[Mono-list] poor mysql performance under debian testing

2004-05-13 Thread Rainer Burgstaller

I have an extremely weird problem. I have 2 linux installations on my machine. One is 
debian woody (upgraded to testing) and the other is suse linux 9.

Somehow it seems that under debian the mysql performance is 10x slower than on suse 
(where it runs just fine). 

I did a lot of investigation already but it seems that
a) the normal mono performance on debian is fine (see benchmark program below). Its 
even a bit better than on suse
b) the general mysql performance (without mono) seems to be equally good (tested with 
a simple perl DBI script)
c) as soon as the bytefx driver is used debian is 10x slower than suse

Here is the program I used to test it:

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

using ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient;

namespace PerfTest
class PerfTest
static void Main(string[] args)
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
Console.WriteLine("Starting test");
Random rand = new Random();
ASCIIEncoding ae = new ASCIIEncoding();

for ( int i = 5; i < 1; i++ ) {
// generate random string with length of i
byte[] buffer = new byte[i];
string toEncode = ae.GetString(buffer);
string result = EncryptPassword(toEncode);
if ( i%1000 == 0 ) 
Console.WriteLine("  - encoding {0}",i);
TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start);
Console.WriteLine("Test took {0} ms",duration.TotalMilliseconds);

// now start the mysql test 100 times
start = DateTime.Now;
for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
Console.WriteLine("start mysql test #{0}",i);
duration = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start);
Console.WriteLine("complete mysql test took {0}",duration);

public static void TestMySQL() {
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

MySqlConnection conn = new 
MySqlConnection("server=;database=database;User ID=user;Password=pass");
MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM nuke_users";
MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.NextResult()) {
for ( int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++ ) {
string result = reader[i].ToString();

TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now.Subtract(start);
Console.WriteLine("  single mysql test took {0}",duration);

public static String EncryptPassword( String aPassword )
ASCIIEncoding ae = new ASCIIEncoding();

byte[] data = ae.GetBytes(aPassword);

MD5 md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();

byte[] result = md5.ComputeHash(data);  
String hashStr = "";

for ( int i = 0 ; i < result.Length; i++ )
hashStr += String.Format("{0:x}",result[i]);
return hashStr; 

Encoding test: suse 12,6 s ; debian 10,6s
single mysql test: suse: ~0,5s; debian ~5,5s
complete mysql tests: suse 55,4s, debian 9m11,8s

Here are some other details about my installations
* obviously, its always the same machine
* kernel versions: suse 2.4.21-99, debian 2.4.26-1
* file system: suse: reiser; debian: ext2
* I am using mono-0.91.tar.gz from www.go-mono.com and compiled it without any special 
options on both machines 
* mysql versions: suse 4.0.15, debian 4.0.18
* config files for mysql are the same
* mysql user: under suse its running as root, under debian its running under mysql
* both installations are more or less out of the box, this means only the basic 
packages installed which are needed to compile and run mono and mysql (mysql was 
installed from the package). Debian (as already stated) was upgraded to testing 
(change to testing in sources.list and do apt-get distupgrade).

I already posted a msg on mysqlnet.sf.net but nobody answered there. So this is my 
last resort.

Please help before I go absolutely mental!
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Mono-list maillist  -  [E

RE: [Mono-list] how to do proper role based authentication in web apps

2004-06-04 Thread Rainer Burgstaller
> Check this article: 
> Part 1:
> http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2004/02/02/effectiveformsauth.html
> Part 2: http://www.ondotnet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2004/02/16/formsauthpt2.html

Thanks for the response. 

Actually, part1 is what I came up myself and part2 is just a slight improvement. Still 
there is the issue that the formsauthenticationmodule will first intercept the cookie, 
set one "dummy" principal and then my piece of code overrides that. This is not really 
elegant. I was actually looking for something like this membership stuff however, it 
does not seem to be implemented yet. So I guess I will integrate the stuff from part2 
and stick to it for the moment until the new features are implemented in mono. 

By the way there is a difference in the mono implementation and microsofts. When I set 
the HttpContext.CurrentUser (I dont know the syntax by heart) the 
Thread.CurrentPrincipal is not updated in mono but in Ms .NET it is. So currently for 
mono I have to set both to the principal I want to use. Otherwise the permission stuff 
wont work.

thanks for the hints

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Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] RE: poor mysql performance under debian testing

2004-05-14 Thread DI Mag. Rainer Burgstaller
What I don't understand is why you have this problem depending on the
distribution, maybe in SuSE you have the lastest bytefx code installed
No, that is not possible since I downloaded the sourcecode to mono-0.91 on  
both platforms and compiled it there. I dont use the suse rpms.

