[mou] Eagles, Red-Tailed, and others

2006-02-22 Thread Eye of Nature
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Just posted new images on my website for those interested in seeing =
them. Comments welcome. http://www.greensphotoimages.com/gallery/

Ron Green
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DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Just posted new images on my =
websitenbsp;for those=20
interested in seeing them. Comments welcome. A=20
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Ron GreenBRA=20


[mou] Birding Today

2006-02-22 Thread Mike Hendrickson
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My last day birding with Michael Mayer of New York.  We went over to =
Aitkin County and then over to Sax Zim Bog.

-Sharp-tailed Grouse displaying along Kestrel Avenue in Aitkin County =
and also see two on Co. Rd 18 in Aitkin Co.
-Northern Shrikes (5)
-Boreal Chickadee along Owl Avenue in Sax Zim Bog.
-Black-billed Magpie in Aitkin County along Co. Rd 5 north of Palisade.
-Snow Buntings. A lot of flocks in Aitkin County.

After guiding I went down to Canal Park to meet Monica. While waiting I =
saw the following birds.
-Adult Thayer's Gull on the pier. Same bird I reported yesterday.
-Greater Scaup (5)
-Bufflehead (female)

Yesterday I forgot to mention I saw one of the two reported White-winged =
Scoters flying towards 21st. Ave E from Canal Park.

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Minnesota Birding Treks
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DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2My last day birding with =
Michael Mayer of=20
New York.nbsp; We went over to Aitkin County and then over to Sax Zim=20
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2Highlights:/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2-Sharp-tailed Grouse =
displaying along=20
Kestrel Avenue in Aitkin County and also see two on Co. Rd 18 in Aitkin=20
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2-Northern Shrikes =
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2-Boreal Chickadee along Owl =
Avenue in Sax=20
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2-Black-billed Magpie in =
Aitkin County=20
along Co. Rd 5 north of Palisade./FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2-Snow Buntings. A lot of =
flocks in Aitkin=20
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2After guiding I went down to =
Canal Park=20
to meet Monica. While waiting I saw the following birds./FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2-Adult Thayer's Gull on the =
pier. Same=20
bird I reported yesterday./FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2-Greater Scaup =
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2-Bufflehead =
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2Yesterday I forgot to mention =
I saw one=20
of the two reported White-winged Scoters flying towards 21st. Ave E from =
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DComic Sans MS size=3D2Michael =
MinnesotaBRMinnesota Birding TreksBRA=20


[mou] contact legislators to save Sax Zim

2006-02-22 Thread Keith Carlson
I have read with alarm Mike Hendrickson's post on the destruction of the Sax
Zim Bog.  While I believe little can be done to stop logging on any private
land, further logging on public land within Sax Zim could be stopped with
legislative action.  I urge concerned birders to call, write or e-mail their
legislators as well as members of the environment committees to stop this
travesty.  Names, addresses, phone numbers  e-mail addresses can be found
at http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/members/hmem.asp for members of the
House and at
http://www.senate.leg.state.mn.us/members/member_list.php?sort=a#header for
senators.  The members of the senate environment committees are

Chair:  John Marty
Vice Chair: Tom Saxhaug
Ranking Minority Member:Pat Pariseau
Member: Thomas M. Bakk
Satveer Chaudhary
Dennis R. Frederickson
John C. Hottinger
Michael J. Jungbauer
Sean R. Nienow
Gen Olson
LeRoy A. Stumpf

The members of the House Environment committee are

Chair: Tom Hackbarth (R)296-2439rep.tom.hackba...@house.mn
Vice Chair: Ray Cox (R) 296-7065rep.ray@house.mn
Lead-DFL: Carlos Mariani (DFL)  296-9714rep.carlos.mari...@house.mn
Greg Blaine (R) 296-4247rep.greg.bla...@house.mn
Tony Cornish (R)296-4240rep.tony.corn...@house.mn
David Dill (DFL)296-2190rep.david.d...@house.mn
Rick Hansen (DFL)   296-6828rep.rick.han...@house.mn
Joe Hoppe (R)   296-5066rep.joe.ho...@house.mn
Melissa Hortman (DFL)   296-4280rep.melissa.hort...@house.mn
Margaret Anderson Kelliher (DFL)296-0171
Denny McNamara (R)  296-3135rep.denny.mcnam...@house.mn
Bud Nornes (R)  296-4946rep.bud.nor...@house.mn
Dennis Ozment (R)   296-4306rep.dennis.ozm...@house.mn
Maxine Penas (R)296-9635rep.maxine.pe...@house.mn
Jeanne Poppe (DFL)  296-4193rep.jeanne.po...@house.mn
Bev Scalze (DFL)296-7153rep.bev.sca...@house.mn
Kathy Tingelstad (R)296-5369rep.kathy.tingels...@house.mn
Jean Wagenius (DFL) 296-4200rep.jean.wagen...@house.mn
Andy Welti (DFL)296-4378rep.andy.we...@house.mn
Torrey Westrom (R)  296-4929rep.torrey.west...@house.mn

I also suggest the Audubon Society, MOU and other environmental
organizations should be contacted to take action on this issue as well.

Keith Carlson

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