turchin

As someone who has been using xsp since over a year and a half now, I can only
confirm what Gonzalo said about performance improvements recently. I even had
feedback from blog readers to that effect: things are actually visually faster.
Its really pretty imrpessive. Great work Lluis and Gonzalo!


On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Gonzalo Paniagua Javier wrote:

 El jue, 24-06-2004 a las 03:40, David Mitchell escribió:
  Short answer. No.
  Long answer. Not yet. We started using XSP a few months ago, in that
  time it has come a very long way very quickly. Now it is pretty solid. I
  haven't seen it in a high traffic situation yet but frankly I'm not to
  confident that it's ready. Time will tell of course and I think it will
  definitely get there, I don't feel it is there quite yet but I don't
  think it will be long.

 Btw, with the recent changes from Lluis, xsp+mod_mono performs 3 times
 faster than before, while xsp standalone does 2x.


 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Muno usage problem

2004-06-06 Thread Chris Turchin
Hi Alex,

hopefully someone helped you with this already, but if not, here is my
short description:

In SUSE, assuming everything is working right after your installation,
should should be able to start a .net application on the command line by
using this syntax:

shell$ mono .NET-executable-name

CLI executables cannot be started directly by default in Linux by
default (there is a way to configure it to work, but i don't have the
howto link at hand right now, check the list archives for more info).

in windows, i have not used mono much, but i know it is at least
possible to start them the same way as in linux, that is, using mono
filename.exe from the command line or from a batch file.

hope that helps.



On Sat, 2004-06-05 at 20:56, Alexander Panov wrote:
 my name is Alexander Panov. I am a .NET Developer. I found out MONO like an 
 year ago, but now I really need to use it.
 I have developed a .NET application in C# and i want to run it on Linux. I 
 have SUSE 9.1 Pro.
 The problem is that I can't run MONO neither on the SUSE Linux, nor on 
 Windows XP.
 I have downloaded the Beta2 Setup for Windows and the corresponding set of 
 packages for SUSE Linux.
 Under Windows i Setup Mono, and i don't know how to run a .NET application 
 with it. There is no help file also.
 Under SUSE(where i am a begginer) i installed the 54 packages and also don't 
 know how to run my program.
 Note that my idea is only to run a .NET application built with MS Visual 
 Studio .NET 2003 with MONO on Linux (and Windows) and not to build new .NET 
 applications using MONO compiler and environment(at least for now).
 My request is:
 give me a detailed instructions what I have to do in order to run an already 
 build .NET program with MONO on both Linux and Windows(like you need to 
 install this packages; after that run this tool or start your exe with this 
 application or whatever it takes, but in a way to be followable)
 send me a link whare it is described.
 I can't find such on
 Otherwise the idea is great and congratulations!
 Looking forward to hearing from you.
 Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Muno usage problem

2004-06-06 Thread Chris Turchin
Hi Alex,

your experience sounds pretty normal for System.Windows.Forms and/or
System.Drawing applications. Both of these API's are still under heavy
development and I do not think you can expect many .NET apps depending
on them to run just yet. 

However, if you are interested in SWF development, do subscribe to the
list and there are many people here that are working on development in
these namespaces. There is even a winforms mailing list and other
resources available, check this link for more information:



PS: my experience was as yours: your app ran fine with the microsoft 1.1
framework but neither with mono in windows or linux - i would say your
install is probably fine, but SWF is probably not quite there yet.

On Sun, 2004-06-06 at 20:24, Alexander Panov wrote:
 Hi Chris,
 thanks for answering. I tryied to run my application with   shell$mono 
 programName.exe   and i had some success. The program i indended to run 
 didn't succeed to run, but some other C# .NET programs i have - ran.
 All console applications i tryied ran with no problem. Those with GUI - 
 didn't. Only one very simple form ran under Windows with MONO.
 An error message saying that my MONO components are out of sync resulted.
 It is verry likely that my installation is not fully successful.
 Actualy I couldn't install MONO Beta 2 on my windows XP. I succeeded to 
 install MONO Release 3.1.
 Regarding my SUSE installation - i installed Beta2, but some packages had 
 unresolved requrements - i don't know if it's normal or not for MONO Beta2 
 installation, but i couldn't find a way to resolve them.
 I will please you to try running my 'ResizePictures' application with MONO 
 if you have everithing set-up and running. It is possible that this program 
 use some features not yet included in MONO, but i can't tell, while i don't 
 have 'proved-to-run' MONO. A test on a fully functional MONO will be very 
 helpfull for me, since i try to determine if it can be used on Linux with 
 You can also try 'ResizePictures' on Windows XP/2000 with .NET Framework 1.1 
 and use it if you like it :)
 Looking forward to hearing from you.
 From: Chris Turchin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Alexander Panov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CC: mono-list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Mono-list] Muno usage problem
 Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2004 14:22:46 +0200
 Hi Alex,
 hopefully someone helped you with this already, but if not, here is my
 short description:
 In SUSE, assuming everything is working right after your installation,
 should should be able to start a .net application on the command line by
 using this syntax:
 shell$ mono .NET-executable-name
 CLI executables cannot be started directly by default in Linux by
 default (there is a way to configure it to work, but i don't have the
 howto link at hand right now, check the list archives for more info).
 in windows, i have not used mono much, but i know it is at least
 possible to start them the same way as in linux, that is, using mono
 filename.exe from the command line or from a batch file.
 hope that helps.
 On Sat, 2004-06-05 at 20:56, Alexander Panov wrote:
   my name is Alexander Panov. I am a .NET Developer. I found out MONO like 
   year ago, but now I really need to use it.
   I have developed a .NET application in C# and i want to run it on Linux. 
   have SUSE 9.1 Pro.
   The problem is that I can't run MONO neither on the SUSE Linux, nor on
   Windows XP.
   I have downloaded the Beta2 Setup for Windows and the corresponding set 
   packages for SUSE Linux.
   Under Windows i Setup Mono, and i don't know how to run a .NET 
   with it. There is no help file also.
   Under SUSE(where i am a begginer) i installed the 54 packages and also 
   know how to run my program.
   Note that my idea is only to run a .NET application built with MS Visual
   Studio .NET 2003 with MONO on Linux (and Windows) and not to build new 
   applications using MONO compiler and environment(at least for now).
   My request is:
   give me a detailed instructions what I have to do in order to run an 
   build .NET program with MONO on both Linux and Windows(like you need to
   install this packages; after that run this tool or start your exe with 
   application or whatever it takes, but in a way to be followable)
   send me a link whare it is described.
   I can't find such on
   Otherwise the idea is great and congratulations!
   Looking forward to hearing from you.
   Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
   Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] issue with pinvoke memory leak