I will try the mysqlnet stuff on the weekend maybe it helps.

thanks for the suggestion

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] poor mysql performance under debian testing

2004-05-16 Thread DI Mag. Rainer Burgstaller
Hi Sergio
The code that comes with Mono is very very slow, but you can download the
lastest bytefx code from "http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysqlnet/"; and
you will see it is very fast.
I tried this now on the weekend and you were right. The 0.76 is approx 50  
times faster on the debian machine as the one which comes with mono. It  
seems that mono delivers an ancient version of mysqlnet. Now I have  
approx. the same speed on both suse and debian. Its even a lot faster than  
the old version was on suse.

I cannot really understand why mono still bundles this old version (even  
though beta1 has just arrived when I tried it so I thought mysqlnet would  
be up to date aswell).

thanks for the suggestion. I already spent a lot of hours on this issue.
- Rainer
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Is PrincipalPermissionAttribute working?

2004-05-16 Thread DI Mag. Rainer Burgstaller
It seems that the PrincipalPermissionAttribute is not working as expected  
(at least not as I expect it :)
I checked the class status and it says 100% so I guess this means that it  
should work.

I got the following code which works just nice under MS.NET.

[PrincipalPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Role="root")]
public void UpdateMember( Member aMember )
// do something secret here :)

When Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("root") is false then under windows  
this raises a SecurityException (which I think is correct). However, under  
mono-0.91 it runs through without any problem (i.e. does not generate the  
exception). I verified this by modding the code above to

[PrincipalPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Role="root")]
public void UpdateMember( Member aMember )
IPrincipal princ = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
bool adminRole = princ.IsInRole("root");
if ( !adminRole )
throw new Exception("You dont belong to the admins. Go  

// do something very secret here

The modified code raises now the exception.
So here are the two options
a) I dont understand how to use PrincipalPermissionAttribute (which could  
easily be true)
b) the mono implementation does not work as expected.

Can anybody help me?
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Is PrincipalPermissionAttribute working?

2004-05-17 Thread DI Mag. Rainer Burgstaller
Hello Sebastien
Thanks for the quick reply. So what would be the quickest alternative?
Would this work?
void MySecretFunction() {
	PrincipalPermission permission = new  
	// do something secret here

The PrincipalPermission class is implemented but Mono doesn't (and won't)
support security attributes in 1.0.
See bugzilla entry #52693 for more details.

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] mod_mono and SSL

2004-05-25 Thread DI Mag. Rainer Burgstaller
I have been looking in the lists archives and could not find a clear  
answer if I can run mod_mono now under my SSL domain or not. I have  
mod_mono successfully running on debian under my http site. But when I  
remove it from the http site and put the lines into the virtualhost  
section of the https site it does not work.

here is a snippet of my virtual host configuration.

ServerName secure.dummy.com
DocumentRoot /www/secure-web
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/server.key
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/server.crt
SSLCipherSuite bla...

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all

Alias /mono "/www/mono"
MonoApplications "/mono:/www/mono"

SetHandler mono

So I would like to know:
a) does mono under SSL work at all? (maybe I am trying in vain for now)
b) if yes, whats wrong?
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] mod_mono and SSL

2004-05-25 Thread DI Mag. Rainer Burgstaller
Hi Gonzalo
thanks for the quick reply. I now changed it according to your template  
but it still does not work. Although, it looks better now (i.e.  
mod-mono-server.exe is now started) I still dont get a reply. It might be  
important to mention that I am using apache2.

Here is my current configuration:
Listen 443

ServerName webmail.foo.com
DocumentRoot /share/secure-web
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/server.key
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/server.crt
SSLCipherSuite bar
   Alias /mono "/share/secure-web/mono"
MonoApplications "/mono:/share/secure-web/mono"
MonoPath "/usr/local/lib/mono/1.0:/usr/local/lib/mono/2.0"
MonoExecutablePath "/usr/local/bin/mono"
MonoServerPath "/usr/local/bin/mod-mono-server.exe"
SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all

SetHandler mono

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/secure-error.log
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/secure-access.log combined
ServerSignature On

When I do
lynx https://localhost/mono
I get
Alert!: Unexpected network read error; connection aborted.
Is there any way to get a log from mono? Maybe somethings crashing there?
any suggestions?
Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] how to do proper role based authentication in web apps

2004-06-03 Thread DI Mag. Rainer Burgstaller
I have a question on how to properly do RBA in web applications. I am  
currently using the formsauthentication but it only supports fixed users  
stored in the web.config file which is pretty inflexible (am I missing  
something)? So what I currently do is to override the  
Thread.CurrentPrincipal and HttpContext.User by the user which is stored  
in the cookie (which I also create by hand). I do that in the global.asax.

