[Mono-list] Gtk# not detected

2004-07-07 Thread Shantanu Kumar
I have installed Mono 1.0 RPMs on my Fedora Core 1 box. While everything 
else appears to work, assemblies Gtk and GtkSharp are not detected as 
present on the system. On compilation (an example prog), the error 
mesage says:

ButtonApp.cs(4) error CS0246: The namespace `Gtk' can not be found 
(missing assembly reference?)
   Try using -r:gtk-sharp
ButtonApp.cs(5) error CS0246: The namespace `GtkSharp' can not be found 
(missing assembly reference?)
   Try using -r:gtk-sharp
Compilation failed: 2 error(s), 0 warnings

The /etc/mono/config has contents as follows:


When using MonoDevelop, none of the assemblies except Microsoft, Mono 
and System show up in the autocomplete list. I have also un-installed 
all RPMs are installed them over, but to no improvement. Could anyone 
please guide me what I am getting wrong here?

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AW: [Mono-list] Windows: Propagating exit codes in .bat files?

2004-05-03 Thread Shantanu Kumar
On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 23:43, Cory Nelson wrote:
> Why not just package a small wrapping mcs.exe to stick in \Windows
> with the install?
> #include 
> #include 
> int main(void) {
>   char *cmdline=GetCommandLine();
>   char *args=strchr(cmdline, ' ');
>   char mcs[MAX_PATH]="C:\\mono\\mono.exe C:\\mono\\mcs.exe";
>   if(args!=NULL) strcat(mcs, args);
>   return system(mcs);
> }

That is a good idea. To avoid ambiguity (while PATH resolution), the original EXE 
files in Mono/bin may be renamed to something else (e.g. go-mcs.exe instead of mcs.exe 

In the code above, three inserts would be needed in the middle, for
1. Replacement code for "setlocal"
2. Setting PATH
2. Replacement code for "endlocal"

Setlocal and endlocal are not available on Win9x.


Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AW: [Mono-list] Windows: Propagating exit codes in .bat files?

2004-05-03 Thread Shantanu Kumar
On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 13:33, Jochen Wezel wrote:
> Hi!
> Please pay attention: in Win98, there is no /b parameter available.
> A line as EXIT %ERRORLEVEL% exits, but I cannot say if it only exits the batch or 
> the COMMAND.COM (that is the intended usage for the /B parameter in CMD.EXE)
> In Win95, the EXIT command might be missing. I haven't tested, but I cannot remember 
> to have seen it.
> Another chance for Win9x systems would be to provide .COM files instead of .BAT 
> files. But this would need some knowledge on building .COM files I haven't got.

Building COM files is straightforward. The entire file-content is loaded at offset 
address 0x100 and all segment registers are initialised same as CS. There used to be a 
utility called Exe2Bin to convert EXE into COM files and probably even TLINK (from the 
old toolchain from Borland) can do this.


Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Windows: Propagating exit codes in .bat files?

2004-05-02 Thread Shantanu Kumar
On Sun, 2004-05-02 at 23:53, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> Hey guys,
>We have an issue with Mono, we are shipping batch files for Windows
> like this:
> c:\>type mcs.bat
> mono mcs.exe
> c:\>
>The problem is that if `mcs.exe' returns an exitcode different than
> zero, the error is not propagated to the caller, so this means that in
> Makefiles, things keep going even if there is a failure.

The exit code is updated in an environment variable called ERRORLEVEL.
Inside the batch file, you can test ERRORLEVEL values with IF (please
check help page). However, the comparison has to be in a sequence of
larger-to-smaller values. That is, if an app can return either of 101,
56, 1 and 0, then the check has to be done first for 101, then for 56
and so on.

Hope this helps.


Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Bad feelings on mono.

2004-03-20 Thread Shantanu Kumar
On Sun, 2004-03-21 at 02:32, George Farris wrote:
> Well I announced a C#, GTK#, Mono port of Gfax for Gnome on Footnotes
> and it seems to have caused some bad feelings.  I hope this is something
> that will eventually go away but at this point there seems some people
> who just hate Mono and the whole idea behind it.  Too bad.