2004-06-02 Thread Chris Turchin

i have the following sitution (not directly mono related but maybe interesting
regardless since a lot of pinvoke is going on here) that I do not know how to
handle cleanly:

i have been playing with  a wrapper for an image library with the following

private static extern FIBITMAP FreeImage_Rescale(FIBITMAP dib, int dst_width,
int dst_height, FilterOption filter);

I had implemented it like this:

public FreeImage Resample(int newwidth, int newheight,
FilterOption filter)

which works fine with something like:

FreeImage img2 = img.Resample(100,100,FilterOption.BILINEAR);

but when I do:

img = img.Resample(100,100,FilterOption.BILINEAR);

then the img object is 'replaced' but a I have a big memory leak, since the
Dispose() method which handles the cleanup of unmanaged resources (the img
object has a pointer to the unmanaged image data which is normally released when
the object is disposed) is never called.

Can someone give me a tip how to handle this in a way that ensures that the old
data from img is disposed in the second case above? Actaully, would this same
issue be a problem for all IDisposable objects in managed code (maybe I am not
allowed to do this at all with IDisposable objects) or is this unique to the
managed/unmanaged code in question here?

Thanks for any feedback!

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] issue with pinvoke memory leak

2004-06-02 Thread Chris Turchin

Hi Ravindra,

again, thanks for the tip. I checked and the finalizer  was there only it was
not getting called (or not often enough) - i added a GC.Collect() call to my
test class and it worked.

Thanks again!



On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Ravindra wrote:


 On Wed, 2004-06-02 at 17:00, Chris Turchin wrote:
  i have been playing with  a wrapper for an image library with the following
  private static extern FIBITMAP FreeImage_Rescale(FIBITMAP dib, int dst_width,
  int dst_height, FilterOption filter);
  I had implemented it like this:
  public FreeImage Resample(int newwidth, int newheight,
  FilterOption filter)
  which works fine with something like:
  FreeImage img2 = img.Resample(100,100,FilterOption.BILINEAR);
  but when I do:
  img = img.Resample(100,100,FilterOption.BILINEAR);
  then the img object is 'replaced' but a I have a big memory leak, since the
  Dispose() method which handles the cleanup of unmanaged resources (the img
  object has a pointer to the unmanaged image data which is normally released when
  the object is disposed) is never called.
  Can someone give me a tip how to handle this in a way that ensures that the old
  data from img is disposed in the second case above? Actaully, would this same
  issue be a problem for all IDisposable objects in managed code (maybe I am not
  allowed to do this at all with IDisposable objects) or is this unique to the
  managed/unmanaged code in question here?

 Dude, you need to implement finalizer for your FreeImage class.
 Finalizer method would do all the required cleanup you want to do. GC
 would call your class finalizer, when you are done with the referenced

 - Ravindra

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] xsp problem

2004-05-27 Thread Chris Turchin

If, by XSP you mean mod-mono-server.exe (and since this is an error from the
apache err_log, I assume you do), then this is an error I was also seeing when
the apache process could not start the mod-mono-server.exe - you might try
starting the mod-mono-server.exe process separately, via the httpd init script,
its own init script or by hand and seeing if that helps. Setting

LogLevel debug

in the httpd2.conf and using the --verbose flag for mod-mono-server.exe might
help you find the source of issue as well.

As for a port, if you need to set this for vhosts, or if you are just running on
a different port, you can configure this and a plethora of other things via the
command line parameters and/or the appconfigfile for mod-mono-server.

Check the list for the mail I  sent yesterday: I listed the various
configuration options available (and some other resources, websites, etc.)
there... If you are not subscribed, send me a mail and I will forward the
message to you.



On Thu, 27 May 2004, Jonathan Stowe wrote:

 On Thu, 2004-05-27 at 10:11, master wrote:
  or i get sometimes
[Thu May 27 11:07:50 2004] [error] (61)Connection refused: Failed
  connecting and child didn't exit!
  is there somewhere where i must say to mod mono where the port of xsp server
  is ?

 I'm not quite following you here, you either use XSP *or* mod_mono,
 although you need to install both.  If you are using mod_mono then it
 will be on the same port as the Apache is listening.  The configuration
 for the Apache to make it use mod_mono is described in the INSTALL file
 in the mod_mono source.

  - Original Message -
  From: Jonathan Stowe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: master [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 9:58 AM
  Subject: Re: [Mono-list] xsp problem
   On Wed, 2004-05-26 at 14:17, master wrote:
Hi, i just trying to install the xsp server, the configure went well but
when i do the make i get the following :
  /usr/local/bin/mcs -debug+ -debug:full -nologo -r:System.Web.dll -r:Mono.Pos
ix.dll /d:MODMONO_SERVER /out:mod-mono-server.exe
error CS2008: No files to compile were specified
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings
*** Error code 1
Stop in /root/xsp-0.13/server.
any idea of what i can do?
   Make sure you are using the GNU Make rather than any other one - I have
   seen this with the BSD make for instance.

