[Mono-dev] Installing policy file in the GAC?

2008-03-05 Thread Michi Henning

I'm writing an install script that places an assembly into the GAC using 
However, with the assembly, I also need to install a policy file to control
backward compatibility with previous version. I know that the policy file
needs to go into the lib/mono/gac directory. But how do I get it there?

gacutil won't install a policy file in the GAC because the policy file isn't
an assembly. So, obviously, I have to copy it there from the install script.
But how can the install script find out where Mono is installed? Is there
any command I can use to get at the Mono installation directory?


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Installing policy file in the GAC?

2008-03-05 Thread Michi Henning
Michi Henning wrote:
 But how can the install script find out where Mono is installed? Is there
 any command I can use to get at the Mono installation directory?
Never mind, I figured it out.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] Control-C handler

2008-01-02 Thread Michi Henning
Jonathan Pryor wrote:
 So why can't setting a volatile variable within a signal handler be
 supported?  And/or use a Constrained Execution Region to *ensure* that
 the signal handler is JITed before the signal is emitted (does mono even
 support CERs yet?)?
Something to support signal handling would definitely be useful. I'm 
currently in the situation
where I'm maintaining a code base that must run on both .NET and Mono. 
The code is
a middleware library (www.zeroc.com) that must allow allow applications 
to react to
signals so they can shut down themselves and the Ice run time in an 
orderly fashion.

Under Windows, the code uses P/Invoke to call SetConsoleCtrlHandler so 
it can
intercept Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Break, and shutdown, logoff, and window closure. 
With Mono,
I'm pretty much stuck because there is no equivalent mechanism. As far 
as I can see, the only
option to achieve equivalent functionality is to create a C library that 
sets the necessary
signal handlers and to then P/Invoke into that library from my C# Mono 
code. But that
sort of defeats the purpose because I'd rather not ship a DLL for every 
possible platform
Mono runs on.

Console.CancelKeyPress, which was added with .NET 2.0, unfortunately 
doesn't work for
this purpose: it only intercepts keyboard interrupts, but doesn't 
trigger on logoff, shutdown, or
window closure.

One could argue that all this is a limitation of .NET, which should 
offer a way to reliably
intercept process termination. But, under Windows, I at least get an 
acceptable work-around
in the form of SetConsoleCtrlHandler whereas, with Mono, I don't.

So, anything to improve on this situation would be great. While I 
understand all the arguments
about what can and can't safely be done from within a signal handler, 
the need to react to
signals and perform some clean-up before a process goes away is a 
real-world requirement.
If Mono offered at least rudimentary support for signal handling that 
doesn't require P/Invoke
and external non-standard libraries, it would at least allow me to then 
build something on top
of that. Right now, I can't do anything much at all, as far as I can see.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] No local and remote endpoint for non-blocking connected socket

2007-12-18 Thread Michi Henning
r different distributions.

So, what I'm looking for is a way to get the local and remote endpoint 
from a socket that was
connected non-blocking, but without having to use P/Invoke. If anyone 
has a suggestion, I'd
be most grateful.


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] What's with bugzilla?

2007-09-27 Thread Michi Henning
Michi Henning wrote:

 At the bottom of that error page, I'm asked to validate my email. When 
 I follow that link,
 I get to a page that asks me to enter the validation code I received, 
 but I've never received
 any such email.

I should have looked more closely: on that page is also a link that 
allows me to initiate
the validation process manually. All is well now, I can talk to bugzilla 
again :-)


Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-dev] What's with bugzilla?

2007-09-27 Thread Michi Henning

Vance Baarda wrote:

Something is definitely not working. I just got a nasty crash from
bugzilla when I tried to sign in again:

Sorry that bugzilla's giving you trouble. I agree that this looks like a crash, 
but it's not. The mechanism that bugzilla provides for custom error messages is 
not very good.

Yes, the customer experience was somewhat lacking ;-)
At the bottom of that error page, I'm asked to validate my email. When I 
follow that link,
I get to a page that asks me to enter the validation code I received, 
but I've never received

any such email.

I see that you validated your email address at 09/24/2007 16:43 (Utah time). So 
I assume it's working for you now, yes?
Yes thanks! When I tried again, I found that the error page has a link 
that allowed me to trigger
the validation email manually, which I did. Everything is working for me 
now, thanks!


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] Casting bug with generic collections

2007-09-24 Thread Michi Henning
I would have put this into bugzilla, but it wouldn't let me, so I'm 
reporting it here...

The code below compiles and runs fine with VS 2005 and prints a.

