Re: [MOPO] Superman, another opinion

2006-07-03 Thread Phil Edwards Cinema Arts

I can't wait to see it.
Bryan Singer is one of the most talented and interesting of directors 
working today in big budget films.

Both X-MEN 1 and 2 remain high watermarks in the comics into movies genre.

His USUAL SUSPECTS was and remains an instant classic, and APT PUPIL
tackled a difficult and uncomfortable King story extremely well.

Foxnews minions outing him as being gay (BFD) and trashing the film was 
standard Fox behaviour towards a rival
product in the marketplace. All this claptrap about the X-MEN films 
being code for "gays" is just that - claptrap and again remains no BFD.

I've just started watching the George Reeves TV series sets, and seasons 
1 and 2 (just released here) and they have a surprisingly tough edge 
here and there. I haven't seen them since my childhood (45 years ago!) 
and they are a real treat to savour and a surprising one.

Richard Donner's SUPERMAN 1 and 2 (yes, Dick Lester, etc, etc) are a 
great double feature and work really well when watched as one epic film. 
I haven't been able to watch them since Chris Reeve's tragic accident 
because I'm no good watching films through a veil of tears.

Curious what the Richard Donner SUPERMAN 1 and 2 will reveal.


Ron Wisberg wrote:

I am a fan of the original Superman films, but I'm confused how anyone 
could call this film a remake. Are there huge similarities, yes, but 
so what? Are there huge similarities one comic to the next? Sure, and 
without complaint.
One thing, to be clear, this film takes place 5 years after Superman 
2. Bryan Singer decidedly ignored parts 3 and 4 and that was ok, I 
ignored part 3 only minutes after I saw it (only to be reminded over 
and over again by it's seemingly never ending poster supply on ebay) 
and never saw 4. And to only notice Bryan Singer for his work in the 
X-Men films is insulting. The Usual Suspects remains one of the 
greatest directed films of the 90's, and both X-men and Superman show 
what can happen if you take a very smart director and give them comic 
book material. You get a fun, and enjoyable, and yes, overall 
intelligent and geniuine, though not genuis, film.
The cast is fine and the script in a dialogue sense if passable. Bryan 
Singer does share story credit and not screenplay credit. I'm sure 
he's at least somewhat responsible, but fair is fair, he didn't write 
this. And so what if he did? It's not award worthy but it's not poorly 
written. The story is really rather strong, but not without obvious 
large, okay, some huge, but action film plot holes.
Superman Returns is pure fun.
Why call it remake that the returning hero takes Lois Lane on a late 
nice New York flight again. Have you never gone back to someone you 
left? And if you did did you not attempt to relieve the more magical 
moments of your time together?
Well if you did, that makes you a remake. If you and you're exes most 
magical moment was a beautiful wine and cheese picnic on the top of 
your favorite hill and you try to recreate that, you aren't recreating.
You're a brainless remake.
Give me a break. In this film, and there's no real spoilers in this, 
Superman is trying to rewin Lois from a mortal, but very smart, 
capable, and rich, version of himself. So he recreates some classic 
scenes the two shared. Okay,maybe some very mild spoilers here. My 
real regret was that Lex Luther wasn't a big enough deal, theres a 
humorous moment as people discuss how important it is Superman hasn't 
been news for 5 years, and Luther is discredited beause he hasn't been 
news for 5 years. Of course, researching him at that point might have 
well, spoiled things, but it's a popcorn film, get over it.
Give this film a break ultimately. It's a fun film designed to remind 
people that a man can fly. Is it better than the first? Worse? Equal? 
Who cares! It's fun. I don't regreat watching it, and I feel bad for 
anyone who did and couldn't just enjoy it.

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[MOPO] Superman, another opinion

2006-07-02 Thread Ron Wisberg
I am a fan of the original Superman films, but I'm confused how anyone could call this film a remake. Are there huge similarities, yes, but so what? Are there huge similarities one comic to the next? Sure, and without complaint.     One thing, to be clear, this film takes place 5 years after Superman 2. Bryan Singer decidedly ignored parts 3 and 4 and that was ok, I ignored part 3 only minutes after I saw it (only to be reminded over and over again by it's seemingly never ending poster supply on ebay) and never saw 4. And to only notice Bryan Singer for his work in the X-Men films is insulting. The Usual Suspects remains one of the greatest directed films of the 90's, and both X-men and Superman show what can happen if you take a very smart director and give them comic book material. You get a fun, and enjoyable, and yes, overall intelligent and geniuine, though not genuis, film.     The cast is fine
 and the script in a dialogue sense if passable. Bryan Singer does share story credit and not screenplay credit. I'm sure he's at least somewhat responsible, but fair is fair, he didn't write this. And so what if he did? It's not award worthy but it's not poorly written. The story is really rather strong, but not without obvious large, okay, some huge, but action film plot holes.      Superman Returns is pure fun.     Why call it remake that the returning hero takes Lois Lane on a late nice New York flight again. Have you never gone back to someone you left? And if you did did you not attempt to relieve the more magical moments of your time together?     Well if you did, that makes you a remake. If you and you're exes most magical moment was a beautiful wine and cheese picnic on the top of your favorite hill and you try to recreate that, you aren't recreating.    
 You're a brainless remake.     Give me a break. In this film, and there's no real spoilers in this, Superman is trying to rewin Lois from a mortal, but very smart, capable, and rich, version of himself. So he recreates some classic scenes the two shared. Okay,maybe some very mild spoilers here. My real regret was that Lex Luther wasn't a big enough deal, theres a humorous moment as people discuss how important it is Superman hasn't been news for 5 years, and Luther is discredited beause he hasn't been news for 5 years. Of course, researching him at that point might have well, spoiled things, but it's a popcorn film, get over it.     Give this film a break ultimately. It's a fun film designed to remind people that a man can fly. Is it better than the first? Worse? Equal? Who cares! It's fun. I don't regreat watching it, and I feel bad for anyone who did and couldn't just enjoy it.    
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