[mou] Unknown Bird

2004-05-19 Thread jjpo...@mmm.com

I saw an unusual bird this week.  Could you help me identify the it?  It
was gray in color.  Initially as it flew into my yard I thought it was a
robin but it was smaller.  As it turned I saw it had a gray breast.  What
was most unusual was the birds behavior.  It would fly, stop in mid-air
like a hummingbird for about 5 seconds and then it would fly again.  It
stayed a few feet off the ground landing on the cross member of a swing set
and landing in the lower branches of a small tree.  It did this several
times so I had time to ask to ask my wife and kids to come watch the bird.
They initially thought the bird was a hummingbird but it was too large and
was so plain in color that we concluded it was not a hummingbird.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

John J. Portz

[mou] Duluth RBA 5/19/04

2004-05-19 Thread David Benson
This is the Duluth Birding Report for Wednesday, May 19th, 2004, 
sponsored by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union.

Several rarities were reported this week in Northeastern Minnesota. 
Unfortunately, to my knowledge, none of the following are still being 
seen: Steve Foss had a WHITE-WINGED DOVE at his feeders in Ely; the 
last report was from the 14th. The PAINTED BUNTING in Hoyt Lakes was 
last seen on the 13th. Maya Hammady reported a BLACK-HEADED GROSBEAK 
seen at her feeders in Grand Rapids on the 13th and 14th. Dave Lothner 
saw a male SUMMER TANAGER at Prairie Portage on the Canadian border on 
the 15th. Shawn Conrad reported a LARK BUNTING from Nashwauk on the 
16th, and at Wisconsin Point, Kristi Bond reported a GREAT BLACK-BACKED 
GULL on the 17th.

In Duluth, Peder Svingen found an adult ROSS' GOOSE at Interstate 
Island, along with 65 MARBLED GODWITS on the 17th. The same day, a 
dozen species of shorebirds were at other locations in Duluth, 
including 5 HUDSONIAN GODWITS at Hearding Island and a flock of 
WHIMBRELS at 40th Ave W. Mike Hendrickson found a RED-THROATED LOON on 
the 14th.

In Lake Cty, Peder found a dozen species of shorebirds on the 18th, 
including 22 WHIMBRELS and 1 RED KNOT at Knife River. Denny Martin 
found a BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON at Knife River and two NORTHERN 
MOCKINGBIRDS at Split Rock Lighthouse State Park.

In Cook Cty, Dory Spence reported a FIELD SPARROW and a YELLOW-HEADED 
BLACKBIRD from Schroeder on the 17th, Josh Watson reported a LAPLAND 
LONGSPUR from Grand Marais on the 15th, and Suzanne Gucciardo saw 14 
LONG-TAILED DUCKS in Grand Marais on the 14th.

Audrey Evers reported a RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER from Hoyt Lakes on the 
13th and 5 WILSON'S PHALAROPES at the Biwabik sewage ponds on the 15th. 
Michele McDowell found  a PIPING PLOVER north of Aitkin on the 18th.

This report will be updated on Friday at 5:30 on the phone line only 
with stakeouts for the Hawk Ridge Birdathon. It will be updated again 
on Sunday with results from the birdathon.

The Duluth Birding Report is sponsored and funded by the Minnesota 
Ornithologists' Union (MOU) as a service to its members. For more 
information on the MOU, either write us c/o the Bell Museum of Natural 
History, 10 Church Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, or send an e-mail 
to to m...@cbs.umn.edu, or visit the MOU web site at mou.mn.org.

[mou] Black Crowned Night Heron in Golden Valley

2004-05-19 Thread Heidi Ferguson
At 2:30 I spotted a Black Crowned Night Heron along King Creek in Golden
Valley.  This is a seasonal drainage and I don't think the bird will be in
the area of long.   It was hunting in the water and then perched on a tree.
It could easily be seen from the top of the walking path between Laurel
Avenue and Glenwood at Kings Creek Road. 

