[mou] Lake Byllesby Late This Afternoon

2007-04-22 Thread drew...@aol.com
Arrived at Lake Byllesby in the pouring rain this afternoon. It was  very 
frustrating viewing until the rain began to let up. There were a  couple 
shorebirds present, with birds continuing to fly in the  entire time I was 
there. Most notable was the previously reported  Piping Plover (nice male-- 
there when I left at 5:30pm), I was  unaware it was seen/found earlier in the 
day. Also, a Wilson's Phalarope  and a dowitcher (at about 200 yards in poor 
light, it appeared to be a  Short-billed, but I could be mistaken). Most 
numerous were Pectoral  Sandpipers, with over 100 birds present, several 
and a few of both  Yellowlegs and Killdeer. There were likely a few other 
species, but I ran  out of time to study the flocks more closely. With the 
I'm  betting tomorrow will also be another interesting day at Byllesby as  
Most interesting as far as waterfowl were 14 Snow Geese. Also 3  Forster's 
Drew Smith
Eagan, Dakota  County

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[mou] Faribault County - Long-tailed Duck - + trip highlights for Martin and Faribault counties - 4/21 - 22, 2007

2007-04-22 Thread CRAIG MANDEL
April 22, 2007

While leading a Minnesota Birding Weekend group, in Faribault county today. 
Wayne Feder observed a pair of Long-tailed Ducks on Pilot Grove lake.  This 
was at about 9:00 am and the birds were there when we left at 9:30 am.  Here 
are the directions to the lake and some other sighting we had over the last 
two days.

Long-tailed Duck - Faribault County - Pilot Grove lake - The lake is located 
on the West side of CR 9, at 60th Street.  The birds were observed on the 
West end of the lake from about 9:00 to 9:30 am.

Martin County
Snow Goose - A flock of Snow Geese were observed just SE of Pierce Lake. 
They were feeding in a field along CR 118, 1.5 miles West of CR 27.
Ross's Goose - Several Ross's Geese were observed in with the flock of Snow 
Semipalmated Plover - Highway 263, 1 block East of the town of Ceylon.
Chimney Swift - Observed just East of Pierce Lake.
Purple Martin - In nest boxes in the town of Ceylon.
Brown Thrasher - Cedar Park
Orange-crowned Warbler

Faribault County
Broad-winged Hawk
Virginia Rail - Pilot Grove Lake
Sora - Pilot Grove Lake
Long-billed Dowitcher - CR 44, 1/4 mile East of Highway 169.
Forster's Tern - Rice Lake - Three Forster's Terns were observed Rice Lake 
in the NW portion of the county.
American Pipit

Craig Mandel, Minnetonka, MN
EgretCMan at msn.com 

[mou] Louisana Waterthrush at Minneopa S.P.

2007-04-22 Thread Ruth Hiland
Today, April 22,  about noon, Leslie Marcus, Mary Alyce Kronke and I heard a 
Louisana Waterthrush singing as we started down the stairway to the creek below 
the falls at Minneopa.  We located the singing bird on the opposite side of the 
creek.  We then watched it fly down to the creek and work its way along the 
water's edge, where we had great looks at it for several minutes.The bird 
flew up into the trees and we lost sight of it, but it was still singing when 
we left the area. 
Ruth Hiland

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[mou] New Birds for gallery

2007-04-22 Thread Larry Sirvio
I added some new birds to the gallery. They are listed under Peru. The ones
I added today were from Lima; long-tailed mockingbird, saffron finch, shiny
cowbirds, bananaquit, and the really interesing dark morph vermilion
flycatchers from Lima. Apparently, Lima is the only area where the dark
morph (obscurans) is really common. Also the non-dark morph females seem to
have a lot of variability as far as color (red or salmon or none) and also
the extent of the color on the belly is variable (from none to the whole
belly area). The variability of the females is not confined to Lima. I saw a
female in Ecuador with no color on the belly - just the light brown stripes.
Larry Sirvio

