Part of the requirement for a diagnosis for ADHD (professional standards) is 
behavioral observation from more than one source. It could be as few as 2, but 
more often they get the observations from home, school, and doctor. That's a 
good thing; even common sense tells us that most children act differently in 
differing situations. There's also a more objective computer "test" for ADHD to 
add to observation. According to SPED requirements in my state, ADHD is 
considered other health impaired and only a doctor can diagnose it. The surveys 
we fill out do seem they're about behavior (and they are), but they're actually 
designed to identify hyperactivity and difficulties attending to something 
which compromises learning potential. If there are deficits in attention, and 
if a child is just not able to focus enough to learn , the consequence of those 
difficulties may be a child's poor behavior. The problem is ADHD; the symptom 
may easily be poor behavior.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 14, 2013, at 5:22 PM, wrote:

> If doctors can diagnose ADHD, why do they send questionnaires to the school 
> for the teachers to fill out?  The questions have nothing to do with health 
> (according to my not-medically-trained mind).   The questions have to do with 
> behavior.  As far as I can tell, in my state, doctors do not make the 
> diagnosis, teachers do. 
> Quoting Beverlee paul <>:
>> I'd like to see it as well. Again, pediatricians do not have training in med
>> school or residency to diagnose an educational issue such as dyslexia. They 
>> do
>> have training and are able to diagnose ADHD, but that's not an educational
>> issue; it's a physical issue. 
>> On May 14, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Mena <> wrote:
>>> I am fascinated by this diagnosis.
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