Exit 394 at Xenia/Park Place
Drive north two blocks to Laurel Avenue 
Turn Left (west) onto Laurel
The entrance to the walk way is about 1 block west of the
intersection at the end of the condo block.
Walk to the end of the path at the Kings Creek Road Entrance.  It
was best viewed from the top of the stairs looking east into the tree

Three cheers for Avian Serendipity

Heidi Ferguson
Saint Paul

[mou] Eurasian Collared-Dove - Lyon County

2004-05-19 Thread ignacio_mag...@rohair.com
Again from the city of Lynd, MN in Lyon County. One Eurasian Collared-Dove
was seen on 5-17-04 perched on top of the large blue-gray house across
from the post office. Three large spruce trees are in the yard on the
north side of the house.

Directions: From MN HWY 23 take the Lynd exit (County Road 30) Turn right
to cross the railroad tracks, then turn left to County Road 25 (the main
street of Lynd) The post office is a block down on the north side of the
road. You may recall that a pair of Eurasian Collared-Doves were seen a
few weeks ago in Lynd roosting in the grove of trees south of the
intersection of CR 25 and 30.

Roger Schroeder

[mou] Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - Murray County

2004-05-19 Thread ignacio_mag...@rohair.com
Observed and heard this one at 9:30am. It was flitting around one of the
driveway entrances between Lake Shetek and Bloody Lake; frequently
calling. From the intersection of US HWY 59 and Murray CR 21 go East 4
miles on 21. Turn south on the gravel road. After about 2.3 miles turn
right at the "T". Take this gravel road about .65 miles to a driveway (I
don't remember the number) that extends East for about 30-40 meters into
dense trees before curving south. The bird was seen in the general area at
this curve in the driveway. There is a detailed mapo of the last mile of
these directions at www.rohair.com/ybfly_map.jpg

Roger Schroeder

[mou] Am. Avocets: Dakota Co.

2004-05-19 Thread James Mattsson
Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

At Lake Byllesby today at 1:00pm.

American Avocets  - 9 (Look out by the pelicans)
Peregrine Falcon- 1
Not much else

James Mattsson
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.
Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII

At Lake Byllesby today at 1:00pm.
American Avocets  - 9 (Look out by the pelicans)
Peregrine Falcon    - 1
Not much else
James Mattsson
Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.


[mou] Poky little redpoll

2004-05-19 Thread Laura Erickson
Just now I looked out at my feeders and what to my wondering eyes should 
appear but a Common Redpoll.  I'd heard about one elsewhere in Duluth this 

Laura Erickson
Duluth, MN

Producer, "For the Birds" radio program

There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in the migration of 
birds.  There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of 
nature--the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.

 --Rachel Carson

As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression.  In both 
instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly 
unchanged.  And it is in such twilight that we all must be most aware of 
change in the air--however slight--lest we become unwitting victims of the 

 --Justice William O. Douglas

[mou] Golden Wing Warbler Survey Help

2004-05-19 Thread Heidi Ferguson
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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Fellow Birders,
I am working on the Cornell Laboratories Gold Winged Warbler =
project.  I
would like your assistance.  I have been assigned a fairly large area.  =
would like to know of any sightings of Gold Winged or Blue Winged =
that occur within Delorme map pages 29, 30, 34 and 35.   I will be =
from now until June 21st.   The maps include the following areas.=20
Page 29 includes Marshall, Camden State Park, Tracy, Belton, Lake =
Walnut Grove, Vesta, Cottonwood, Upper Sioux Agency, Hanley Falls, Wood =
and Spring Creek. =20
   Page 30 includes Lamberton, Sanborn, Springfield, Leavenworth, =
Morgan, Franklin, Redwood Falls, Seaforth, Belview and Birch Coulee.=20
Page 34 includes West Concord, Zumbro Falls, Pine Island, Zumbrota,
Wanamingo, Cannon Falls, Hastings, Frontenac, Goodhue, Miesville, Welch,
Bombay, Aspelund and Mazeppa.=20
Page 35 runs along the Mississippi from Frontenac Station to Whitman
this includes Wabasha and Weaver Bottoms etc.  It includes White Water
Management Area but not the State Park.  Other areas are Plainview,
Millville, Theillman, Zumbro Bottoms, Elgin and West Albany. =20
If you should see either warbler, please just drop me an email with
details directions to the location. =20
Thank you for your assistance!! =20
Heidi Ferguson
Saint Paul

