Re: [Mono-list] MonoPosixHelper Not Found ?

2006-09-14 Thread met
Quoting Jonathan Pryor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 It's possibly a library dependency issue.

 Try writing a small C program that calls LoadLibrary() on
 MonoPosixHelper.dll and intl.dll.  Make sure that it loads the libraries

 If that works, I'm out of ideas.  If that fails, you'll at least know
 which library can't be loaded, and you can use DEPENDS.EXE to list its
 actual dependencies and start searching through them...

Thank you VERY much! The problem has been fixed (zlib1.dll missing),  
and I learned something knew (depends.exe).

Thanks again!

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] MonoPosixHelper Not Found ?

2006-09-13 Thread met
Quoting Jonathan Pryor [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Tue, 2006-09-12 at 08:07 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have 4 windows systems, one of which is the development machine.
 Each is running the same deployed exe and set of libraries.  The
 problem is that two of the four machines fail with the following
 message when executing code in Mono.Unix.Catalog for gettext. The
 worst part is that MonoPosixHelper.dll is in the same directory as the
 exe and other libs required for intl.dll.

 I understand this issue is a bit remote to directly assist with, but
 if anyone has some ideas on tracking it down I would be very greatful.

 I'm not sure what would go wrong under .NET.

Sadly it is under .NET, and they're all in the same directory.

   - exe
   - Mono.Posix.dll
   - MonoPosixHelper.dll
   - intl.dll

As I can't reproduce it on my system, and I feer installing  
VS.NET/Mono on theirs might fix it -- any thoughts on further  
detecting the root cause?

Thanks a lot,

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-list] MonoPosixHelper Not Found ?

2006-09-12 Thread met
I have 4 windows systems, one of which is the development machine.  
Each is running the same deployed exe and set of libraries.  The  
problem is that two of the four machines fail with the following  
message when executing code in Mono.Unix.Catalog for gettext. The  
worst part is that MonoPosixHelper.dll is in the same directory as the  
exe and other libs required for intl.dll.

I understand this issue is a bit remote to directly assist with, but  
if anyone has some ideas on tracking it down I would be very greatful.


~ Matthew

System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for
'Mono.Unix.Native.Stdlib' threw an exception. ---
System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'MonoPosixHelper': The
specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
at Mono.Unix.Native.Stdlib.GetDefaultSignal()
at Mono.Unix.Native.Stdlib..cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at ptr)
at Mono.Unix.Catalog.MarshalStrings(String s1, IntPtr p1, String  
s2,IntPtr p2, String s3, IntPtr p3)

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Assembly Signing with PFX files

2006-08-16 Thread met
Quoting Sebastien Pouliot [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Signing with a PKCS #12 file (the PFX extension) is a new option
 available in fx 2.0.

 Mono SN doesn't currently support this option (it's on my long todo list
 of 2.0 stuff) but it shouldn't be too difficult to add. However I never
 checked if this option was also implemented into the CSC compiler

 Anyway if you fill a bug for this you'll be the first to know when it
 get fixed ;-)

Thanks for heads up.

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-list] Assembly Signing with PFX files

2006-08-15 Thread met
I've looked around, but I can't seem to find anything. Is it possible  
to sign .NET assemblies produced with gmcs with PFX files? I ask  
because I have a .NET project building under VS2005 which is using  
PFX. I would like to built it under Mono and sign it, but currently I  
don't know how as its not a SNK.

What piece am I missing to this seemingly simple puzzle.


~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-list] Power Hosting for Mono

2006-08-09 Thread met
I was wondering if anyone had played around with different ways of  
hosting web services. I understand the apache/mod_mono/xsp setup, but  
is there anything different, or better worth looking at. I don't have  
any aspx pages, everything is compiled and merely exposed as a  
service. Is it worth looking into running multiple xsp2 instances and  
round-robbin proxying them via apache or another web server (cherokee,  


~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-dev] xbuild + Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll + Bugs

2006-05-02 Thread met
I have a couple small bugs/patches for xbuild.exe and
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll, but there doesn't appear to be the appropriate
Products to place them under.


