[Moses-support] Sentence alignment for Comparable Corpora

2014-06-23 Thread alireza tabebordbar
Hi All Im Master Degree Student and I have problem in sentence aligning.
I extracted some data (Persian-English) which is not parallel (comparable).
each Persian sentence is aligned with the top 50 similar sentences in
English side. Now I want to find out the log probability of alignment and
the number of aligned/unaligned words of each English sentence with Persian
 Persian Sentence A   English Sentence 1
 Persian Sentence A   English Sentence 2
 Persian Sentence A   English Sentence 3
 Persian Sentence A   English Sentence 50
I Know Giza++ is suitable for alignment ,However I used Giza for Parallel
Corpus..How Can I get log Probability alignment and number of
aligned/unaligned words.
Best Regards.
Moses-support mailing list

[Moses-support] Help about Using Giza++ for comparable Corpora

2014-06-19 Thread alireza tabebordbar
Hi all
I am Master degree Student and I'm New to SMT.
I extracted some Comparable sentences and I want to use Giza++ for
word alignment.I Think Giza Use EM algorithm for aligning words,
However I don't know that I can feed comparable sentences directly to
Giza++ or I have combine them with some Parallel sentences.
Moses-support mailing list

[Moses-support] No phrase translation table (ttable-file)

2013-07-31 Thread alireza tabebordbar
Hi all
My name is alireza bordbar and im student of master degree at shiraz
university of iran.
I installed moses before and it work properly.but now i want to install it
again on an other PC but i face with below error.

model/moses.ini < phrase-model/in > out
Defined parameters (per moses.ini or switch):
config: phrase-model/moses.ini
feature: KENLM name=LM factor=0 order=3 num-features=1
path=lm/europarl.srilm.gz Distortion WordPenalty UnknownWordPenalty
PhraseDictionaryMemory input-factor=0 output-factor=0
path=phrase-model/phrase-table num-features=1 table-limit=10
input-factors: 0
mapping: T 0
n-best-list: nbest.txt 100
weight: WordPenalty0= 0 LM= 1 Distortion0= 1 PhraseDictionaryMemory0= 1
ERROR:Unknown parameter feature
ERROR:Unknown parameter weight
ERROR:No phrase translation table (ttable-file)
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