Re: [Mono-list] Re: DotNetNuke on Mono (Windows)

2004-11-20 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan
Hello Michael

If you are building stuff on windows, you don't have to checkout 
or build the mono tree since the .NET runtime is already provided
by windows. (Only mono has dependency on glib. Since you are
not going to build mono you can forget about the glib related 

You only have to checkout the mcs tree from svn (yes we switched
to subversion very recently !)

Assuming that you have setup cygwin environment with all 
development packages (gcc, make and stuff ) follow the
steps outlined herein to get going in no time:

(Beware of line wrap in the above url.)

As for hacking of Makefiles mentioned therein, you don't have
to essentially hack the Makefiles.

All you need to know is what commands make issues to the shell.
This you can figure out by doing make -n on that particular 
directory aftre doing a make clean.

Hope this helps.

Btw, I request you to post all vb related mails to mono-vb list.
Thios way it would get our immediate attention.

Jambunathan K.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/19/04 3:43 PM 
Well it's been quite some time since I've been able to try compiling
Mono from

I downloaded the script, set my ACLOCAL_FLAGS=-I
/usr/local/share/aclocal and PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/bin  (the
compiling page says only to set the appropriate variables but doesn't
say to
what or why or how--not too helpful to us windows spoiled compiling
noobs, I
got instructions on what to set these to from  I then
ran the
script according to instructions from the mono compiling page. 
Initially the
script said that a file was broken and I should delete a line (can't
recal the
file name but the line to delet was something like #define 
ftruncate...).  So I
found the file the error message mentioned, deleted the line and ran 
the script

Well then the script seemed to run just fine for a long time.  make was
along through the directory structure of the source code for a long 
time (like,
an hour).  I was seeing quite a few warnings but no errors
there were a *lot* of undefined reference to.. messages that all
seemed to
refer to files in the ~/glib-2.0.4/glib/ directory and its
Then make exited with the following output:
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: ***[pedump.exe] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/michael/mono/mono/mono/metadata'
make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

...then some other lines that just show that make is recursively
leaving the
directory structure, then...

make: *** [all] Error 2

So, what should I look at next?

Quoting Jambunathan Jambunathan [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hello Michael

 All you need to do is folow the instructions mentioned in
 the two links below. 

 Once you are able to successfully build mono and mcs tree
 you are all set.

 If you run in to any issues, do post the specific errors that
 you encounter and the community will be happy to help you

 Jambunathan K.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/22/04 11:24 PM 

 Thank you so much for your detailed and encouraging replies.

 I am pretty much a noob as far as the linux/open source software
 Consequently, I have never built an app by checking the code out
 cvs and
 building the app from the checked out source.  I guess building mono
 from CVS
 would be the next step because the newer version may have the VB
 runtime issue
 I'm running into fixed already.  I'm not really sure what the steps
 to do
 this.  I have a linux box too, but I'd like to stick to Windows for

 DotNetNuke is highly dependant on SQL server (lots of stored
 procedures) and
 I'd like to try to see if I can get it running using SQL Server
 look into what it would take to port the DB stuff to PostgreSQL or

 I recently purchased the Mono Developers Notebook, I think it has
 on building Mono from source on Windows so I'll enter into a
 and take that on, then try again with the newer version of Mono.

 If folks can suggest a link to a tutorial on the process of building
 apps from
 source on Windows, that would also be appreciated.


 Michael Bradley

 Theoretically, it should run on Mono, even though it's written in
 this true?) because the application is compiled to IL.  So Mono
 shouldn't need
 to compile any VB, just compile or interpret the IL.

 Very much true.

 Well, if it's a pre-compiled Microsoft's IL then there should be
 no issues, except possibly for some yet to be identified glitches
 Microsoft.VisualBasic runtime, which we will be happy to address in
 no time :-)

 (Just to clarify on my earlier posting, if you would like to build
 using mbas, we aren't there yet

Re: [Mono-list] New to Mono and Want to help

2004-10-25 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan

 I want to start working on the Microsoft.visualbasic class.

