[mou] NRDC page on boreal forest birds

2007-09-23 Thread gordon andersson
You can take action and it includes a dozen species of bird photos with




Gordon Andersson

St Paul

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[mou] Black-throated Sparrow still present this morning 9/23

2007-09-23 Thread rdun...@gac.edu
John Hockema just called me to report that as of 7:00 this morning the  
Black-throated Sparrow was still present at the location it was found  
yesterday in Cass County.

Bob Dunlap

[mou] Grand Rapids EC Doves

2007-09-23 Thread shawn conrad

This morning, Earl Orf and I visited the feeder where the Eurasian 
Collared-doves had been and at least 2 of them are still present.  Does anyone 
know if these birds will overwinter in Minnesota?  We also saw an adult and a 
juvenile Harris's Sparrow in the same yard.  We found a Vesper Sparrow 
(uncommon in Itasca) at a soybean field just off of CR 10 as well.  
Yesterday, I birded around Winnibigoshish Lake and found 2 American Pipits, 2 
Harris's Sparrows, Greater Yellowlegs, Redhead, Bonaparte's Gulls, and 2 
singing Pine Warblers at Plughat Point.  I also had Harris's Sparrow in Bena, 
and LeConte's Sparrow and many Ruby-crowned Kinglets at Winnie Ponds.  
Shawn Conradhttp://users.2z.net/itasca_chippewa_birding/ 
Can you find the hidden words?? Take a break and play Seekadoo!
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[mou] red phalarope

2007-09-23 Thread Ben Parke
Josh Christian asked about the red phalarope I mentioned in my bird list from 
hutch.  I rechecked my birdbook today and it was not a red-necked phalarope.  
It had a plain gray back like either the wilson's or red-necked phalarope.  I 
no longer recall the tail.  If Josh is able to view the bird today perhaps he 
can confirm whether it was Wilson's or red-necked.  I observed it flying over 
by the raft of pelicans as the corner of the river.
  Ben Parke

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[mou] Red-necked Phalarope in Duluth

2007-09-23 Thread Jim Lind
This morning while leading a field trip for Hawk Ridge Weekend I 
found a juvenile Red-necked Phalarope.  It was on Lake Superior about 
a block east of the Lakewood Pumping Station, at a small rest area.  
This is about three miles northeast of Lester River.

At the Two Harbors cemetery there were 43 Cackling Geese mixed in 
some Canada Geese.

Jim Lind
Two Harbors

[mou] Black-throated Sparrow (photos)

2007-09-23 Thread Andrew Birch
Dale Yerger and I were on the Black-throated Sparrow at the end of
Painted Turtle Road in Cass County today between ~8 and 9AM.  Photos
are posted at http://picasaweb.google.com/andrewlbirch/BlackThroatedSparrow

There was also a Franklin's Gull mixed in a large flock of Bonaparte's
Gulls on Winnie near the Nodak resort.

Good Birding,

Andrew Birch
My Favorites @

[mou] Hutch--no phalaropes

2007-09-23 Thread Joshua Christian

I checked the mudflats today in Hutchinson but was unable to find any 
phalaropes.  The phalarope may still be around, as there is plenty of habitat 
well beyond the reach of my scope, so I will continue to check it regularly.  A 
few other notes today:

Franklin's Gull now number in the hundreds and are by far the most common gull 
on the mudflats.

Overall shorebird numbers are down.  I found no dowitchers or Stilt Sandpipers, 
and the number of Pectorals was greatly decreased.  Peep numbers were about the 
same, and the views are much better as the recent rain has improved the habitat 
on the near shore.

Josh Christian

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[mou] Black-throated Sparrow

2007-09-23 Thread Herb Dingmann
Ron Erpelding called to report that the Black-throated Sparrow was still
present at the same location in Cass County at 3:45.
Herb Dingmann
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[mou] Pom. Jaeger, Little Gull, West. Grebe, GBB Gull in Duluth

2007-09-23 Thread David Benson
This afternoon at around 4:00, from the beach at 22nd Ave on MN Point,
Lars Benson and I saw a dark-morph Pomarine Jaeger, an adult winter
Little Gull, a Western Grebe, and a probable Great Black-backed Gull.
The low sunlight behind us made for excellent viewing, but we needed
the scope to see all but the grebe.

Dave Benson

[mou] Cook County Yellow- Billed Cuckoo

2007-09-23 Thread Dory
Observed Yellow- billed Cuckoo on the bike trail in Schroeder just West 
of Temperance River RD about 4 PM this afternoon. Three of us watched 
the bird for about 45 minutes while it seemed to be feeding in some long 
grass and bushes along the side of the Bike trail. A few times it hopped 
along the edge of the trail. Temperance River RD is about one mile east 
of the town of Schroeder, just before Temperance River State Park and 
you can only go left on the gravel road. go about a few
  hundred feet to the bike trail.
Dory Spence

[mou] Boreal Chickadees - Duluth, MN

2007-09-23 Thread Don Kienholz

Was in the yard today and had 2 Boreal Chickadees come through the yard.
They poked around in some spruce trees before heading south. 
Heard them first.
Only the 3rd time in almost 20 years for my yard list.
Also, I am thinking about chasing the Mango in Benoit, Wisc.(If it sticks.)  
Are there any persons from the Duluth area or ? interested in carpooling next 
weekend to chase it?
Plz reply backchannel and we can watch the listserves and make arrangements as 
Don Kienholz
Duluth, MN
Kick back and relax with hot games and cool activities at the Messenger Caf?.
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[mou] YCNH on L. Hiawatha

2007-09-23 Thread alyssa
The heron didn't present itself until about 6:20pm, when it flew from its dense 
cover (daytime roosting site) to a conspicuous spot on the large willow tree, 
fairly high up. The observers (about 7, including me) could see the dark bill, 
long legs, and the triangular speckles on its back. What a cooperative guy! It 
stayed there until about 6:45, when it flew into a lower tree and was relocated 
minutes later. It didn't stay there long. A few minutes after that, a juve BCNH 
flew over, and the yellow-crowned flew along with it, where we could briefly 
see the color difference, the ycnh showed a darker, more slate-y color, while 
the bcnh showed a lightish gray/brown. The duo squawked once or twice. Seconds 
later, the two juves flew (probably) to their feeding site on the golf course. 
There were also at least 2 adult bcnh. So, tonight, it left its roosting spot 
at 7pm (sharp?) The roosting site is along the corner of 28th street and 37th 
street, for those of you who didn't know. Also present were a few Chimney 
Swifts and a Herring Gull over the lake. Thanks, Diana, for all the great help! 
Good birding~

Alyssa DeRubeis
Golden Valley
tiger150 at comcast.net 
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[mou] Golden-winged Warbler

2007-09-23 Thread Alan and Karen Orr
Golden-winged Warblers were observed today and Saturday on Grassy 
Point, Lake Vermilion, St. Louis Co. 

[mou] Lilydale Park Report, Ramsey Cty

2007-09-23 Thread Jim Ryan
Hello Birders,

Another early morning run through Lilydale Park proved enjoyable and
fruitful. I Saw 20 species overall in 1-1/2 hours.  Highlights included:

Broad-wing Hawk

5 species of sparrows
White throated

4 warblers:
Connecticut- FOY
Orange crowned-FOY
Black & White

and my first Ruby Crowned kinglet of the Fall

Then I decided to head to Nerstrand Big Woods SP and spent almost three
hours there to get a Red-headed Woodpecker as a FOY and struck out.


Jim Ryan on St. Paul's Westside
651-308-0234 business cell

"A man who dares to waste an hour of time has not discovered the value of
life." - Charles Darwin
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