[MOSAIC] Vocabulary

2007-02-14 Thread BarberDK
My name is Kim and I am a kindergarten teacher in a suburban school district.  
Our district has invested in Scott Foresman Reading Street.  I have worked with 
Scott Foresman series before and am very pleased with the changes in the new 
edition.  One thing I have really appreciated is how the vocabulary words are 
integrated in the song and rhyme charts, the story, and other materials.  The 
repeated exposure is a plus.  I also encourage students to use these words 
beyond the reading instruction (ex journal writing), if they get caught using 
the word and use it correctly they get to put a star on a chart.  At the end of 
the month students with the most stars gets a prize from my treasure chest.  
Initially everyone was excited and tried to use these words.  I now feel like I 
have to force them into using it by designating particular writing assignments. 
 I would love any ideas to get the students more "excited" about the words and 
to use them more.  Prior to my current school I worked in a school where I have 
seen first hand the effects of poor vocabulary skills as early as kindergarten 
and its effects in later years.  I feel vocabulary instruction is critical, 
especially for comprehension-obviously so does Scott Foresman.  I would greatly 
appreciate any ideas you could pass along.
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Re: [MOSAIC] Rhyming

2007-02-14 Thread BarberDK
I was fortunate to be part of a research study with Dr. Blachman, using Road
to the Code.  In one of the activites the students have to guess which one
is not like the other adapted from Sesame Street.  Students are presented
with four picture cards three of which rhyme.  Students have to guess which
one doesn't belong.  I also use these same cards during our whole group time
and students have to guess my rule, some days it may be they rhyme, have the
same intial sound, or they have something in common.  The students love
trying to guess my rule.  To extend you could have students select, draw, or
say three things and their classmates have to guess the rule.  I have also
made bingo cards using the same picture cards, students pick a card from a
pile, say the word, and determine if they have a rhyming picture.

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Re: [MOSAIC] strategies for little ones - reading power

2007-02-05 Thread BarberDK
Thank you for the info, I liked what I saw  so I bought a copy today as
I enjoyed our windchill day at home.  I really appreciate your time.

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Re: [MOSAIC] strategies for little ones - reading power

2007-02-05 Thread BarberDK
Is Adrienne Greer the author?  I have been looking at vaious books that have
the title, but not by her, I would love to take a look at this book can you
give more info on this book?

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Re: [MOSAIC] strategies for little ones

2007-02-04 Thread BarberDK
The two things that my current class seems to like to write or talk about is
their questions and their conenctions they  have made to the text they have
read.  Everytime I read to the class I try to come up with questions and
write them on our class reading log and connections I have made to the text.
The students seem to really like when I share my thoughts and connections
with them.  When we are done they share their questions and connections they
have made and will write about them in their reading log.  I am always
amazed at the connections they made and look forward to reading their
reading logs.  I have students that work well above level to way below.
Where the higher level group writes much of their own connections and
questions the lower group is still working on early concepts of print and
their work is more illustrations in nature.  I use this opportuntiy to work
one on one with the writing process during our conference time at the end of
the day.  Regardless both groups have very meaningful connections and
questions and are eager to share them because they want to be good readers.

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Re: [MOSAIC] Kindergarten Questioning

2007-02-04 Thread BarberDK
I am currently working in a kindergarten classroom and this has been a
struggle for me too.  One thing I do is: when we do our picture walk to help
us make predictions  we talk about questions we may have before we read, as
students share there questions I write them on our class reading log.  As we
read I may write down a question I may have and encourage students to share
theirs.  Once we are done we revisit our questions, determine if we can
answer them after we have read and write down our answers.  At this point if
there are any other questions students have they share them and see if
anyone can answer them.  It took a lot of modeling in the beginning,to what
are good questions but the kids really are catching on.  I also use this
same format for our small group work as this allows me to help the more
struggling students in a smaller setting.
Best of Luck!

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Re: [MOSAIC] phonological awareness and phonics reinforcement ideas

2007-01-25 Thread BarberDK
Starfall.com is wonderful and internet4classrooms.com has a lot of wonderful
tools for math and literacy by grade level.  I teach kindergarten and my
students love both of them.  When I worked in a Reading  First school the
reading coach also gave us Phonics They Use by Patricia Cunningham to help
us develop lessons and centers.

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