hi, i'n developping a application on mono using Csharp

i use a combobox, where the data is loaded from a database, then the user must select one option, but, when try to select one option, the terminal display this menssaje gtk_entry_set_text: assertion `text != NULL' failed, and nothing is selected... =S

i'm using this code where data is a stringconection

public void Cargar_Datos (string data, Gtk.ComboBoxEntry comboBox)
        ListStore listStore = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(string));
        comboBox.Model = listStore;
        CellRendererText text = new CellRendererText();
        comboBox.PackStart(text, false);
        comboBox.AddAttribute(text, "text", 0);   
        MySqlConnection conexion = new MySqlConnection(datos);
        string query = "SELECT cod_concept, description FROM concepts ORDER BY cod_concept";
        MySqlCommand select = new MySqlCommand(query, conexion);
        MySqlDataReader lector;
        lector = select.ExecuteReader();
            while (lector.Read())
                string value= lector.GetString(0)+" | "+ lector.GetString(1);

i need help to solve that!!

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