With Mono 1.2.4, I get a cast exception:

Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from 
source type to destination type.
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary 
(System.Array , Int32 ) [0x0]

Here is the code:

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionarystring, string d = 
new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionarystring, string();
d[a] = b;
System.Collections.ICollection keys = d.Keys;
object[] keyArray = new object[d.Count];
keys.CopyTo(keyArray, 0);


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] What's with bugzilla?

2007-09-24 Thread Michi Henning
I just tried to create a new bug in bugzilla and found that I had to 
create a Novell account,
which I did.

When I then tried to submit the bug, I was told that access policies 
don't allow me to do that.

Is bugzilla defunct, or just broken?


Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-dev] ANNOUNCE: Ice 3.0 released

2005-11-18 Thread Michi Henning
Hi, we've just released Ice 3.0. (For those of you who haven't heard of 
it, it's a multi-language and multi-platform middleware.) Some 
highlights: improved C# and VB mapping and a new grid service. And, of 
course, it works with the latest Mono :-)

See http://www.zeroc.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=8081#post8081
for the official announcement.



Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-devel-list] machine.config not found on Windows

2005-06-28 Thread Michi Henning

Hi, I've just installed Mono 1.1.8.

When I try to run one of my binaries, I now get (under cygwin):

$ mono ./server.exe
Ice.DNSException: GetHostName failed --- System.TypeInitializationException: 
An exception was thrown by the type initia
lizer for System.Net.Dns --- System.Configuration.ConfigurationException: 
Cannot find C:\cygwin\opt\mono\etc:\mono\1.0\
machine.config ()
in 0x000a6 System.Configuration.DefaultConfig:Init ()
in 0xd System.Configuration.DefaultConfig:GetConfig (System.String 
in 0x0001a System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings:GetConfig 
(System.String sectionName)
in 0x000b5 System.Net.Sockets.Socket:CheckProtocolSupport ()
in 0x7 System.Net.Dns:.cctor ()--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

in 0x0 unknown method
in 0x00078 IceInternal.Network:getLocalHost (Boolean numeric)--- End of inner 
exception stack trace ---

in 0x00132 IceInternal.Network:getLocalHost (Boolean numeric)
in 0x00076 IceInternal.DefaultsAndOverrides:.ctor (Properties properties)
in 0x002b1 IceInternal.Instance:.ctor (Communicator communicator, Properties 

The same code base used to work with Mono 1.1.6, so I suspect that this is due 
to a configuratin/installation problem.
(I installed using the Windows installer on the download page.)



Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] HasShutdownStarted race?

2005-06-04 Thread Michi Henning
   Finalizers are run by one thread, so once you are in one, no new
   will get finalized behind your back.
   However, I'm not sure if the spec promises that at all.
  No, no such promise in the spec. In fact, some MS people are talking
  about using more than one GC thread in future releases, and that
  would be perfectly compliant with the spec.

 Are they talking about a parallel gc (I think they already have one of
 those) or parallel finalization?

The are talking about parallel finalization.
See http://blogs.msdn.com/cbrumme/archive/2004/02/20/77460.aspx
near the beginning, points 5-8 and the para that follows.

 Anyways, if they change this, you wouldn't be the only one affected. If
 you need more info,  best to ask them.

I don't like my chances... At any rate, it seems that the guarantees for
HasShutdownStarted will eventually need to be tightened, so the
condition cannot change during the execution of a finalizer.



Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] HasShutdownStarted race?

2005-06-03 Thread Michi Henning

 Finalizers are run by one thread, so once you are in one, no new objets
 will get finalized behind your back.

 However, I'm not sure if the spec promises that at all.

No, no such promise in the spec. In fact, some MS people are talking
about using more than one GC thread in future releases, and that
would be perfectly compliant with the spec.

 OTOH, HasShutdownStarted probably *could* change in the middle of the
 method. But it won't matter.

I think it does matter, at least in some cases. In my situation, I have
that need to access other objects during finalization. Normally, that's no
problem: when one of those objects gets collected, the finalizer works just
fine. Except during shutdown, once System.Environment.Exit() has been
called. Because objects can be finalized in any order during shutdown,
the finalizer now can no longer safely call into other objects and has to
avoid doing that, hence the test for HasShutdownStarted. But, if
the condition can change halfway through the execution of a finalizer,
that's not very useful. And, because the GC runs asynchronously
to the rest of the program, I cannot guarantee that I won't call Exit()
while the GC is in the middle of some finalizer.

