
The subject is 'Introduction' and after crashing into the mailing list a few days ago I think that wouldn't hurt.


I have been following the list and the development of monotone for a few months now, and since the beginning of this year, me and a colleague are using monotone actively, mainly for concurrent development, storing source codes, project workspaces and the like.

In the past I have been using CVS and was often disappointed at its missing features and circumstantial administration. After comparing a few version control systems and relatively early considering monotone, I was impressed by its ease of use, setup and the modern approaches.


After not having even the slightest clue of Python and a very long night of unsuccessfully muddling around with Lighttpd, Apache and various plugins for getting ViewMTN running, I thought that a small viewing application based on PHP couldn't be that much of a problem. That thought lasted exactly to the point at which I had to understand the database structure of monotone, which I obviously didn't.

The recent discussions on the new URL features have made it rather exciting for me to follow the further development, since that one would be of great help for reaching the goals of my little project rather early. And also without messing around directly with the database, thus avoiding problems like locking.

Perhaps such a project isn't even desired because ViewMTN is considered to be enough of a web viewer. But if it is, maybe the work on this could be brought forward on the summit, which leads us to the next chapter:


I had a little chat with Thomas Keller, wiping out my last doubts about the summit in Wuppertal, and now I am looking forward to meeting some of the people behind this great project and possibly learning more about it, mostly the advanced ranges of application. Maybe you have already seen my note in the Wiki.

For your information: most of my time I am coding with Java or PHP, so the parts where I can help seem to be the Eclipse plugin, my own web viewer (if that one is welcome, see above) or the more general areas like documentation etc. Just to let you know in advance.

That's about it! Now I could use a snack ;-) I am staying on IRC this evening, so if there are questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me. Last remark, since I am not a native speaker, it could take some time to get an answer from me. Now a snack, really!

Best wishes,


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