Thanks a lot.  Kindly post all future VB related communications to
mono-vb list: 

 How can I build and run the unit test for just that class?

General information regarding test suite organization for a typical
mono dll can be found under at: 

More specifically, MSVB.dll has two set of test cases: 1) nunit test
cases 2) standalone test cases.

The nunit test cases reside under under
directory. You can run compile test dlls by issuing 'make test' under
mcs/class/Microsoft.VisualBasic.You can run all the nunit tests by
issuing 'make run-test' under the same directory. The results are
written to a xml file.

The standalone test cases reside under
mcs/class/Microsoft.VisualBasic/Test/standalone directory. These test
cases were contributed by mainsoft and do not use nunit
framework. These tests also exercise the MSVB modules and they can
typically be run as follows:

mbas 5056.vb MainModule.vb
mono 5056.exe

The MainModule.vb provides the Main() entry point for all the numbered
test cases. You may want to write a small script or even a makefile
which would automate the drudgery. (You may want to hack the in the same directory and come up with a new compileand

There are two important namespaces in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll:
Microsoft.VisualBasic and Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices. The
former namespace is well documented while the later is largely
undocumented and references to this namespace is typically emitted
when a .NET executable is created by the VB.NET compiler. The later
namespace is mainly for binary compatibility purposes. The later
namespace get exercised when you take a MS VB executable and run it
under mono. The latter namespace is extremely critical for this very

If you are planning to write new MSVB test cases, we encourage you to
provide them as nunit test cases written in VB.NET ;-). If you would
like to 
help us with MSVBCS namespaces then we encourage you to contribute 
the test cases under standalone directory or better still as mbas test

cases which can be found under mcs/mbas/Test.

If you need information wrt writing mbas test cases do drop me a mail
and I will be happy to share the same with you. There were some reorg
that we did under mbas/Test directory and the readme is still pending
after the reorg.

Jambunathan K.

 Ryan L. Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/25/04 5:23 AM 
I want to start working on the Microsoft.visualbasic class. How can I
build and run the unit test for just that class?

 Ryan L. Faircloth [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/25/04 5:23 AM 
I want to start working on the Microsoft.visualbasic class. How can I
build and run the unit test for just that class?

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Re: DotNetNuke on Mono (Windows)

2004-10-25 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan
Hello Michael

All you need to do is folow the instructions mentioned in
the two links below. 

Once you are able to successfully build mono and mcs tree
you are all set.

If you run in to any issues, do post the specific errors that 
you encounter and the community will be happy to help you

Jambunathan K.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/22/04 11:24 PM 

Thank you so much for your detailed and encouraging replies.

I am pretty much a noob as far as the linux/open source software
Consequently, I have never built an app by checking the code out from
cvs and
building the app from the checked out source.  I guess building mono
from CVS
would be the next step because the newer version may have the VB
runtime issue
I'm running into fixed already.  I'm not really sure what the steps are
to do
this.  I have a linux box too, but I'd like to stick to Windows for now

DotNetNuke is highly dependant on SQL server (lots of stored
procedures) and
I'd like to try to see if I can get it running using SQL Server first,
look into what it would take to port the DB stuff to PostgreSQL or

I recently purchased the Mono Developers Notebook, I think it has
on building Mono from source on Windows so I'll enter into a learning
and take that on, then try again with the newer version of Mono.

If folks can suggest a link to a tutorial on the process of building
apps from
source on Windows, that would also be appreciated.


Michael Bradley

 Theoretically, it should run on Mono, even though it's written in
 this true?) because the application is compiled to IL.  So Mono
 shouldn't need
 to compile any VB, just compile or interpret the IL.

 Very much true.