[mou] Lake Blyllesby shorebirds, Dakota County

2007-04-22 Thread Laura Coble
Today in the early afternoon, I saw flocks of Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs,
and flocks of Semipalmated and Least Sandpipers on the northwest mudflats of
Lake Byllesby. Just before it rained, I saw one Wilson's Phalarope, feeding
with the Lesser Yellowlegs. At least 50 White Pelicans, a mixed flock of
ducks and flocks of gulls were also present. 
The entrance to this viewing area is off of highway 88, 1/4 mi. east of
Randolph, on the lake side of the highway. At this time there are railroad
cars on either side of the entrance. Park on the highway shoulder or in the
small parking area on the other side of the tracks, and walk past the gate,
following the paths southwest to where there is a clear view of the lake.
Laura Coble
Cannon Falls 
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[mou] Weekend Migrants

2007-04-22 Thread jellisb...@aol.com
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[mou] Avocets- Kandiyohi county

2007-04-22 Thread Randy Frederickson
Saturday afternoon I found 2 avocets, 2 golden plovers, 1 wilson's
phalarope, 14 pectoral sandpipers, and about 30 yellow-legs (mostly lesser),
near the town of Pennock in Kandiyohi county.  This wetland isn't big or
special; it looks like the drain tile has been repaired and therefore won't
hold the water it did last year, but, for the moment, the birds like it.
Depending on how much rain we get, it should be around another week.

>From the town of Willmar, go west on hwy 12 to Pennock.  Go west another 2
miles(?) from Pennock to 120th and turn north (right).  The wetland is on
the east side of the road about 1/2 mile from highway 12.

The golden plovers were still in basic (winter) plumage, so are easily
overlooked in the grass.

Randy Frederickson

[mou] Palm Warbler, swamp sparrow ... bird banding at Springbrook Nature Center, Fridley, MN

2007-04-22 Thread Refsnider
The first wave of the warbler migration was apparent during our bird 
banding session this morning at Springbrook NC in Fridley, Anoka County.

Our total of 69 birds captured included:

1 palm warbler
21 yellow-rumped warblers
1 swamp sparrow
2 white-throated sparrows
2 ruby-crowned kinglets
1 hermit thrush

---Ron Refsnider

[mou] Piping Plover - Dakota County

2007-04-22 Thread Bruce Baer
This afternoon James Otto and I observed a Piping Plover at the west
end of Lake Byllesby between 12:00 and 12:30.  There were large number
of Lesser Yellowlegs and Pectoral Sandpipers with a few Baird's
Sandpipers in the mix.  Also observed for the first time were Purple


The Carolina Wren was singing in the ravine below my balcony early
this morning.  Friday it was over by the Bloomington Garden Center.  


Bruce Baer

Bloomington, MN


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[mou] Hennepin Co Finds

2007-04-22 Thread alyssa
Hello All-
I birded Westwood Hills (St. Louis Park) this morning, and much was about! Y-R 
Warblers, W-T Sparrows, and R-C Kinglets singing everywhere! I found a House 
Wren near the center, and there was a single male Ruddy Duck out on the lake. 
Swamp Sparrows, Hermit Thrushes, Pileated Woodpecker, Greater Scaup, 
Bufflehead...that was about it. Also, I found an un-identified wren near the Y 
Dock. It was light-colored and had some white on its back. Unfortunately, a 
Swamp Sparrow chased it away, but now I'm guessing it was the House Wren (I was 
wishing for a Sedge!)
I got a little luckier at the General Mills mudflat-y area, which is directly 
southeast of the intersection of 55 and 169. On the north side (facing 55), I 
happened upon a flock of 20-30 sparrows. Most of them were Savannah, but it 
also contained Chipping, Song, one Clay-colored, and a probable Vesper's 
Sparrow. Also a Killdeer was performing its broken-wing display. A Cooper's 
Hawk, and later a Bald Eagle, soared over the mudflats.
Despite checking both the ponds near my house, neither were hosting the B-C N 
Herons. Hmm. I wonder where they went? I'll keep eveyone posted as soon as I 
can relocate them... Good birding to all!