 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] multiple web apps with mod_mono

2004-05-24 Thread Chris Turchin

Some more information to my situation: the /test/ webapp accompanying
xsp seems to work regardless of whether another app was started first. 

the only difference i have noticed is that i am using sessions in the
other apps and not in the /test/ app. and as if to confirm, when I click

i get:

Server error in '/test' application

Description: Error processing request. 

Error Message: HTTP 500. 

Stack Trace: 
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
in 0x0001d System.Int32:FindSign 
in 0x0043d System.Int32:Parse 
in 0x00013 System.Int32:Parse (string,System.IFormatProvider)
in 0x00019 System.Convert:ToInt32 (string,System.IFormatProvider)
in 0xe System.String:System.IConvertible.ToInt32 (System.IFormatProvider)
in 0x0048d System.Convert:ToType (object,System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)
in 0x00037 System.Convert:ChangeType (object,System.Type)
in 0x001fa System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:GetExpressionFromString 
in 0x000e5 System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:AddCodeForPropertyOrField 
in 0x001e9 System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:ProcessPropertiesAndFields 
in 0x0040f 
in 0x0014b System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateControlTree 
in 0x004fb System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateControlTree 
in 0x004fb System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateControlTree 
in 0x00050 System.Web.Compilation.TemplateControlCompiler:CreateMethods ()
in 0xa System.Web.Compilation.PageCompiler:CreateMethods ()
in 0x0019e System.Web.Compilation.BaseCompiler:GetCompiledType ()
in 0x00273 System.Web.Compilation.AspGenerator:GetCompiledType ()
in 0x00036 System.Web.UI.PageParser:CompileIntoType ()
in 0x0001a System.Web.UI.TemplateControlParser:GetCompiledInstance ()
in 0x00048 System.Web.UI.PageParser:GetCompiledPageInstance 
in 0x00011 System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory:GetHandler 
in 0x003a1 System.Web.HttpApplication:CreateHttpHandler 
in 0x00122 CreateHandlerState:Execute ()
in 0x00084 StateMachine:ExecuteState (System.Web.HttpApplication/IStateHandler,bool)

which is consistent with the problems occuring in the other webapps. is
it possible that mod_mono is having trouble supporting more than one
webapp's session state?

i also have experienced that when I enable cookieless=true in the
web.config, the apps do not seem to work at all anymore:

Server error in '/blogx' application

Cannot find '/blogx/(573F4B3EE6459955E53776F95B7433)//Default.aspx'.
Description: Error processing request. 

Error Message: HTTP 404. Cannot find

Any ideas?


On Mon, 2004-05-24 at 16:01, Chris Turchin wrote:
 until just recently, this morning in fact, I was able to run 4 web apps with
 mod_mono concurrently and it seemed mostly to just work. Since updating from
 cvs today I have the following situation:
 After an apache restart, the first app loads in the browser and runs fine.
 However any attempt to start an additional app yields the following error:
 Server error in '/blogx' application
 Description: Error processing request.
 Error Message: HTTP 500.
 Stack Trace:
 System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an
 in 0x0001d System.Int32:FindSign
 in 0x0043d System.Int32:Parse
 in 0x00013 System.Int32:Parse (string,System.IFormatProvider)
 in 0x00019 System.Convert:ToInt32 (string,System.IFormatProvider)
 in 0xe System.String:System.IConvertible.ToInt32 (System.IFormatProvider)
 in 0x0048d System.Convert:ToType (object,System.Type,System.IFormatProvider)
 in 0x00037 System.Convert:ChangeType (object,System.Type)
 in 0x001fa
 in 0x000e5
 in 0x001e9

Re: [Mono-list] Mono Beta 1 on mandrake 9.2

2004-05-21 Thread Chris Turchin
Hi Tracy,

I was having similar problems after updating to beta1 and the new
mod_mono with mdk9.1 a while back (from cvs, not from the rpms,
however). It turned out to be mostly pebkac on my part: a combination

a) permissions problems: since the new mod_mono starts the
process itself, it runs with the apache permissions - make sure the
apache user can read all the files that needs. for the
test directory, i think the  makefile does that for you, but if you have
your own applications, this might play a role. 

b) this line is no longer suppored in your httpd2.conf:
AddType application/x-asp-net .mono .aspx .ashx .asmx .ascx .asax
.config .cs .ascx

(probably why you are getting the browser message that you are getting)

hope that helps.


On Fri, 2004-05-21 at 10:54, Jonathan Stowe wrote:
 On Fri, 2004-05-21 at 02:35, Tracy Barlow wrote:
  ASP simply does not work. There are no error messages, Mozilla simply 
  reports that the file is of type application/x-asp-net and that it does 
  not know what to do with it.
 Works fine for me.  Can you provide more details.
 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] mod_mono on SuSE 9 apache2

2004-05-10 Thread Chris Turchin

I was having very similar problems and it was in fact permissions
related. Make sure that the apache/web user has permissions in whatever
directory your web application stuff is in. 

I did not notice this earlier because i was always starting the
mod-mono-server from hand up to now (now being v.0.9, which spawns the
mod-mono-server process itself), and the permissions were okay with the
other user context i was starting with. 

It is kinda tedious though, because it means when you recompile and or
modify anything, you need to chmod/chown anything that has changed (or
write a makefile that does this)...

Here is an excerpt from my httpd2.conf file and my remarks to the

#begin new mod_mono module

LoadModule mono_module   modules/
MonoRunXSP True
MonoWapiDir /tmp
MonoUnixSocket /tmp/mod_mono_server
MonoServerPath /usr/bin/mod-mono-server.exe
MonoApplications /test:/usr/share/doc/xsp/test,/blogx:/data/web/blogx

Alias /test /usr/share/doc/xsp/test
Directory /usr/share/doc/xsp/test
SetHandler mono
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Alias /blogx /data/web/blogx
Directory /data/web/blogx
SetHandler mono
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

#end new module

In this case, I needed to check everything in the test/ and blogx/
directory (and subdirs). Then it worked.