 Well, if it's a pre-compiled Microsoft's IL then there should be
 no issues, except possibly for some yet to be identified glitches in
 Microsoft.VisualBasic runtime, which we will be happy to address in
 no time :-)

 (Just to clarify on my earlier posting, if you would like to build
 using mbas, we aren't there yet.)

 Anybody done this?

 I am not aware of any.

 Jambunathan K.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/21/04 10:38 PM 
 Thanks for your response.  Unfortunately, there is no c# version of
 The core team has talked about porting it, there's even a
 website.  However, no c# version has yet been made available and
 on the DotNetNuke forum leads me to believe it will be some time (if
 before a c# port is done.

 I was hoping maybe someone else has tried to run DNN on Mono.  I'ts
 capable and easy to use portal framework which I'm already familiar
 Theoretically, it should run on Mono, even though it's written in VB
 this true?) because the application is compiled to IL.  So Mono
 shouldn't need
 to compile any VB, just compile or interpret the IL.

 Anybody done this?

 I would start off by grabbing the c# version of dotnetnuke because
 unsure if the vb support is 100% in mono right now.



 I tried running the DotNetNuke open source ASP.NET portal system 
 using XSP (mono
 1.0.2 installed on WindowsXP).  I got the following error

 Server error in '/' application
 Description: Error processing request.

 Error Message: HTTP 500.

 Stack Trace:

 System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been 
 thrown by the
 target of an invocation. --- System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: 
 Argument is
 out of range.
 Parameter name: count
 in 0x0004a System.String:Split (char[],int)
 in 0x0012d Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings:Split
 in 0x00085 DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider:ExecuteScript
 in 0x0001e DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider:ExecuteScript
 in 0x0011e DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider:GetProviderPath ()
 in 0x0001a DotNetNuke.PortalSettings:GetProviderPath ()
 in 0x00130 DotNetNuke.Upgrade:AutoUpgrade ()
 in 0x000dd DotNetNuke.Global:Application_Start
 in (unmanaged) (wrapper managed-to-native)
 System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[])
 in 0x4 (wrapper managed-to-native)
 System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke (object,object[])
 in 0x0007a System.Reflection.MonoMethod:Invoke

 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

 in 0x000b9 System.Reflection.MonoMethod:Invoke

 in 0x00021 System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke (object,object[])
 in 0x000b2 System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory:FireEvent
 in 0x00063 System.Web.HttpApplicationFactory:FireOnAppStart

Re: [Mono-list] VB.NET compiler now 20 times faster !

2004-10-21 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan

I just plugged in the code for the negative cache that caches the
failed type lookups from referenced assemblies in Typemanager.cs.

I would suspect that this negative cache was introduced in to
mcs code base much after mbas was forked off from it.

So the credit should go to the mcs owners.

Jambunathan K.

 Sijmen Mulder [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/21/04 1:44 PM 
 Mono's VB.NET compiler is now 20 times faster.
 Check it out from CVS today and let us know what you find.

Unbeleivable. How did you do that?


 'May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you
his peace.'
 'De Heer zegent je, en Hij bewaart je. De Heer kijkt met liefde naar
je, en Hij is je genadig. De Heer bedenkt het goede voor je, en geeft
je vrede.'

Sijmen Mulder
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] VB.NET compiler now 20 times faster !

2004-10-20 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan
Hello, fellow users and enthusisasts,

Mono's VB.NET compiler is now 20 times faster. 
Check it out from CVS today and let us know what you find.

Jambunathan K.
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] #monobasic channel on Gimpnet

2004-10-19 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan


  Thanks to the initiative of the Mono Brazil team 

  ( we now have a 

  channel where monobasic could be discussed. 

  - #monobasic on Gimpnet

  Do drop by and say to Hi to the fellow mono-vb

  developers and users.


  Jambunathan K.


Re: [Mono-list] Language Clarification

2004-10-13 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan
 mbas is awfully slow right now (fair enough considering that mbas is
 alpha code) and is tortoise when compared to mcs. So this is one
 why a page coded in VB has some trouble being rendered.