~ Matthew

Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-list] Sharing Streams between managed and unmanaged code

2006-04-20 Thread met
I have a relatively large C library that I do not want to reproduce in C#. Its
core functionality (for better or worse) is based around reading/writing a very
specific XML format. XML is created using libxml2's xmlWriter and parsed via
libxml2's XmlReader like interface. My goal is to expose this functionality to
.NET via streams.

Essentially, I would like to be able to write XML to a .NET stream (say
response) as well as read XML (from an request) from unmanaged code.

Any suggestions on the best way to get this done would be greatly appreciated.

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -

[Mono-dev] HttpApplicationFactory Patch for HttoModule Events

2006-04-12 Thread met
I was trying to get a custom module's event attached to Global.asax without
success. Apparently HttpApplicationFactory's AddHandler was always using
EventHandler instead of the EventInfo's EventHandlerType. The attached patch
has a one line fix.

I've tested this patch against my custom module event as well as an
Application_OnError wireups - both works.

Hope this helps,

~ Matthew--- HttpApplicationFactory.cs	2006-04-12 14:24:33.0 -0400
+++	2006-04-12 14:24:51.0 -0400
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
 evt.AddEventHandler (target, npi.FakeDelegate);
 			} else {
 evt.AddEventHandler (target, Delegate.CreateDelegate (
-			typeof (EventHandler), app, method.Name));
+			evt.EventHandlerType, app, method.Name));
Mono-devel-list mailing list

[Mono-list] Apache + XSP | What might be missing?

2005-10-27 Thread met
I'm wondering what features (if any) might be missing by combining XSP  Apache
together to host ASP.NET on non-Windows environments? Are there any features
that simply cannot be performed within pure ASP.NET as a result of not being on

I'm asking because the company I work for is looking to use Mono/.NET instead of
Java and I'm trying to eliminate the concerns as they arise.

Thanks in advance,

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Apache + XSP | What might be missing?

2005-10-27 Thread met


Hi Matthew,

I think it would be easier if you exposed what are your concerns, 
instead of asking what could be a problem with mono.

I have no concerns, I know that Apache + XSP + Mono does everything we need it
to. But my bosses (who despite not wanting to use any Microsoft specific
features) are worried about possible feature losses of Apache + XSP vs. IIS +
ISAPI. Anything that is windows specific we can't use because the application
will need to work on both Linux and Windows - but nontheless, I'm trying to
mitigate crazy theoretical worries.

As such, are there any features you know of that are simply not 
accessible from

a pure Apache+XSP scenario?


~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -

Re: [Mono-list] Apache + mod_mono | What might be missing?

2005-10-27 Thread met

Quoting peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

As such, are there any features you know of that are simply not 
accessible from

a pure Apache+XSP scenario?

Sorry for butting in, but shouldn't it be Apache  + mod_mono?  I 
thought XSP was just a minimal web server for test purposes only.  Or 
have a got hold of the wrong end of the stick (again).

Yes, I mis-wrote. Its Apache + mod_mono + XSP

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -

RE: [Mono-list] missing native feel ?

2004-07-15 Thread MET
On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 13:38, Thomas R. Corbin wrote:
 On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 13:34, Andrew Arnott wrote:
  That is, what I mean, with best integration in the system, so
  that there
  existing a native-feeling by using .net-programs.
The problem with giving it a native feel is that it destroys one of
objectives of be able to take a .Net program from Windows and
just run it.
   Why so? You can make mono to understand two different (binary) formats:
   the MS one and the Mono native one. So, MS compiled programs would run
   fine under mono...
   But the reverse would not be true. So, the mono would need to compile
   into two different formats: mono native and MS compatible.
   The format differences could be minimal (like few additional bytes at
   the start of file)
  But the spirit of the CLI is to have exactly one run anywhere.  Why would we
  want to segregate formats?  Only (perhaps) to push the Linux agenda forward
  by releasing software that runs only on Free Software (mono for windows and
  linux).  It's true Microsoft is influencing Linux in this way by putting
  .exe and .dll back into the lives of Linux users, but I don't see that as a
  bad thing.  
  Perl scripts end with .pl.  Java classes end in .class.  CLI programs end in
   Perl scripts, python scripts, bash scripts that I execute do not have a
 .pl, .py, or .sh extension.
   As for java, I wrap all the java programs with a shell or batch file to
 make it easier on my users.  For that matter, all the commercial java
 applications that I use do so as well.
  .exe or .dll, depending on their executability.  My position is, Linux isn't
  being betrayed or tainted by keeping .exe and .dll's.  It's actually
  consistent because file types typically have unique extensions, and a .so is
  very different from a .dll.  
   For me, the .dll is fine, it's the .exe.