Of course, the mod-mono-server.exe and mono executable must also be
somewhere where apache/web can access them.

You might also try testing on your localhost interface. I seem to have
gotten better error reporting from apache via:




[Tue May 11 00:20:04 2004] [error] [client] Attempt to serve
directory: /data/web/blogx/


[Tue May 11 00:20:25 2004] [crit] [client] (13)Permission
denied: /data/web/blogx/SiteConfig/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to
check htaccess file, ensure it is readable, referer:

Whereas when testing on the external interface, I simply got no response
or just the source code streamed to the client?

Hope that helps.



On Mon, 2004-05-10 at 23:32, Adam Jacob wrote:
 On Mon, 2004-05-10 at 13:18, Gonzalo Paniagua Javier wrote:
   Does anybody have this working with the apache2 prefork mpm on SuSE 9? 
   Am I just being a moron? (Likely!)  
  I just tried the same lines that you have (but i run apache2 as a
  non-privileged user and on port 8080) and it worked fine. I can only
  think of permissions problems...
 What should the permissions be?
 I can see the content, as it does show me the raw aspx pages. 
 mod-mono-server.exe is 755, as is /usr/bin/mono.  
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Windows installer - Take 3, a.k.a. this should work for everyone

2004-05-10 Thread Chris Turchin

i downloaded this setup (I have never tried mono in windoze before) to
my 2003 vmware and installed it. seems install worked and mono
Helloworld.exe seems to work too. cool.

but when i try to use a mono assembly (in this case
Mono.Data.SqliteClient) in MS.NET I get:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileLoadException' occurred in
Unknown Module.

Additional information: Strong name validation failed for assembly

The program '[3100] WinTest.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

Is this to be expected, or a bug (or both) or am I doing something

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] [Patch] Mono.Data.SqliteClient named input parameters

2004-05-10 Thread Chris Turchin

I have written a patch for Mono.Data.SqliteClient to allow working with
named input parameters that I would like to have committed. Basically
you can do something like:

dbcmd.CommandText = SELECT * FROM MONO_TEST where NID =  @nid AND 

dbcmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(@nid , 1) );
dbcmd.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(@ndesc, _ono%) );
SqliteParameter(@email,[EMAIL PROTECTED]));

ShowData( dbcmd.ExecuteReader());

I parse the parameters using regular expressions to replace them with
the values when ExecuteReader() is called. Its pretty simple because the
current implementation of SqliteClient only uses String data types
(otherwise, the replace statement would likely have been more complex).

It is not truly passing the parameters to the C-API since sqlite does
not support named parameters (yet, it is on the TODO list for a future
release) just modifying the sql text before executing, but it is still a
big help making sqlite db code a lot cleaner (mphoto and f-stop come to
mind...) and could be easily modified as soon as named parameters are
truly supported in sqlite.

I am attaching it here. Can someone take a look at it and tell me if it
is okay to commit? 



Index: ChangeLog
RCS file: /mono/mcs/class/Mono.Data.SqliteClient/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -b -r1.10 ChangeLog
--- ChangeLog	29 Apr 2004 13:54:32 -	1.10
+++ ChangeLog	9 May 2004 23:19:42 -
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+2004-05-09  Chris Turchin  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+	* Mono.Data.SqliteClient/SqliteCommand.cs: 
+		- implemented named input parameters using ADO.NET Syntax: @-prefix (e.g. @param1, @myparam, etc)
+		- ProcessParameters() method extracts the named parameters in the ParametersCollection from the raw sql and
+		  replaces them with the respective parameter values before executing the query
+	* Mono.Data.SqliteClient/SqliteDataReader.cs:
+		- added note regarding datatypes
+	* Mono.Data.SqliteClient/SqliteParameterCollection.cs:
+		- implemented various NotYetImplemented interface implementations - IList, ICollection interface methods 
+		  and properties now return the corresponding results from the numeric_param_hash in the background.
+		- fixed bug in IndexOf (string parameterName) where parameterName is not present
+		- added range checks for this[index] and this[propertyName] properties with IndexOutOfRangeException()
+		- fixed bug in  Add (object value) related to the wrong key being stored in named_param_hash[]
+		- GenerateParameterName() like firebird provider for case SqlParameter.ParameterName.Length == 0
+		  generates name using format: @ + numeric_param_hash.Count + 1
+	* Test/SqliteTest.cs:
+		- added tests related to named parameters. restructured the code to be more modular. 
 2004-04-29  Gonzalo Paniagua Javier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 	* Mono.Data.SqliteClient/SqliteCommand.cs: implement LastInsertRowId.
Index: Mono.Data.SqliteClient/SqliteCommand.cs
RCS file: /mono/mcs/class/Mono.Data.SqliteClient/Mono.Data.SqliteClient/SqliteCommand.cs,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -b -r1.4 SqliteCommand.cs
--- Mono.Data.SqliteClient/SqliteCommand.cs	29 Apr 2004 13:54:32 -	1.4
+++ Mono.Data.SqliteClient/SqliteCommand.cs	9 May 2004 23:19:42 -
@@ -3,12 +3,13 @@
 //  SqliteCommand.cs
 //  Author(s): Vladimir Vukicevic  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+//			Chris Turchin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 //  Copyright (C) 2002  Vladimir Vukicevic
 using System;
 using System.Text;
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
 using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
 using System.Data;
@@ -199,17 +200,26 @@
 byte *msg_result;
 try {
+	string sqlData = sql;
+	if (Parameters.Count  0)
+	{
+		//in a future version of sqlite, named parameters will be supported
+		//then one could due a better  implementation (pinvoking add_parameter() or whatever)
+		sqlData = ProcessParameters();
+	}
 	if (want_results) {
 	reader = new SqliteDataReader (this);
-		err = sqlite_exec (parent_conn.Handle,
-   sql,
+		err = sqlite_exec ( parent_conn.Handle,
+			sqlData,
    new SqliteCallbackFunction (reader.SqliteCallback),
    IntPtr.Zero, msg_result);
 		reader.ReadingDone ();
 	} else {
 	err = sqlite_exec (parent_conn.Handle,
-	   sql,
+			sqlData,
 	   IntPtr.Zero, msg_result);
@@ -235,6 +245,40

Re: AW: [Mono-list] Windows installer - Take 3, a.k.a. this shouldwork for everyone

2004-05-10 Thread Chris Turchin

FYI: In my case, I had in fact just copied the DLL somewhere else to reference
it in my test application.