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    I am working on the =
Laboratories Gold Winged Warbler project.  I would like your=20
assistance.  I have been assigned a fairly large area.  I =
would like=20
to know of any sightings of Gold Winged or Blue Winged Warblers that =
within Delorme map pages 29, 30, 34 and 35.   I will be =
from now until June 21st.   The maps include the following =

Page 29=20
includes Marshall, Camden State Park, Tracy, Belton, Lake Sheteck, =
Grove, Vesta, Cottonwood, Upper Sioux Agency, Hanley Falls, Wood Lake =
and Spring=20
   Page 30 includes Lamberton, =
Springfield, Leavenworth, Wabasso, Morgan, Franklin, Redwood Falls, =
Belview and Birch Coulee. 
    Page 34 includes West =
Zumbro Falls, Pine Island, Zumbrota, Wanamingo, Cannon Falls, Hastings,=20
Frontenac, Goodhue, Miesville, Welch,  Bombay, Aspelund and =

    Page 35 runs along the =
from Frontenac Station to Whitman this includes Wabasha and Weaver =
etc.  It includes White Water Management Area but not the State =
Park. =20
Other areas are Plainview, Millville, Theillman, Zumbro Bottoms, Elgin =
and West=20
    If you should see either =
please just drop me an email with details directions to the =
location. =20

    Thank you for your=20
Heidi =
Saint Paul


[mou] Bell's Vireo, Dakota County

2004-05-19 Thread Bob Dunlap
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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This morning I found a singing Bell's Vireo at Cliff Fen Park in Dakota =
County.  This is the same area where they have been for the past few =
years.  From the parking lot, hike east around the soccer fields and =
then turn north, crossing the railroad tracks.  Follow the path north to =
the second electric tower and listen.  The bird was very easy to hear =
but extremely difficult to see.
-Bob Dunlap, Carver County
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This morning I found a singing Bell's =
Vireo at=20
Cliff Fen Park in Dakota County.  This is the same area where they =
been for the past few years.  From the parking lot, hike =
east around=20
the soccer fields and then turn north, crossing the =
tracks.  Follow the path north to the second electric tower and=20
listen.  The bird was very easy to hear but extremely difficult to=20
-Bob Dunlap, Carver=20


[mou] Painted Bunting in Moorhead

2004-05-19 Thread robert.ocon...@ndsu.nodak.edu

At 9:15 this morning (Wednesday the 19th), a male Painted Bunting was at
the feeders of Rich Pemble of south Moorhead.  Rich lives at 2411
Rivershore Drive and is willing to have people come see the bird.  To get
to the spot, take I 94 to the Route 75 exit (the last exit before crossing
into North Dakota), go north on 75 (8th St. S.) to the stoplight at  24th
Avenue S., the street just north of Sunmart, and turn left (west) toward
the Red River.  At the end of 24th, where you'll see a double-headed
arrow, turn left and park.  Rich's house is the second on the right.  His
instructions are to walk around the south side of the garage and watch
either from the wooden deck or the yard sloping toward the river.  The
bird has been coming to seed spilled on the ground near the lower level of
the house.  The spot is at eye-level if you are standing near the cluster
of trees in the mowed area of the yard.  Please post your success or
failure in seeing the bird so others will know whether to make the trip.

Bob O'Connor

[mou] Painted Bunting- Becker County-gone

2004-05-19 Thread Jeanie Joppru
Got word late yesterday that the Painted Bunting that has been visiting
a yard in Becker County near Detroit Lakes has apparently left the area.
Those who came yesterday did not see the bird despite waiting over two
Jeanie Joppru
Pennington County

[mou] BN stilt- Kandiyohi co.

2004-05-19 Thread fredericks...@willmar.k12.mn.us
Another black necked stilt has made an appearance; this one is SE Kandiyohi co.
The bird was seen yesterday late p.m. at the Gustavus Aldolphus research site.
The shorebirds move around but are usu. in the south basin.

Directions:  from hwy 7 in S. Kandiyohi county, go 2 miles west of the Lake
Lillian turn off.  Go N. on 129 for 2 miles, turn west and proceed about
1.5 mi. The wetland (and sign) are on the south side of the road.

Randy Frederickson