As an afterthought, if you really need to see your VB.NET coded 
ASP page running modified, try bumping the executionTimeout
in either machine.config (located in prefix/etc/mono/1.0) or 
your app's Web.Config.

This will atleast give us the infomration that whether or not a
VB.NET page works.

That aside, if anyone wants to see the actual *.vb file generated by 
XSP server, then they can set the following environmnet variable. 


The temporary files can be located under /tmp.

Jambunathan K.

 David P. Donahue [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/12/04 8:50 PM 
I realize that Mono focuses its development on C# as a whole, but I'm
wondering something about other languages in general.  I'm no expert
the core of .NET, but I was under the impression that one of its
features is that code from any .NET language, when compiled, becomes a
single common language for any .NET interpreter (such as Mono) to use.
That is, if I write something in VB and compile it in Visual Studio,
end result is no different (not critically different, anyway) from the
end result that would be achieved had I used C# or any other .NET
language.  Is this the case?

If so, then I'm unclear on a problem that I've been having (and have
been receiving very help assistance on, thanks to this mailing list)
trying to get an ASP .NET web application written in VB to work on

I was told of a work-around to get my first test page to work, which
to set the page language to C# even though my code-behind was all in
This worked... for that small test page (which consisted of a button
which, when pressed, changed a property on a label).  My next test was
to use a DataGrid and grab a table from a database.  This page is
slightly more complex as a test, since it has more functions in the
code-behind and has some VB code in the design of the .aspx file
The aforementioned work-around doesn't seem to extend this far, as
setting my page language to C# now results in a vague object
not set to an instance of an object error (with no obvious mention of
the object in question).  And, of course, setting it back to VB
in a thread was being aborted error that caused the need for the
aforementioned work-around.

If my originally mentioned impression of how .NET works is correct,
is there a difference between the two at all?  When I compile my
solution in Visual Studio, isn't the resulting .dll in the bin
contain all that Mono needs?  If so, is my method of compilation not
accomplishing this properly?

For reference, I am using the following setup:
  Windows XP, .NET Framework 1.1.4322, Visual Studio .NET 2003
  Slackware 10.0, Linux 2.4.26, Mono 1.1.1 (mod_mono with Apache

David P. Donahue

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [Mono-list] VB? Or just C#?

2004-10-09 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan

It would  help us a lot if you could send across the error page returned 
by  the server or better still your aspx pages.

So I can only make a guess what the problem could be.  

 Error message: (0,0) : error : THIS IS STILL ALPHA AND UNSUPPORTED

VBCodeCompiler used to consider the above ALPHA notice as an error.
This was fixed in VBCodeCompiler.cs (part of System.dll) sometime back.

To rule out this spurious error you can either 1) compile System.dll from 
cvs HEAD and install the same or 2) Upgrade to the  latest mono 1.0.1 

Jambunathan K.

 David P. Donahue [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/09/04 6:21 AM 
I managed to make the same small test page on a machine running Visual
Studio .NET 2003, just to test the updated Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll and
see if that solved the problem.  Now when I try to browse to the page
(which is just a button and a label) I get the following error page:

Server Error in '/gwcc/test' Application
Compilation Error
Description: Error compiling a resource required to service this
request. Review your source file and modify it to fix this error.

Error message: (0,0) : error : THIS IS STILL ALPHA AND UNSUPPORTED

File name: /home/www/.www/gwcc/test/Global.asax

Source File:

Line 1: No assembly returned after compilation!?

Also, I don't know if I mentioned this before or if it makes a
difference, but I'm running mod_mono in Apache 1.3.31 on Slackware 10.0.

What could be causing this?