... then WRAP it like everything else.

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] monodoc --merge-changes

2004-04-07 Thread Met
No matter what I do, I cannot get `monodoc --merge-changes` to work.  I
understand WHAT to do, but still no go.

  monodoc --merge-changes ~/.config/monodoc/changeset.xml .

I have the *.tree/.zip files stored ./doc/api which where generated from
--assemble and ./doc/api/en/* contains all the XML files created from
--update.  As such why won't the above command work?  Or more
importantly, what do I need to do to make this work.

Help... ?

~ Matthew

P.S. I'm running all the commands from . -- no where else.

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] FieldInfo.GetValue trouble with null

2004-04-04 Thread Met

On Sun, 2004-04-04 at 16:16, Ben Maurer wrote:
 For valuetypes, the `null' value is 0, false, or whatever (basically,
 what happens if each integer is set to 0 and each reference to null).
 -- Ben

The problem with this is that it no longer equals the original object. 
For example, if you instantiate an object, and then copy it via
reflection (FieldInfo etc), they will not be copies of each other.  A 0
will not equal an uninitialized null etc.

Should this be the way it is?  If so, how can you via reflection get the
_real_ value of a Field?

~ Matthew

 On Sun, 2004-04-04 at 14:42, Philip wrote:
  Question regarding the use of the FieldInfo object.
  I'm using the FieldInfo object, calling the GetValue(object) method. The
  object that I'm passing to the method is only partially populated, so
  some of the fields are uninitialized (null). However when the
  FieldInfo.GetValue(object) returns the value, uninitialized integers
  (which I had hoped would still be null) are returned as 0 and
  uninitialized bools (which should be null also) are returned as false,
  null strings however are returned properly. Has anyone else run into a
  similar problem? Should I not be expecting FieldInfo.GetValue to return
  uninitialized ints and bools as null? Any help would be great.
  - Phil
  Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] stupid extensions (dll/exe) question

2004-03-18 Thread Met

On Thu, 2004-03-18 at 18:34, gabor wrote:
 is it needed/recommended to use the standard windows extensions?
 i don't really understand the details,but are they used so that it is
 possible to move them to windows and still use them?
 i can kind of understand it, but it feels a little
 alien/different/inconvenient to have libs as dll instead of .so and so
 so what's the recommended naming practice when developing mono apps?

I'm certainly not speaking _for_ Mono, but rather from my own views and

A Mono executable or .dll is NOT a traditional binary or shared object
(.so) in structure or theory to a C/C++ application.  You need the mono
runtime to execute/understand them.  So in one way the naming convention
is for people, so that they can visually see and understand what they're
dealing with.  It's also so that people (silly weird people) don't try
to link a non Mono application against a Mono library.  

To make it easier for yourself and for your users you can/should create
shell scripts like the Mono project does to launch applications.  For
example, when you run mcs from the command line your launching a shell
script that tells the mono runtime to execute the mcs.exe.  So in a
sense their is no _real_ mcs binary.  You should do the same for your
programs so that a normal user can easily execute that application
without _having_ to know the difference. Executable's should reflect the
application name with a .exe at the end.  Nothing complicated. The shell
script should be the same, minus the .exe (weird but that's what
everyone does for simplicity, while keeping the truth of the application
type if you look for it - like Python programs).  

Libraries (.dlls) generally speaking all seem to represent their
namespace (or lowest level namespace in that collection of code).  So a
dll should generally only contain 1 root level namespace with as many
children as you see fit.


