
Just a small query or heads up request about easier setup of monotone
servers. Now when we have netsync, it is sometimes PITA to setup
synchronization (unless ssh is in place).

We had this dumb protocol and implementation in python [1] that served me
well for some time but now it is abandoned; and what is more important it
is not available to anyone except me and maybe some hardcore "archeologist"
who remembers monotone history.

Is there any interest in having this reliable (but not high performance)
HTTP/SFTP synchronization transport for monotone ? I even thought about
implementing in in core of monotone but actually at that time "nuskool" was
the way to go ... but the nuskool is far from ready (and AFAIR requires
policy branches)...
 "dumb" is ready and can be available in week (as python) in few months (as
native solution)

[I know about nuskool but i don't remembers what was significant difference
from dumb protocol]

(tigger for this discussion: i just lost my monotone central "repository"
manager by usher :/ and thus lost any _sane_ option to synchronize windows
boxes :/ ...)


Zbigniew Zagórski
/ software developer / geek / http://zbigg.blogspot.com /
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