On Mon, 10 May 2004, Jochen Wezel wrote:

 Chris' question is correct and maybe a question for best practises for getting Mono 
 apps running on MS.NET:

 Is it better to let the windows installer install all DLLs containing Mono 
 namespaces (e.g. Mono.Data.SqliteClient) to the GAC of MS.NET, too?

 Or is it better to copy those additional required Mono DLLs into the project 
 directory for every single project?


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Chris Turchin
 Gesendet: Montag, 10. Mai 2004 09:18
 An: mono-list
 Betreff: Re: [Mono-list] Windows installer - Take 3, a.k.a. this shouldwork for 


 i downloaded this setup (I have never tried mono in windoze before) to my 2003 
 vmware and installed it. seems install worked and mono Helloworld.exe seems to 
 work too. cool.

 but when i try to use a mono assembly (in this case
 Mono.Data.SqliteClient) in MS.NET I get:

 An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileLoadException' occurred in Unknown 

 Additional information: Strong name validation failed for assembly 

 The program '[3100] WinTest.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

 Is this to be expected, or a bug (or both) or am I doing something wrong?

 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] beta1 live cd?

2004-05-09 Thread Chris Turchin

i recall that at some point there was some talk of creating a live-cd to
showcase mono progress for those not willing and/or able to install it
on their own machine. 

is this still a feasible option and if so, is anyone working on
something to this effect? i did some quick searching of which live-cd
distros would be best suitable and in terms of current configuration of
the live-cd (read: the default wm, the packaging system, how up-to-date
the distro is etc...) and the pld live cd
( seems well
suited for this (defaults to gnome, has current kernel  and gnome/gtk
packages, is rpm-based, includes apache 2.0.49, gcc 3.3.3, and other

i have not  ever  tried the pld live cd i must admit and the polish
pages make it  hard for me to say how easily it can be remastered
(though according to the translation engine  at scripts
have been placed on plate for remasteringu. there short instruction is
placed too - [allyourbasearebelongtous...] :-).   

the idea of a mono live cd is seems like a very positive thing to me to
increase awareness and ease transition from other platforms. anyone else
out there feel the same way?


ps: adios ( suitable
as well, though i could  not find a package list detailing what all it
includes, though it seems to include a lot!

pps: it really only makes sense that there would be a suse live cd for
this purpose at some point... ;-)
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] beta1 live cd?

2004-05-09 Thread Chris Turchin
(my, word travels fast...)

Here is the unsolicited, positive feedback from the PLD maintainer...


ps: pls keep havner cc'ed on this thread as he is not subscribed to the

-Forwarded Message-
 From: havner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [Mono-list] beta1 live cd?]
 Date: Sun, 09 May 2004 15:05:52 +0200
 Hash: SHA1
  is this still a feasible option and if so, is anyone working on
  something to this effect? i did some quick searching of which live-cd
  distros would be best suitable and in terms of current configuration of
  the live-cd (read: the default wm, the packaging system, how up-to-date
  the distro is etc...) and the pld live cd
  ( seems well
  suited for this (defaults to gnome, has current kernel  and gnome/gtk
  packages, is rpm-based, includes apache 2.0.49, gcc 3.3.3, and other
  i have not  ever  tried the pld live cd i must admit and the polish
  pages make it  hard for me to say how easily it can be remastered
  (though according to the translation engine  at scripts
  have been placed on plate for remasteringu. there short instruction is
  placed too - [allyourbasearebelongtous...] :-).
 If you want to make mono livecd based on my PLD Live CD than you can count on 
 me. This site will be translated to english as soon as possible. Remastering 
 of PLD livecd is very easy. Like you've managed to translate, there are 
 sripts and short instructios in english. I'm not subscribed to mono lists, so 
 If you could froward this message there, and post me replies I would be very 
 - -- 
 Regards   Havner
 GG: 2846839   havner(at)
   We live as we dream, alone   - Joseph Conrad
 Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] cvs make fullbuild

2004-05-05 Thread Chris Turchin

if anyone else was having trouble building from cvs, Raja R Harinath
[EMAIL PROTECTED] posted a good tip on monday (which i missed last


Edit and replace 'install-dist_monobinsDATA' with
'install-monobinsDATA' in the 'xinstall-runtime' rule.


 But to get it running for me, not only did I have to
'install-dist_monobinsDATA' but also the 'install-dist_corlibDATA'
statement on the following line with 'install-corlibDATA'. 

i hope that helps someone out there...