If these were the namespaces belonging to a .dll then it should be
called Mono.Test.dll.  But if you add a namespace like Mono.Other then
you should probably call it Mono.dll.  Size and function of the
namespaces dictate the need for seperate distinct libraries.

This is my understanding and what I use for my projects.  So hopefully
it makes sense and is helpful.

~ Matthew

P.S. The .exe/.dll versus .z/.xy are probably for compatibility (future
users and other systems).

P.P.S. This is probably more than you wanted ;-)

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Java, Mono, or C++.. by HP

2004-03-17 Thread Met
On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 16:33, Preston Crawford wrote:
 As a Gnome user and fan I'd prefer Gnome remained fast and unencumbered
 by possible legal tangles. 

This shouldn't _slow_ down Gnome.  No matter how you look at it, they're
compiled languages - just think about all the applications you have on
your Gnome installation that aren't (Python, Bash, etc).  Naturally
however, being a higher level language does mean some performance
decrease.  But theoretically it shouldn't be a problem with modern day
machines, and should be faster than run-time compile/execution. 
Wouldn't it be nice to compile all the python applications down to one
common binary for use and sharing across multiple languages?  Having
Mono used as the new framework for Gnome (future, not passed) it would
allow Mono/.Net to perform the task it's meant to.  Join multiple
languages together under a common framework so that everyone can

 I don't want EITHER Java nor Mono to form the
 basis of Gnome.

Its not like Mono/Java would be used to actually rewrite the entire
framework.  It would slowly entangle itself into the gnome core so that
you could write system and user level applications with them in order to
gain the benefits of higher level languages.

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Java, Mono, or C++.. by HP

2004-03-17 Thread Met
On Wed, 2004-03-17 at 21:25, Moritz Angermann wrote:
 Can't we just wait for Novell/Ximians review on this.
 And than take the legal concerns into account? About
 what part might get killed off and what might not?
 Also speed is relative ( to speed that is ). No, but
 honestly we've seem improvements in java's vm over
 the years. mono's might as well get improved. I do
 not say that the base of gnome should be mono based
 at least not yet for the given reasons. But as I
 already mentioned elsewhere the *day to day* small
 apps could benifit quite well from mono ( with what
 ever language you like ).
 I do think the potential of mono is huge. And maybe
 when gnome 3.6 ( what ever tell me a house number )
 ships or the legal review is done, this discussion
 should be taken up again.
 So lets postpone it until than and during the time
 everyone do what he/she likes best / feels comfor-
 table with.

It's not like this needs to be decided before we all go to bed.  But we
also cannot sit on it either.  As HP said, we need to have the
discussions in order to make the most intelligent decision.  The
importance seems so surreal, but if RMS (and others) hadn't stood up
firmly for what he believed - we'd be no where.

 kindest regards,

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] MCS Download Link Broken

2004-02-27 Thread Met @ Uber
The link for mcs-0.30.2 is broken on

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Pro Mono ?

2004-02-23 Thread Met @ Uber
I have a feeling that there is no way for me to appropriately gather all
the information I need by myself... So I'm posing this question in order
to help my company make an informed decision purely based off the
technology (we'll deal with the rest).

What are the benefits of .NET?

What are the benefits of .NET over other technologies?

... and anything else you can think to inform us of.

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Testing Large Web Applications

2004-02-19 Thread Met @ Uber
Are there any tools that can check web pages intelligently for errors. 
Such as testing forms, follow a specified path as if it were a human and
check for values etc?

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Testing Large Web Applications

2004-02-19 Thread Met @ Uber

On Thu, 2004-02-19 at 10:56, Jackson Harper wrote:
 NUnitAsp does this. We have been using it for System.Web development.
 On Thu, 2004-02-19 at 07:05, Met @ Uber wrote:
  Are there any tools that can check web pages intelligently for errors. 
  Such as testing forms, follow a specified path as if it were a human and
  check for values etc?
  ~ Matthew

It definitely looks like exactly what I need, but it keeps dying with a
Segmentation fault from nunit-console.exe.  I've actually had this
happen a number of times with NUnit when my tests have involved
databases.  Any ideas or suggestions on how to get around this would be
greatly appreciated.  I'm just trying the what the example in the
tutorial shows.