As long as there is only one GC thread, not a problem: even if the
condition changes halfway through the execution of a finalizer, that
finalizer will still successfully complete, and then HasShutdownStarted
becomes true for all the remaining finalizers. But, with multiple GC
threads, that's no longer the case.

What worries me is that the documentation makes no guarantee as
to when the condition can change. And, if I rely on HasShutdownStarted
as suggested by MS, it seems I run the risk of my code breaking on a
future .NET (or Mono) version.



Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-devel-list] HasShutdownStarted race?

2005-06-02 Thread Michi Henning


System.Environment.HasShutdownStarted is the officially recommended way
of protecting finalizers against accessing finalized objects
(see http://msdn2.microsoft.com/library/xw9chd06(en-us,vs.80).aspx).

What worries me is that I'm not sure this is free from race conditions.
For example:

// etc...

I can find nothing in the documentation that would guarantee that the
condition cannot change halfway through the execution of a finalizer,
for example, if System.Environment.Exit() is called from another thread.
The only way this would be possible would be for the GC and Exit()
to interlock on setting HasShutDownStarted to true, so that the value
of the property cannot change halfway through the execution of a finalizer.

But, as far as I can see, that's not happening in the code.

Comments, anyone? Is this a potential bug?



Mono-devel-list mailing list

Re: [Mono-devel-list] Assembly binary compatibility?

2005-05-04 Thread Michi Henning
 In general, adding or removing an override is not a breaking change.

 Finalize works by chaining to the parent using base.Finalize. calling a
 method on base will always say call my direct parent.Method. In the
 JIT we would in the debug build see: my direct parent has the finalize
 method so call that, but in the non-debug build see my direct parent
 doesn't have a finalizer, so lets try one in the parent of that class.

 Sadly, due to some limitations in System.Reflection, MCS does not
 implement this correctly.


 As you can tell, thats a pretty old bug ;-(

Thanks for the explanation, Ben! What about other changes though?
Is it safe to add public data member? Safe to add a public method?
Safe to add a private method or data member?

Basically, what I'd like to find is a list that details exactly what is and
binary compatible.



Michi Henning  Ph: +61 4 1118-2700
ZeroC, Inc.http://www.zeroc.com

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-devel-list] Assembly binary compatibility?

2005-05-03 Thread Michi Henning
I'm interested in figuring out exactly what kind of change to an assembly
is binary compatible. I've browsed the doc a fair bit, but I can't find a
comprehensive list of what actually constitutes binary compatibility.
Could someone point me at an authoritative list?
One question in particular I am interested in. Consider an object such as this:
class SomeClass
// ...
public void destroy()
// Clean up some things here...
_destroyed = true;
  System.Console.Error.WriteLine(SomeClass wasn't
private bool _destroyed = false;
Note that the destructor simply checks whether destroy() was called before the
instance is collected and that this is required only for a debug build. In
order to save the cost of acquiring the lock (and to avoid the cost of calling 
destructor altogether), the entire destructor is made conditional.
Suppose I build the assembly without DEBUG defined and install it in the GAC.
I also compile a program that uses the assembly, but both the program and the
assembly are compiled *with* DEBUG defined. If I then later take the program
(but not the assembly) and run the program compiled *with* DEBUG against
the assembly compiled *without* DEBUG, will the program still work?
Michi Henning  Ph: +61 4 1118-2700
ZeroC, Inc.http://www.zeroc.com
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-devel-list] unref on 1912 called when ref was already 0

2005-04-14 Thread Michi Henning
I'm getting messages such as the following:
** (../../../test/Ice/operations/server.exe:25872): WARNING **: : unref on 1912 
called when ref was already 0
These happen sporadically, and only on a dual-CPU machine, which makes me think
that some kind of race condition is involved. I only see those messages when
a process is about to shut down.
I have no idea what the messages mean -- can anyone suggest a possible cause?
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-list] Re: [Mono-devel-list] Mono 1.0.1 released

2004-08-05 Thread Michi Henning
Duncan Mak wrote:
Hello all,
An update of the Mono 1.0 release is now available for testing. You can
find source tarballs and RPM packages for the 1.0.1 release here:
Please test the packages and tarballs and report any problems you find.
If all goes well, we'll do our final testing and announce the 1.0.1
release to the public and update the web site tomorrow.
I just tried unpacking the mcs archive:
$ tar zxvf mcs-1.0.1.tar.gz
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Skipping to next header
tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
I'm getting the same error for the mono tarball. (This is
on RH8.)
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