[mou] White Pelicans with young

2008-07-14 Thread Kathryn Young
Craig Mandel and I were birding the County's of Carver, McLeod,  
Nicollet and Sibley today, came upon White Pelicans and their young  
at Tiger Lake in Carver Cty on Hwy 212 NW of Norwood Young America.   
Does anyone know if the White Pelican has been known to breed and  
raise their young on this lake in MN?Thanks Kathryn Young 

[mou] Common Ravens in southern Chisago County

2008-07-14 Thread Holly Peirson
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[mou] How about Spruce Grouse?

2008-07-14 Thread R.D. Everhart

That's why I love you guys. The overwhelming response is not
ptarmigan at all but Spruce Grouse which, of course, makes perfect
sense and looks just like the picture in the field guides.

Thanks to all who so quickly responded. Another day and a little bit

Humbly yours,

Roger Everhart
Apple Valley, MN

[mou] Willow or Rock ptarmigan?

2008-07-14 Thread R.D. Everhart

Hi everyone-

I haven't posted for a while but now find myself in need of some
help. I saw and photographed (not very well though) a ptarmigan in
Alaska last month and am having trouble deciding which species it is.
I've posted 4 photos on my blog if anyone is willing to give me
some insight. Thanks in advance for any help. This is what happens
when you travel out of your home bioregion


Roger Everhart
Apple Valley, MN

[mou] Common Ravens in southern Chisago County

2008-07-14 Thread rdun...@gustavus.edu
Yesterday, July 13, the Hockema brothers (John and Chris) and I found  
6 Common Ravens in extreme southern Chisago County. We found the birds  
in a dirt pasture on the east side of Hwy. 95 just 3 miles north of  
the Washington County border. The birds were flying around,  
vocalizing, and feeding together, which leads us to believe that this  
is a family group and that breeding took place somewhere in the  

We also found 3 more ravens flying on the north side of Colby Lake,  
also along Hwy. 95 just north of Taylor's Falls.

Both groups of birds, and especially the first group of 6, seem  
unusually far south for the breeding season. I wonder if others have  
been seeing Chisago ravens, or if perhaps there are ravens to be found  
in northern Washington County.

Bob Dunlap, Carver County

[mou] July Common Merganser, Dakota Co.

2008-07-14 Thread James Mattsson
14 July 2008

An adult male Common Merganser was swimming among 101 pelicans at west end of 
Lake Byllesby. I noticed that it periodically lifted and flicked its left 
tertial group, suggesting that its wing may not be in best of condition. This 
would explain it's presence this far south in mid-summer.

To answer someone's question earlier, there is NO shorebird habitat at the 
lake. Hopefully, the DNR can be convinced to modify the water management 
program a bit to provide at least some mudflat habitat in late August-early 
September. This lake gets terrific shorebird use in fall when habitat is 

DNR, are you listening?

James Mattsson
mattjim at earthlink.net
EarthLink Revolves Around You.
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[mou] Red-throated Loons Park Point Duluth

2008-07-14 Thread Chris Mansfield
Monday 14 July Peder Svingen and I saw four adult Red-throated Loons on Lake
Superior from the 22nd Street access.  We watched the birds until 11:15 AM
as they preened and drifted farther out east into the lake.  A scope was
essential for decent viewing at that time.

Earlier this morning, Peder observed an additional 2 Red-throated Loons,
which left the flock of 4 and flew SE towards Wisconsin Point at about 10:20

On a personal note: this occasion marks one of Chris's nemesis birds: DOWN.
Red-throated Loon in Duluth on JULY 14.

Thanks a million, Peder.

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[mou] Cass County Birds

2008-07-14 Thread B W
Baird's, Stilt, and Least Sandpiper, both yellowlegs, and a female Red-necked 
Phalarope in breeding plumage were seen at the Longville Water Treatment Ponds 
on Sunday morning.? The Walker ponds had the same species assemblage, minus the 
phalarope, on Sunday afternoon.? Also at Longville was a mixed flock of 
swallows, mostly Bank, that numbered 100-150 birds, and a vocalizing Wood 
Thrush.? Good birding,

Ben Wieland


Deep Portage Learning Center

2197 Nature Center Dr. NW

Hackensack, MN  56452

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