On Wed, 2004-05-05 at 01:05, Chris Turchin wrote:
 for the last few days i have not gotten cvs to build correctly.  tonight
 i even installed the newest  monocharge (w/ and checked out
 clean versions of mono and mcs from cvs. make fullbuild is  giving me:
 make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
 make[3]: Leaving directory
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 make[2]: Entering directory
 make[3]: Entering directory
 make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
 make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
 make[3]: Leaving directory
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 cd runtime  make dist_monobins_DATA=mcs.exe install-dist_monobinsDATA
 make[1]: Entering directory
 make[1]: *** No rule to make target `install-dist_monobinsDATA'.  Stop.
 make[1]: Leaving directory
 make: *** [xinstall-runtime] Error 2
 and regular make issues another error: 
 if test -f ../../mcs/mcs/mcs.exe; then f=../../mcs/mcs/mcs.exe; else
 f=/mcs.exe; fi; \
 echo cp -f $f .; \
 cp -f $f .
 cp -f ../../mcs/mcs/mcs.exe .
 if test -f ../../mcs/mbas/mbas.exe; then f=../../mcs/mbas/mbas.exe; else
 f=/mbas.exe; fi; \
 echo cp -f $f .; \
 cp -f $f .
 cp -f /mbas.exe .
 cp: cannot stat `/mbas.exe': No such file or directory
 make[3]: *** [mbas.exe] Error 1
 make[3]: Leaving directory
 make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/chris/Documents/dev/mono-cvs/mono'
 make: *** [all] Error 2
 i am out of ideas on my  end. can someone from the list offer an
 enlightening word  or two?
 ps. mdk 9.1, gcc 3.2.2, automake1.6-1.7.2-3mdk
 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] cvs woes...

2004-05-04 Thread Chris Turchin

for the last few days i have not gotten cvs to build correctly.  tonight
i even installed the newest  monocharge (w/ and checked out
clean versions of mono and mcs from cvs. make fullbuild is  giving me:

make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[2]: Entering directory
make[3]: Entering directory
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[3]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: Leaving directory
cd runtime  make dist_monobins_DATA=mcs.exe install-dist_monobinsDATA
make[1]: Entering directory
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `install-dist_monobinsDATA'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [xinstall-runtime] Error 2

and regular make issues another error: 

if test -f ../../mcs/mcs/mcs.exe; then f=../../mcs/mcs/mcs.exe; else
f=/mcs.exe; fi; \
echo cp -f $f .; \
cp -f $f .
cp -f ../../mcs/mcs/mcs.exe .
if test -f ../../mcs/mbas/mbas.exe; then f=../../mcs/mbas/mbas.exe; else
f=/mbas.exe; fi; \
echo cp -f $f .; \
cp -f $f .
cp -f /mbas.exe .
cp: cannot stat `/mbas.exe': No such file or directory
make[3]: *** [mbas.exe] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/chris/Documents/dev/mono-cvs/mono'
make: *** [all] Error 2

i am out of ideas on my  end. can someone from the list offer an
enlightening word  or two?




ps. mdk 9.1, gcc 3.2.2, automake1.6-1.7.2-3mdk

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Trying to run XSP

2004-04-30 Thread Chris Turchin
you can configure linux to run them automatically using binfmt_misc, see this
post for more information:



On Fri, 30 Apr 2004, A Rafael D Teixeira wrote:

 On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 10:52, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I configured XSP with ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/xsp, ran make and
  make install, and everything appeared to run smoothly. However, when I run
  any of the executables in my bin folder in /usr/local/xsp/bin, it says
  ./xsp.exe - Cannot execute binary file.

 Have you first installed Mono? And are you running with mono runtime?

 You have to issue commands like:

 mono xsp.exe ...

 to run .net exes in linux.

  I am running RH 9 on a Celeron 2.0 ghz. Thanks.

 Hope it helps,

 Rafael Monoman Teixeira
 Mono Hacker since 16 Jul 2001 -
 Mono Brasil Founding Member -
 English Blog:
 Brazilian Portuguese Blog:

 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] System.Drawing status?

2004-04-20 Thread Chris Turchin

last week I sat down and got cairo, libgdiplus and libpixman running
from cvs in the hopes that it would make my simple system.drawing test
work. this seems to have not been enough. i just wanted to resize a jpeg
and am getting the following error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] test]$ mono s.d.exe /data/images/IMG_0044.JPG 466
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception
was thrown by the type initializer for System.Drawing.GDIPlus ---
System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found where an object
instance was required.
in (unmanaged) (wrapper managed-to-native)
in 0x4 (wrapper managed-to-native)
0x00068 System.Drawing.GDIPlus:.cctor ()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
in (unmanaged) System.Drawing.GDIPlus:GdipLoadImageFromFile
in 0x00020 System.Drawing.Bitmap:InitFromFile (string)
in 0x00056 (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
System.Drawing.Bitmap:InitFromFile (string)
in 0x0001c System.Drawing.Bitmap:.ctor (string,bool)
in 0x00012 System.Drawing.Bitmap:.ctor (string)
in 0x00056 (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check)
System.Drawing.Bitmap:.ctor (string)
in 0x00020 System.Drawing.Image:FromFile (string)
in 0x00085 sizer.TestSystemDrawing:GenerateImage
in 0x00043 sizer.TestSystemDrawing:Main (string[])
is this still to  be expected from system.drawing in its current state
or have I still got something misconfigured (or am I missing something)?

thanks  best regards,


ps: the line where it breaks (though perhaps clear from exception): 

img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(fileName); 

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Regex question

2004-02-18 Thread Chris Turchin
How about something like:



On Wed, 18 Feb 2004, Carlos Guzmán Álvarez wrote:


 Any idea on how to extract named parameters from a sql command using
 regex ??

 For example having this:

 update users set PhotoPath = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' where userid = @userid

 I need to extract only:


 Any idea ??

 Best regards

 Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Regex question

2004-02-18 Thread Chris Turchin
then try it with \W* instead, that way you limit on nonword characters, but onyl
if they are there...

Regex regex = new Regex(@

 (RegexOptions) 0);


On Wed, 18 Feb 2004, Carlos Guzmán Álvarez wrote:


  How about something like:

 Thanks but seems that it's not valid.

 Best regards

 Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] What's this message?