David P. Donahue

 -Original Message-
 From: B Anirban [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 5:25 AM
 Subject: RE: [Mono-list] VB? Or just C#?
 Hi David,
 This problem is occurring since you have an older version of 
 Microsoft.VisualBasic dll.
 And mono is not yet equipped for remapping this assembly to 
 the newer version automatically. Please report bug in 
 bugzilla ( on this against mbas.
  David P. Donahue [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04-Oct-04 12:45:52 AM
 I just wrote a very, very simple ASP .NET project in using VB 
 .NET in Visual Studio .NET and tried to run it on mono.  The 
 project is just one page with a button that, when pressed, 
 changes a label.  I created the page on the localhost on my 
 Windows XP machine, build the solution in Visual Studio, then 
 copied all the files to a folder shared by my Apache server 
 (running mono) on my Linux box.  When I attempt to access the 
 page, I get a stack trace that ends with a file not found 
 error for the .dll (even though it is there) and see the 
 following in my Apache error log:
 ** (/usr/local/bin/mod-mono-server.exe:10038): WARNING **: 
 Could not find assembly Microsoft.VisualBasic, references 
 from /home/www/.www/gwcc/test/bin/gwcc.dll (assemblyref_index=1)
  Major/Minor: 7,0
  Build:   3300,0
  Token:   b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 Should this be happening, or am I doing something wrong?
 David P. Donahue
  -Original Message-
  From: Juan Cristóbal Olivares [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 4:16 PM
  To: David P. Donahue; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Subject: Re: [Mono-list] VB? Or just C#?
  Mono does not have a VB.NET compiller. You could compile your
  VB.NET site with .NET (Windows) and the run it with Mono.
  Juan Cristóbal Olivares
  - Original Message -
  From: David P. Donahue [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 7:49 PM
  Subject: [Mono-list] VB? Or just C#?
   Can Mono compile ASP .NET websites written in VB, or is it
  limited to
   only C#?  If it can, I'm having trouble finding documentation on
   David P. Donahue
   Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [Mono-list] conversions

2004-10-08 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan
Thanks a lot for an enlightening conversation.

I have created the folowing  bug report to keep track 
of the  same.

Jambunathan K.

 Jonathan Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/08/04 5:05 AM 
At 06:57 AM 06/10/2004 -0400, Jonathan Pryor wrote:
On Wed, 2004-10-06 at 03:59, Polton, Richard (IT) wrote:
 If the char which is to be converted is 0661, say, then what will be
 value of the subtraction? Will it be 0661 - 0660 or will it be 0661
 0030? I assume that a literal '0' will always map to 0030 rather
 cleverly detect the range of digits that the char belongs to.

Oh.  Good point.  (Why didn't I think of that?)  The literal '0' is
mapped to 0030, so  you'd get U+0661 - U+0030, which is *way* too

So I guess the code is broken.  The question is, in what way? :-/

Now the question is: what does Microsoft's implementation do? :-)

Someone will have to throw U+0661 at Microsoft's
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll and see what the return value (or exception
generated) is.  They may require a value between '0' and '9', and all
other Nd digits, such as U+0661, generate exceptions.

Alternatively, Microsoft always subtracts from the proper value.

We can do either of these, we just need to know which to do.

I just wrote a simple test program using some of the ranges listed two
posts back. I threw 375, \u0663\u0667\u0665, \u09E9\u09ED\u09EB,
for kicks, the native Japanese representation, 5 kanji long,
\u4E09\u767E\u4E03\u5341\u4E94 (sambyaku nanajuu go). Here are the

  Arabic: 375
  Arabic-Indic: ERROR: FormatException
  Bengali: ERROR: FormatException
  Japanese: ERROR: FormatException
VB.NET's Val(..):
  Arabic: 375
  Arabic-Indic: 0
  Bengali: 0
  Japanese: 0

When I concatenate the arabic-indic script to the arabic script
the string 375\u0663\u0667\u0665), VB's Val() function returns 375.
other words, int.Parse() should throw when it gets something that isn't
['0', '9'] (or relevant punctuation), and
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Conversion.Val() should stop parsing when it
the first such character.