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Asp.Net Dlls with XSP

2004-02-07 Thread Met @ Uber
Where do I put dll's that .asmx pages might need in order to function
within the xsp webserver?  For the sake of paths, assume I'm using the
test directory under xsp.

Thanks in advance,

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Drawing

2004-02-06 Thread Met @ Uber
As i've never done any image building/manipulation with Mono I was
wondering what API's I should be looking at.  I'd like to be able to
build visual views of a databases table structure.  nothing complicated
- just something to help with another project.  


~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] gtk# with gtkhtml

2004-02-01 Thread Met @ Uber
How do configure gtk-sharp to install gtkhtml?

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] T-Shirts

2003-11-15 Thread Met @ Uber
Are there any T-Shirts available anywhere with the Mono logo's etc?  And
if there aren't, there should be ;-)
~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Maverick.NET Linux Installation

2003-11-11 Thread Met @ Uber
I see under the Mono Certified section on the web site that someone got
Maverick.NET working with Mono on Linux, and I was wondering how?  How
do I make all incoming commands with a particular extension get mapped
to a specific aspnet_isapi.dll ?

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Monodoc docs for my Application (?)

2003-11-07 Thread Met @ Uber
So I got monodoc installed and ran updater.exe on my assembly which
generated a few directories full of XML stubs.  How do I go about
getting that documentation into monodoc's browser so that I can modify
the docs with ease?

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Compiling from Source || Segmentation Fault

2003-11-03 Thread Met @ Uber
So I downloaded the tar`ed .28 release of Mono, Mcs, Gtk-sharp, and put
them all in the same directory.  According to the README's I needed to
install this before I could build/install a snapshot/CVS version.  So I
ran configure/make/make install and everything seemed to work OK.  But
the second I tried running a program mono xsd.exe it returns
Segmentation Fault.

Any ideas or suggestions?  I've been using the RPM's for quite some
time, but I felt like reaping the benefits of continual

Thanks in advance,

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Compiling from Source || Segmentation Fault

2003-11-03 Thread Met @ Uber
On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 10:33, Richard Torkar wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 16:16, Met @ Uber wrote:
  So I downloaded the tar`ed .28 release of Mono, Mcs, Gtk-sharp, and put
  them all in the same directory.  According to the README's I needed to
  install this before I could build/install a snapshot/CVS version.  So I
  ran configure/make/make install and everything seemed to work OK.  But
  the second I tried running a program mono xsd.exe it returns
  Segmentation Fault.
  Any ideas or suggestions?  I've been using the RPM's for quite some
  time, but I felt like reaping the benefits of continual
 Which Linux distribution are you using?

Fedora (RedHat).

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Compiling from Source || Segmentation Fault

2003-11-03 Thread Met @ Uber
On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 10:41, Richard Torkar wrote:
 On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 16:27, Met @ Uber wrote:
  On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 10:33, Richard Torkar wrote:
   On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 16:16, Met @ Uber wrote:
So I downloaded the tar`ed .28 release of Mono, Mcs, Gtk-sharp, and put
them all in the same directory.  According to the README's I needed to
install this before I could build/install a snapshot/CVS version.  So I
ran configure/make/make install and everything seemed to work OK.  But
the second I tried running a program mono xsd.exe it returns
Segmentation Fault.

Any ideas or suggestions?  I've been using the RPM's for quite some
time, but I felt like reaping the benefits of continual
   Which Linux distribution are you using?
  Fedora (RedHat).
 This is fixed in cvs.
Ah, well that sounds like it'll do it.  Thanks.  But can I install via
CVS for the first time?  (I thought the README said that a release was
required first time through).