This seems natural. Every new technology faces resistance in the
beginning. Then as it continues to deliver, people start liking and
using it. Lastly it gains acceptance and the resistance dies down.

In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Java, Mono, or C++.. by HP

2004-03-17 Thread Shantanu Kumar
On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 23:47, Alex Combas wrote:
> Hello,
> As no doubt some of us have already read:
> Havoc just released an article[1] describing the
> important decision that Opensource is facing of what
> Managed World(tm) we will all adopt.
> In doing so he gave Mono a real black eye and I think
> we need to stand up and defend ourselves or risk
> loosing a lot.
> It is sad for me to see that the discussion got off to
> such a bad start, but Im sure that Havoc was only
> trying to be realistic.
> But still, it is sad to see that he says he is
> attempting to open the lines of discussion and then
> promptly bashes everything except gcj and classpath.
> We need to start advocating our platform, we need to
> start voicing ourselves. A lot is at stake here. We
> _must_ act.

Let's face it. Only voicing ourselves is not going to help. Havoc has
brought out some very solid points and a stark reality too. Mono (as of
now) is not clear of legal doubts and Sun won't open source Java. If you
follow some latest news on Sun/Java, you'll find some interesting
things. Sun and M$ are competing for market-hold through Java/.NET
because that's their way to big money. What remains as options now are:
(1) GCJ or (2) Mono/IKVM. It's really a tough decision to take at this
juncture. Significant portions of both Java and .NET are still
proprietary, which have no open-source alternatives. This is what gives
Sun and M$ the impetus to wield managed-platforms monopoly.

The ideal solution might be open-source community having its own
managed-platform which is adaptive of Java and .NET. Or maybe some kind
of standard through which multiple managed-platforms can co-exist and
inter-operate. But that's far from realistic and in all likelihood, that
is not going to happen (at least anytime soon).

> Personally, I think Havoc was taking a very
> black/white approach to things. 
> But why does the GNOME core really need to be mutually
> exclusive when viewing gcj or Mono? Isnt there room
> for both? doesn't opensource thrive due to it's
> genetic diversity.
> I understand the argument he makes, and I realize that
> integrating both gcj and Mono would be more than twice
> as much work as implementing either one alone. However
> by finding a way to integrate both Worlds(tm) we would
> not only be safer (by not putting all our eggs in one
> basket) but also more advanced. 
> Ok, so now it sounds like I have no idea what Im
> talking about (and probably dont :P) because
> implementing both systems is impossible, right?
> Yes, as things stand currently I admint it would be
> hard to impossible.
> < uninformed_and_idealistic_rant >
> We would need to get _everyone_ onboard and
> re-engineer the entire desktop into a truely component
> based system (this should be done regardless of which
> Managed World(tm) ends up being integrated). If the
> entire platform were truely and completely component
> based then I think there would be room for both
> Managed Worlds(tm) and developers could choose to
> target which ever they feel more comfortable with.
> Win, win.
> Further more, Havoc sites the problem of a possible
> fork if Mono is chosen and sites the legal limbo
> quagmire that we are currently wallowing in as the
> reason for it. 
> How is that legal review coming? 
> Do we have a time line?
> And finally, I think that if a fork were to take place
> (by Novel choosing to go it alone and integrate Mono
> into the core of its Ximian Desktop) that we would
> survive the storm and eventually we would prevail. I
> think Mono has the critical mass needed in order to
> weather a fork-storm, although I really hope we dont
> need to fork.
> Please, please, please, please do not sit idly by and
> watch as a Mono based desktop is yanked out of our
> reach. We need action. Lots of it.

As a GNOME fan, I'd love to see GNOME scaling heights. I am sure neither
the Java folks nor the Mono community is going to be silent over it.
Time will tell better, perhaps. :-)

In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]