Hope this helps :-)

Jonathan Gilbert

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] conversions

2004-09-26 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan
Hey Richard

This is definitely odd. 

Could you point us to the offending code or better still could you 
please submit a test report in bugzilla with a test case.

Jambunathan  K.

 Richard Polton [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/24/04 4:04 PM


I was browsing the source code for Conversions.cs (or similar) in the 
VisualBasic (I think) package in 1.0.1 and came across a couple of 
oddities. The one which struck me in particular was the conversion of a

single character into a numeric type. It was performed by subtracting 
the absolute character '0' from the function parameter. This will only

work if the input character set is known to be ASCII or known to be 
ordered in the same way? So, my question is, is it a requirement of all

.NET (and Mono) applications that the character set used is ASCII or 
similar? I know the spec refers to the program as being encoded in 
Unicode but I couldn't find anything regarding the recognisable input

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Re: Installation On linux

2004-08-26 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan

If you are in Bangalore, Novell Bangalore is planning for a Gnome/Mono
related event sometime mid September.

Watch this space for the announcements.

Jambunathan K.

 Rohit K Gupta [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/25/2004 4:02:43 PM

Also the mono web server installation procedure is needed

  - Original Message - 
  From: Rohit K Gupta 
  To: MONO 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 4:01 PM
  Subject: Installation On linux

  Hi All,

  I am in typical position 

  The thing is that 

  i am promoting .Net on linux in my company

  Now i need some facts and findings, which can convince them this

  Also I have been asked to install the mono .net on linux and
demonstrate it working.

  i know very little about installation on linux

  So please help me for


  1. mono Installation on linux

  (step by step procedure is needed)

  2. Convincing the people for .net on linux by giving me some reasons

  Thanks  regards

  Rohit k Gupta 



Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] using vb under mono

2004-08-09 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan
Mono's VB.NET compiler (mbas) is currently a preview code (pre-ALPHA)
only and 
it is under active development. So I suggest that you keep monitoring
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for the progree in this front.

Fyi, we intend to make mbas production ready by mono 1.2 timeframe.

Jambunathan K.

 lamyae Benabdeljalil [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/9/2004 9:50:56 PM

Please, can you tell me if i can make my applications (with vb)

work with mono?
my platform is linux debian

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [Mono-list] Class status page

2004-07-27 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan

I could see two links 1.0 Class Status and 2.0 Class Status. But 
there seems to be no page content under those links.

Jambunathan K.

 Duncan Mak [EMAIL PROTECTED] 7/28/2004 1:03:27 AM 
On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 14:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And automatic updating (every hour or so) would be quite kewl too*

Right now, our buildbot ( updates
the class status page after every sucessful build on the i386 build
nodes. You can get the pages at: 

The page is very bare-bones right now, we'll update it with a nicer
template in the future.

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Mono/Mcs Install on Cygwin/XP ( for first timeusers )

2004-07-10 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan
This mail is purely to document and bring out the issues that I have
encountered while
installing mono/mcs/mbas on Cygwin over XP.

With good pointers from Atsushi I was able to get HelloWorld program to
be compiled 
and executed with both mcs and mbas within Cygwin environment.

This is the patch ( not exactly a patch, but all workarounds ) that I

Things to note:
This workaround is essentially a product of discussions that happened a
couple of
days back in the following thread:

/* comments on workarounds to mono tree */

1) This is not a patch but set of workarounds that served my purpose.
2) web/ was patched as suggested in the following

   There is one difference though. GC is disabled. ( If I enable GC
both boehm as well 
   as internal ) I get a hang. On closer scrutiny it seems mono takes a
SIGSEGV as soon
   as it begins it's initialization.

   Can someone checkin the updated ( not this ) Also
GC neeeds to be
  made to work with XP builds as well.

/* comments on workarounds to mcs tree */

1) Again this is not a patch in true sense of the word, but set of
workaround that
served my purpose.