2004-02-10 Thread Chris Turchin

I think lupus answered this one here:

(Most likely the debug symbol data code wasn't written with
portability in mind and it's full of endianess issues)

As for the grammar, the file to patch would be:


g_warning (Symbol file %s has is not a mono symbol file, handle-image_file);



On Tue, 2004-02-10 at 22:14, Ferguson, Neale wrote:
 I'm firing up my S/390 JIT and I'm seeing this message:
 ** (/FS/fs0300/usanefe/Hello.exe:2650): WARNING **: Symbol file
 /FS/fs0300/usanefe/ximian/lib/mscorlib.dll has is not a mono symbol file
 Processing continues but I'm curious as to what it means (and its strange
 Also, I'm still desperate for someone with PPC to do a test run of the
 HelloWorld program I posted yesterday. I'd like the console log of a run
 using the options --debug -v -v -v.
 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] ASP.NET HTML Editor control for IE Mozilla

2004-02-09 Thread Chris Turchin
Is there a link where we can download it from?



On Mon, 9 Feb 2004, John Dyer wrote:

 I've written an ASP.NET HTML editor control that that it works on
 Mozilla for PC, Mac, and Linux and IE 5+ for PC.  I'd like the control
 to to work under Mono so that it can be cross-platform on, but I don't
 have access to a server with mono installed. If anyone could help test
 it, I'd appreaciate it.


 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Problems with Sqlite

2004-02-06 Thread Chris Turchin

hehehe, now i know what the mp3 library question earlier this week was
all about ;-)

i don't know much about the sqlite provider (though there is some sample
code in the mphoto module in cvs). 

this code worked for me though:

using System;
using System.Data;
using Mono.Data.SqliteClient;

class Test

public static void Main()
string connectionString = URI=file:music.db;
IDbConnection dbcon;
dbcon = new SqliteConnection(connectionString);
IDbCommand dbcmd = dbcon.CreateCommand();
dbcmd.CommandText = INSERT INTO music (file, title, length, artist,
album, year, track,comment, bitrate, frequency, mode)


On Fri, 2004-02-06 at 15:42, tapia wrote:
 I'm working in a project using Mono.Data.SqliteClient, and I have a
 little problem. I have a SQL sentence, and if I execute it via the
 sqlite commandline interface it works fine, but if I execute it via
 Mono, the runtime show me this error:
 Unhandled Exception: System.ApplicationException: Sqlite error near
 'prueba: syntax error
 The SQL sentence is here:
 INSERT INTO music (file, title, length, artist, album, year, track,
 comment, bitrate, frequency, mode) VALUES
 Mancini','Best Of...','',1,'',163,48000,'Stereo')
 And the table is here:
   title STRING,
   length INTEGER,
   artist STRING,
   album STRING,
   year STRING,
   track INTEGER,
   comment STRING,
   bitrate INTEGER,
   frequency INTEGER,
   mode STRING)
 Is there a Mono.Data.SqliteClient bug, or am I doing something wrong?
 Thank you :-)
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Questions about ASP.NET

2004-02-04 Thread Chris Turchin
On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 23:22, Rodrigo B. de Oliveira wrote: works
 with standard textarea objects (and so with asp:TextBox
 TextMode='Multiline' /
 We use it a lot and it works great.

Then you only use IE5.5+ in windows :-/

That demo doesn't work in gecko browsers. However, the alpha release of
the new 3.0 version of the same control does:


Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] error looking up process handle...

2004-01-16 Thread Chris Turchin

can someone tell me what is going on here?

** (/usr/bin/mcs.exe:32084): WARNING **: : error looking up process handle 0x38
** (/usr/bin/mcs.exe:32089): WARNING **: : error looking up process handle 0x50
** (/usr/bin/mcs.exe:32094): WARNING **: : error looking up process handle 0x57
** (/usr/bin/mcs.exe:32099): WARNING **: : error looking up process handle 0x60
** (/usr/bin/mcs.exe:32104): WARNING **: : error looking up process handle 0x69
** (/usr/bin/mcs.exe:32109): WARNING **: : error looking up process handle 0x72
** (/usr/bin/mcs.exe:32114): WARNING **: : error looking up process handle 0x7d
** (/usr/bin/mcs.exe:32124): WARNING **: : error looking up process handle 0x8f
** (/usr/bin/mcs.exe:32129): WARNING **: : error looking up process handle 0xa0
** (/usr/bin/mcs.exe:32137): WARNING **: : error looking up process handle 0xd0

somehting to do with shared memory?


Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] blogX in mono?

2004-01-14 Thread Chris Turchin

I am running blogx with xsp.exe here:

It was mostly a battle with Uri capitalization, and a couple of issues
with object scope (The Server object was only addressable via
HttpContext.Current.Serve) in asmx. The latter is fixed in CVS I
think... Now everything seems to be working great. I can even use
WinBlogX from windows to administer it from my windows machine at work
via blogx's web services interface (though there too I needed to change
the case of a couple of Uri's to make it work right). Getting the RSS to
work as a bit of trouble as well, but was related to the asmx thing...

It was not working right with mod_mono in apache last week but I think
this may have changed in CVS as well, I need to test it again...

If you need help or want a copy of the modified sources (or the Makefile
;-), send me a mail (there is a link from my blog as well ;-).


On Wed, 2004-01-14 at 07:45, Gonzalo Paniagua Javier wrote:
 El mi, 14-01-2004 a las 07:28, Kyle Prestenback escribi:
   I saw this mentioned on various boards, and shortly discussed a few
  months ago on this list, so it appears possible, but I have yet to be
  successful to get blogX successfully runnning in mono. I am currently
  running the october stable build of mono, so my woes may be entirely
  due to insufficient versions. I have been attempting to utilize the
  webclient of blogX through mono for a little while, and after making
  several alterations I was finally able to view a serverely broken
  representation of the aspx pages (I was forced to remove all of the
  'Inherit=' tags, something which I assume shouldn't need to be done,
  nor actually solves the problem. Furthermore, I have had no succes
  getting the web services to run at all, the asmx will compile using
  mcs when signifying the assembly for the namespace and class
  associated with the service, yet when trying to use the service, an
  exception is thrown signifying that it can not locate the needed class
  or namespace. 
  What steps have you all done to get blogX running in mono? I have been
  a net developer for something near one year now, and would like to get
  involved with mono development, but need a little help getting
  started. I figure blogX is a fun enough place to start. (I have ran
  most of the included examples, so I'm wanting to branch into larger,
  more realistic apps.)
 First step is to use something more recent. Use latest 0.29 release or,
 if you can handle it, latest code from CVS.
 I have a blogX around that works with mono, but may be Ben or Jackson
 sent me a slightly modified version that copes with a few minor problems
 (file name case and such). May be those fixes got to blogx developers...
 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] xsp dependencies: nunitasp.dll