Alyssa DeRubeis
Golden Valley
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[mou] New migrants - Louisville Swamp - Scott County

2007-04-22 Thread Jason Bolish
First walk ever through Louisville Swamp.  I was pleasantly surprised, great 
park & should be spectacular when the birds start really moving.  Thirty-five 

** BLUE-GRAY GNATCATCHERS - First of the year, Found 3 along the trail, north 
side of the swamp.  One singing to another, one farther West chasing bugs.
** PALM WARBLER - First of the year, one bird singing.
** BROWN THRASHER - First of the year, 4 seen and/or heard.
** FIELD SPARROW - First of the year
** YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER - Stopped counting at 90 as I turned and headed back 
the way I came.  Wow.
** WHITE-THROATED SPARROWS - Stopped counting at 58.
** BROWN-HEADED COWBIRDS - More than I ever cared to see in one place.  Very 

Also heard Sandhill Cranes, Turkeys, Pheasants and many Ruby-Crowned Kinglets.  
Great Egrets in 4 counties this weekend.

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[mou] Ovenbird in Rice County

2007-04-22 Thread Dave Bartkey
Hi everyone,

   I went for a walk this morning from Teepee Tonka Park to River Bend
Nature Center and saw a plethora of birds. Most shocking was an Ovenbird!
This is by far my earliest record for this species. On another warbler note,
I also saw Orange Crowned Warblers in three different locations.


  Other new birds for the year were: Brown Thrasher, House Wren, Bank
Swallow, and many, many White-throated Sparrows.


  More highlights included Lincoln's Sparrow, Hermit Thrush, Brown Creeper,
and an Eastern Meadowlark singing in the prairie at River Bend (which is a
rare occurrence here).


  It will be interesting to hear what everybody else sees today after that
strong southern wind all day yesterday.


Good birding!


Dave Bartkey

Faribault, MN

screechowl at charter.net 

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[mou] bird and water feature bonanza

2007-04-22 Thread Thomas Maiello
Holy Buckets!  I put up this relatively simple water feature with a  
cacaphonous fountain and churgling waterfall and Eureka!  Birding  
Bonanza!  This might be coincidental or just the spring rush of  
migrants but I do have one year of experience with my yard birds.   
Within 48 hours of turning this water puppy on I have been inundated  
with birds!  Last year one RC Kinglet, three Chipping Sparrows, no  
Song Sparrow, no YB Sapsucker, many robins, jays, juncos, etc.  Now  
with the water in a brief blink of time, I have an entire flock of RC  
Kinglets, a plethora of Chippers, two paired Song Sparrow couples, a  
bath of WT Sparrows, what appears to be platoons of organized robins  
creating dominance orders for baths and drinks, Grackles and Rusty  
Blackbirds following the robin organizational structure, etc...   
Every moment is new and I have had to set up a second pair of house  
binoculars at the kitchen window to monitor the water area.  Me  
thinks I should have set the water feature up behind my existing  
feeders and bath - for Woe Is Me I am forced to have two separate  
birdie-copias to ping-pong between over the course of my home office  
days.  Somebody pinch me I must be dreaming!

That would be two thumbs up for a water feature investment (in case I  
am ever asked to vote)!


Thomas Maiello
Spring Lake Park

[mou] Swainson's Thrush, Hennepin County Wood Lake

2007-04-22 Thread Chris Fagyal
In keeping with the early thrush theme, I had a Swainson's Thrush this 
morning at Wood Lake after going to look at the Great Horned Owl 
Chicks.  Never would have expected to see one except for the few reports 
that have come in the last week.  It was in thick brush along the path 
to the left of the entrance right after the split where you can head off 
to the boardwalk on your right.

[mou] Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow, Ramsey County

2007-04-22 Thread Sally and/or Paul
At 10:00 this morning (Sunday) Sally and I spotted a NELSON'S SHARP-TAILED 
SPARROW near Sucker
Lake in Vadnais Heights.  I'm not sure how often these birds are spotted on 
migration and/or in
the metro area, but it was a life-bird for us!  We got a very good (but 
all-too-brief) look at
this secretive bird.

We also saw (and heard) a singing PINE WARBLER in the same area (our 2nd in as 
many days).

Paul Spreitzer and Sally Heuer
St. Paul

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