Just have to comment that I sooo agree with Bonita about getting more  
informed reporting on education from the press.  Our local Jr. high school  has 
failed to make AYP (because of a SPED sub group)  and the  headlines in the 
made us sound so terrible I wanted to scream.  
Nowhere did they say that every one of our nine elementary schools as  well 
as our 2 high schools passed with above state averages.  Nope,  the headline 
read Town Schools Fail.
I doubt any of the local reporters even know what NCLB means, yet alone how  
it works!
Talk about frustrating.
And yes, the way to fix this is to get more educators to write articles,  
letters to editor, etc.  But for all my indignation, I never did  either.  We 
our worst enemy!
Kathy in CT

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