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Problem build with snapshoot today

2003-11-03 Thread Met @ Uber
On Fri, 2003-10-31 at 02:28, Mohammad DAMT wrote:
 On Rab, 2003-10-29 at 17:09, Jackson Harper wrote:
  There appears to be a problem with the monocharge's, possibly from being
  built with an old mcs. Try using a daily. Hopefully we can get this
  issue resolved tommorow.
 still doesn't work with current CVS, rh 7.3, rh 9
 but I was able to compile with some efforts:
 0. manually copy corlib.dll from monocharge to mcs/class/lib/ just after
 this error shows up
 1. go to problematic directory, run make there
 2. go to mcs/class, run make
 repeat step 0 - 2 if the error shows up in the other directory
 3. continue make fullbuild in mono/

I checked out the source from CVS today and tried to update my  Mono/Mcs
install as described by the README.  I got the error that was described
above and copied over the corlib.dll from monocharge which fixed that
error (thanks).  I then followed the directions down to make fullbuild
in mono which generated some errors.  I can't see how to fix these
errors via the directions above.  For starters, the errors would full
quite a few pages printed so while scanning them the biggest piece comes
from mono/metadata and it ends at mcs/class/System.Drawing (I see some
stuff about Cairo).  But honestly I'm not sure how to diagnose this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Using other Assemblies at Run time

2003-11-02 Thread Met @ Uber
The bin sub-directory is supported through XSP, but apparently not
through straight EXE execution.  I've also tried the configuration
pieces which Jaroslaw Kowalski posted from the MSDN site, but no go
either (the exact piece I tried is posted below).  Any ideas about
debugging or where I should look in the Mono src to add this

Thanks a lot,

~ Metnetsky

  assemblyBinding xmlns=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1
 probing privatePath=bin/ /

On Sun, 2003-11-02 at 12:26, Jonathan Pryor wrote:
 I believe that .NET will also look under a bin sub-directory for
 Assembly resolution purposes, so that could be used.
 You can also configure the directories to search for in the
 AppDomainSetup properties used when creating an AppDomain.  However, I
 don't know if it's possible to change the search directories after the
 AppDomain has started.
 I'm not sure if Mono supports the bin sub-directory yet.
 - Jon
 On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 13:56, Met @ Uber wrote:
  I'm writing an application that uses assemblies like log4net which do
  not belong with the rest for many reasons.  As such, I'm trying to
  figure out where it belongs.  If this were Java I'd create a lib
  directory to hold the Jars in the same directory as the EXE, but this
  isn't Java ;-)
  So basically, where do I put assemblies I need to be distributed with my
  application?  I do not want them in the main directory, for neatness,
  separation, etc.
  Thanks in advance,
  ~ Matthew
  Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Mono-list] Using other Assemblies at Run time

2003-11-01 Thread Met @ Uber
I'm writing an application that uses assemblies like log4net which do
not belong with the rest for many reasons.  As such, I'm trying to
figure out where it belongs.  If this were Java I'd create a lib
directory to hold the Jars in the same directory as the EXE, but this
isn't Java ;-)

So basically, where do I put assemblies I need to be distributed with my
application?  I do not want them in the main directory, for neatness,
separation, etc.

Thanks in advance,

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] Dispose() method in the UdpClient class

2003-10-14 Thread Met @ Uber
On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 02:43, Gonzalo Paniagua Javier wrote:
 El mar, 14-10-2003 a las 08:11, Giuseppe Greco escribi:
  1. Isn't Socket a managed resource?
 The Socket class holds a socket, that is an unmanaged resource. That's
 why it's better to Close it explicitly instead of letting the GC do it.
What's the difference between managed/unmanaged resources?  
...Just trying to learn.

~ Matthew

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mono-list] RedHat 9 install problems

2003-10-13 Thread Met @ Uber
I believe that NAnt looks directly in /usr/local by default while
building, but that is easily changed.

On Mon, 2003-10-13 at 16:17, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
  I installed the 0.28 RPMs for RedHat 9.
  However, they install into /usr rather than /usr/local,
  which does not allow me to run mono apps as they
  are looking into /usr/local/lib for their assemblies.
  I can copy the files over, but that is not a real
  solution. Am not very experienced on Linux, so
  there probably is an easy way to correct this.
 Which Mono apps are looking for /usr/local?  They look in the prefix
 where mono is installed (or see MONO_PATH on the man page for mono)
 Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mono-list maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]