2004-01-12 Thread Chris Turchin
hi all,

/usr/bin/mcs -debug+ -debug:full -nologo -r:System.Web.dll
-r:NUnit.Framework.dll -r:NUnitAsp.dll -target:library
-out:standalone-tests.dll test1.cs
error CS0006: Cannot find assembly `NUnitAsp.dll'

can someone tell me where I can get this dl?
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] how to enable ICU / check it is enabled?

2003-10-29 Thread Chris Turchin
hi d-fuse,

when i did

./ --prefix=/bla

after updating from cvs (and installing icu) at the end of the script it showed
me which version of icu was installed (2.6.1 i think). i still have not gotten
it to compile though :-/


(leaving for a bus. trip now though so i wont be able to try again until
friday...´hope that helps!)

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, D-Fuse wrote:

 when I tried to compile NAnt from the cvs, I got an
 internal exception. I reported this as a bug report to
 the NAnt and I was told that the cause was that my
 mono installation didn't have ICU support. I do
 remember seeing this somewhere when first compiling
 mono. I installed ICU and reconfigured/installed mono
 but I didn't see a reference to ICU anymore.

 How do I know for sure that mono picked up my ICU
 installation and included suppport for it? (because
 NAnt still doesn't work)

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 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] problem building from cvs

2003-09-05 Thread Chris Turchin

i cannot do a make fullbuild  since updating from cvs a couple hours
make[2]: Entering directory
make[2]: *** No rule to make target
`Mono.Xml.Schema/XsdParticleValidationState.cs', needed by
`../../build/deps/System.Xml.dll.stamp'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory
`/home/chris/Documents/Projects/mcs/class/System.XML'make[1]: ***
[all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/chris/Documents/Projects/mcs/class'
make: *** [mcs-rest] Error 2

did i forget something?


Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] xsl-fo for mono?

2003-08-16 Thread Chris Turchin

does anyone out there have experience with (or knowledge of) xsl-fo
components for mono or .NET in general? 



Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] multiple targets with delegates

2003-08-14 Thread Chris Turchin

based on the code from this post, i experimented further and the
following code creates an infinite loop in mono but in .net (1.1
framework) runs only once and then exits. Who is right?


using System;
namespace rohit

public delegate void func();

public class publisher
public publisher(){}
public   func onfunc;
public void fire()
System.Console.WriteLine(your're fired!);

public class mymain
public static void Main()
publisher pub= new publisher();
//delegate fire to itself and call it...
pub.onfunc+= new func(;;


On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 20:09, Rohit wrote:
  This is my very first post to the list and i would
 like to pass on my very warm wishes for the great
 project we are working on.
 While starting off with mono I have some doubts like
 If i create a delegate with multiple targets and call
 BeginInvoke on the delegate I get different behaviour
 in .Net and Mono. Please see the attached file. .Net
 does not allow to call BeginInvoke and gives a run
 time exception, while Mono has no problems. 
 Do we have System.Net, can i get any sample as to how
 to put my network card into promiscuous mode?
 Since i couldn't run monodoc and go-mono didnt work
 for me i need to find out if we have
 System.Net.Sockets working for us ?
 When i run monodoc i get this output
 ** (unknown:1444): WARNING **: Failed to load
 library ./ (
 ./ cannot open shared object file:
 No such file or directory
 ** (unknown:1444): WARNING **: Missing method
 AppendColumn in assembly browser.exe typeref index 34
 Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: A
 null value was found where an object instance was
 in (unmanaged) 00 .TreeBrowser:.ctor
 in 0x001c3 00 .Browser:.ctor ()
 in 0x0017b 00 .Browser:Main (string[])
 i have the files and i did ldconfig but
 still i get the above warning? 
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 using System;
 namespace rohit
 public delegate void func();
 public class publisher
 public   func onfunc;
 public publisher()
 public void callme()
 System.Console.WriteLine(am called);
 public void callmetoo()
 System.Console.WriteLine(me too called);
 public void fire()
 public class mymain
   public static void Main()
   publisher pub= new publisher();
   pub.onfunc+= new func(pub.callme);
   pub.onfunc+= new func(pub.callmetoo);;

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] GTK# for Mandrake 9.1 on Download page?

2003-07-01 Thread Chris Turchin
On Mon, 30 Jun 2003, Duncan Mak wrote:

  how do i get monodoc running on a straight-lace mdk 9.1 box? i keep
  getting hung up on the gtkhtml3 which i can only find on cooker and i
  don't really want to do that to my box, which has been running so stabily
  up to this point...
  what is everyone else out there doing? or just doing without?

 gtkhtml3 is used for displaying the documentation text. You can get
 pre-packaged gtkhtml3 from the evolution channel on red carpet.

thanks duncan. redcarpet was not working for me, it kept hanging while
downloading the mirror list or something and when i tried explicitly giving it
a site then it hung on the ximian connector download (although i had not
selected that component to be downloaded at all...)

anyway, for the mandrake users like me who were having trouble finding the
packages (or having trouble with readcarpet), just download them directly from
the redcarpet ftp or a  mirror (i ended up getting them here):

after that, everything went fine and monodoc runs.


ps: off-topic: was i doing something wrong with redcarpet or what?!
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]