2) In mcs/build/library.make, I had to turn off intsallation in to gac
and signing of assemblies.
This is so as to avoid references to the mono runtime. ( When you
are installing for the 
first time, you obviously don't have a mono runtime working
already. )
   Ideally Makefiles have to change so that references to mono runtime
never happens when the
   install happens for the first time.

3) class/Mono.CSharp.Debugger/Makefile

I had to replace the v .17 that's at the head currently and replace
it with v 1.6 before patching it
   as specified in the original discussion thread.

   This needs to be fixed.

4) class/Novell.Directory.Ldap

This is patched is from

Can the owner review and commit this ?

I hope it is of some help to the community.

Jambunathan K.

Index: web/
RCS file: /cvs/public/mono/web/,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13
--- web/   19 Mar 2004 18:14:04 -  1.13
+++ web/   10 Jul 2004 07:01:04 -
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
-cvs checkout mono || exit -1
+cvs checkout mono mcs || exit -1
 echo Checking automake version
@@ -191,7 +191,13 @@
 # Build and install mono
 echo Building and installing mono
-(cd $here/mono; ./ --prefix=$prefix || exit -1; make || exit
-1; make install || exit -1) || exit -1
+(cd $here/mcs; ./configure --prefix=$prefix || exit -1; make || exit
-1) || exit -1
+(cd $here/mono; ./ --prefix=$prefix --with-gc=none || exit
-1; make || exit -1; make install || exit -1) || exit -1
+(cd $here/mcs || exit -1; make install || exit -1) || exit -1

/* Diff on the mcs tree */

Index: build/library.make
RCS file: /cvs/public/mcs/build/library.make,v
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -r1.43 library.make
--- build/library.make  2 Jul 2004 08:54:08 -   1.43
+++ build/library.make  10 Jul 2004 06:08:43 -
@@ -100,12 +100,14 @@
 install-local: $(gacutil)
-   MONO_PATH=$(topdir)/class/lib/$(PROFILE):$$MONO_PATH
$(RUNTIME) $(gacutil) /i $(the_lib) /f /root $(GACDIR) /package
+   # MONO_PATH=$(topdir)/class/lib/$(PROFILE):$$MONO_PATH
$(RUNTIME) $(gacutil) /i $(the_lib) /f /root $(GACDIR) /package
 uninstall-local: $(gacutil)
$(RUNTIME) $(gacutil) /u $(LIBRARY_NAME:.dll=)
 all-local install-local: $(the_lib_signature_stamp)
Index: class/Mono.CSharp.Debugger/Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/public/mcs/class/Mono.CSharp.Debugger/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 Makefile
--- class/Mono.CSharp.Debugger/Makefile 2 Jul 2004 08:54:08
-   1.7
+++ class/Mono.CSharp.Debugger/Makefile 10 Jul 2004 06:08:46
@@ -3,13 +3,15 @@
 include ../../build/rules.make
 LIBRARY = Mono.CSharp.Debugger.dll
-LIB_MCS_FLAGS = /r:$(corlib)
+LIB_MCS_FLAGS = /r:$(topdir)/class/lib/$(PROFILE)/$(corlib)
 NO_TEST = yes
-ifeq (win32default, $(PLATFORM)$(PROFILE))
MONO_PATH=$(topdir)/class/lib/$(PROFILE);$$MONO_PATH $(INTERNAL_MCS)
+ifeq (win32, $(PLATFORM))
+ifeq (net_2_0, $(PROFILE))
$(RUNTIME) $(gmcs) $(USE_MCS_FLAGS) /define:NET_1_1 

[Mono-list] Fwd: [mono-vb] VB Parser realeased

2004-06-16 Thread Jambunathan Jambunathan
Just as some Heads up !

 Eric Mutta [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/15/2004 9:55:36 PM 
Hi All,

In case any of you don't read Paul Vick's blog, he's just realeased a 
fully functional VB parser on GDN:

I don't know if its source license is compatible, but its worth a


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