I checked a few open source projects (omniportal, Rainbow) on how they do  
it but it does not seem like they do it too good either (I dont mean to  
insult anyone). I am coming from the java side and there JAAS offers a  
quite elegant way of doing such a thing by using "plugin" authentication  
providers. So I wondered if there is such a possibility or if I could  
somehow replace the FormsAuthenticationModule by something I do which then  
allows authentication agains a db for example.

any suggestions?
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] how to do proper role based authentication in web apps

2004-06-04 Thread DI Mag. Rainer Burgstaller
On Fri, 4 Jun 2004 16:20:16 +1000, Peter Foley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Have a look at the Microsoft MSDN site. There is a document there about  
Providers pattern which is used in ASP.NET 2 for a membership class. It  
is very
straightforward to write your own membership class that uses a provider  
e.g. a
sql database to store rol info.

Hello Peter
thanks for the quick reply.
I think I found the article you mean  
Is this functionality already supported by mono / xsp /mod_mono?

I had a quick look at SqlMembershipProvider.cs in mono-0.91 but there all  
functions threw the notimplementedexception. So I guess the answer is no.  
Or is the framework already in place to place in my own MembershipProvider?

Also from a quick glance on the document I am not sure how to integrate  
it. Do I still use the FormsAuthenticationModule or not?
Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Problem using p/invoke on mono 1.0.1

2004-08-22 Thread DI Mag. Rainer Burgstaller

First of all here is my configuration

Debian testing (quite up to date)
Mono-1.0.1 (got the mono-1.0.1.tar.gz)

I am trying to use libcrypt.so.2.3.2 with c#. This code has been working 
for quite a while but stopped to work now.

here is a little sample program I wrote

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CryptTest
 class CryptTest
 [DllImport ("crypt", EntryPoint="crypt", SetLastError=true)]
 private static extern string UnixCrypt(string text, string salt);

 static void Main(string[] args)
 Console.WriteLine("have {0} args",args.Length);
 string arg = args[0];
 Console.WriteLine("UnixEncrypting {0} : 

When I try to run this with

mono encrypt.exe rainer

I get a NullReference Exception. I am a bit lost here since this code has 
been working beautifully for months. Either my debian upgraded its 
libcrypt version (which could easily be true) or upgrading to mono-1.0.1 
introduced the problem (which is less likely since I remember having the 
same issue on mono-1.0).

Here is a snipped of the trace

.. . ENTER: (wrapper managed-to-native) PerfTest.PerfTest:UnixCrypt 
(string,string)([STRING:0x80f8fc0:rainer], [STRING:0x80f8fc0:rainer], )
.. . . ENTER: (wrapper managed-to-native) 
(object)([STRING:0x80f8fc0:rainer], )
.. . . LEAVE: (wrapper managed-to-native) 
System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_string_to_utf8 (object)result=135946400
.. . . ENTER: (wrapper managed-to-native) 
(object)([STRING:0x80f8fc0:rainer], )
.. . . LEAVE: (wrapper managed-to-native) 
System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_string_to_utf8 (object)result=135941976
.. . . ENTER: (wrapper managed-to-native) 
System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_string_new_wrapper (intptr)(0x41350540, 
.. . . LEAVE: (wrapper managed-to-native) 
.. . . ENTER: (wrapper managed-to-native) 
System.Object:__icall_wrapper_g_free (intptr)(0x41350540, )
.. . . . ENTER: (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object:runtime_invoke_void 
(nil), (nil
), 0x413583d8, )
.. . . . . ENTER: System.NullReferenceException:.ctor 
()(this:0x80f07b0[System.NullReferenceException encrypt.exe], )
.. . . . . . ENTER: Locale:GetText (string)([STRING:0x80f3c78:A null value 
was found where an object instance was required.], )
.. . . . . . LEAVE: Locale:GetText (string)[STRING:0x80f3c78:A null value 
was found where an object instance was required.]
.. . . . . LEAVE: System.NullReferenceException:.ctor ()
.. . . . LEAVE: (wrapper runtime-invoke) System.Object:runtime_invoke_void 
EXCEPTION handling: NullReferenceException

I checked /usr/include/crypt.h again to make sure that there is not a new 
version with different headers. But the function is still here

here is a snip of crypt.h

/* Encrypt at most 8 characters from KEY using salt to perturb DES.  */
extern char *crypt (__const char *__key, __const char *__salt) __THROW;

so to me everything looks still fine but still it does not work.

Can anyone help?

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Re: Problem using p/invoke on mono 1.0.1

2004-08-24 Thread DI Mag. Rainer Burgstaller

> The work-around for this is to have your method return an 
> IntPtr and then 
> convert the IntPtr to a string manually. For example, use the 
> following in 
> the place of your WriteLine() statement:
>   string encrypted = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(UnixCrypt(arg,arg));
>   Console.WriteLine("UnixEncrypting {0} : {1}",arg,encrypted);

Thanks a lot!!! That worked.

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]