
I tried to build Moses v4 from source on macOS 10.13.5.

1. Installed wget via macPorts.

2. Installed dependencies.
bash-3.2$ make -f contrib/Makefiles/install-dependencies.gmake
Lots of warnings.
...updated 14020 targets...
rm -rf /Users/johnmiller/moses/build/boost

3.Tried to build Moses
bash-3.2$ ./compile.sh
Lots of warnings… deprecated stuff, unused stuff, 
at least 1 loop variable incremented both within loop and at loop increment.
...failed updating 24 targets...
...skipped 42 targets...
...updated 1205 targets...
The build failed.  If you need support, run:
  ./jam-files/bjam --with-boost=/Users/johnmiller/moses/opt --with-cmph=/Users/johnmiller/moses/opt --with-xmlrpc-c=/Users/johnmiller/moses/opt --with-mm --with-probing-pt -j8 --debug-configuration -d2 |gzip >build.log.gz
then attach build.log.gz to your e-mail.
You MUST do 3 things before sending to the mailing list:
   1. Subscribe to the mailing list at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/moses-support
   2. Attach build.log.gz to your e-mail
   3. Say what is the EXACT command you executed when you got the error

4. Ran with indicated command.
bash-3.2$ ./jam-files/bjam --with-boost=/Users/johnmiller/moses/opt --with-cmph=/Users/johnmiller/moses/opt --with-xmlrpc-c=/Users/johnmiller/moses/opt --with-mm --with-probing-pt -j8 --debug-configuration -d2 |gzip >build.log.gz

5. Here is the log.file as text:
Unable to load Boost.Build: could not find "boost-build.jam"
Attempted search from /Users/johnmiller/moses up to the root
at /Users/johnmiller/moses/share/boost-build
and in these directories from BOOST_BUILD_PATH and BOOST_ROOT: /usr/share/boost-build.
Please consult the documentation at 'http://www.boost.org'.

I’ve attached as well:

Attachment: build.log.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

6. There is no:

but there is:

From the message it may be looking in the wrong place for the boost-build.jam file.


Install instructions had the install dependencies step for Ubuntu, but there was no other place
for installing the dependencies cmph, xmlrpc-c, and boost came along for the ride.  

John Miller

Moses-support mailing list

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