[mou-net] American Avocets, Lake Byllesby

2009-04-24 Thread Linda Sparling
Thursday evening, April 23, there were 7 American Avocets near the west end of 
Lake Byllesby.  Thanks to Jim for getting out the report of their presence so 
quickly.  While there, most of the shorebirds got up into the winds and off the 
points unknown. (The Avocets stayed.)
Also seen:

1 Long-billed Dowitcher

1 Semipalmated Sandpiper

Many Pectoral Sandpipers

Several Dunlins

Many Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs

1 Peregrine Falcon sitting way out on the mud

1 Barn Swallow

Linda Sparling

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[mou-net] Northern Hawk Owls

2009-04-24 Thread Ted Dick
There were still at least two Northern Hawk Owls near Baudette this week.

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[mou-net] Morrison County and Albany.

2009-04-24 Thread Frank Gosiak
This Week. Many Yellow Rumped Warblers and Hermit Thrush. Wilson Snipe
flying in the lowlands (saw 9) in many places. Have come across  2 Great
Horned Owls and 2 Coopers Hawks.  The Mississippi just north of Little Falls
has Greater (a fair number) and Lesser Scaup along with a large number of
Red Heads. The Common Merganser have moved on but Buffllehead, Hooded
Merganser, Common Goldeneye, Canvasback, Pied billed Grebe, Horned Grebe are
still plentiful along with many Coot. Saw 1 Winter Wren in Lindbergh State
Park and a Peewee. A lot of Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers are around with
Flickers. The Osprey pair has been back at the tower by the dam in Little
Falls for the last 2 weeks. Shorebird numbers are still low and the only
other Warblers I have found are a few Pine Warblers that I heard. Looking
forward to the warbler migration and more shorebirds. At the Albany Sewage
Ponds there are many Scaup, a few Ringnecks, Canvasbacks, RedHeads, Ruddy
Ducks, and Buffleheads. Many Bonapart Gulls were also present. Water level
very high and no shorebirds are present.

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[mou-net] recent Duluth area sightings

2009-04-24 Thread Joshua Bailly

Yellow-rumped warbler
Eastern Phoebe
Least Flycatcher in two different locations
Yellow bellied sapsucker
numerous Great Blue Herons in the St. Louis River estuary
Right now you can't go outside without seeing or hearing Northern Flickers

I'm still on the hunt to find my FOY Hermit Thrush.

Joshua Bailly
West Duluth, MN

This message was sent using the University of Minnesota Duluth Webmail

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[mou-net] [mou-rba] MOU RBA 24 April 2009

2009-04-24 Thread Anthony Hertzel
*Minnesota Statewide
*April 24, 2009

-Birds mentioned
Cinnamon Teal
Red-throated Loon
American Bittern
Broad-winged Hawk
Yellow Rail
American Avocet
Pectoral Sandpiper
Long-billed Dowitcher
Least Flycatcher
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Orange-crowned Warbler
Summer Tanager
Lark Sparrow
Yellow-headed Blackbird

Hotline: Minnesota Statewide
Date: April 24, 2009
Sponsor: Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) http://moumn.org
Reports: (763) 780-8890
Compiler: Anthony Hertzel (axhert...@sihope.com) 

This is the Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, April 23rd 2009.

In Polk County, a CINNAMON TEAL was reported from the Nature Conservancy
office along state 32 at Glacial Ridge on April 17th, but the bird has
not been seen since.

On April 22nd, a RED-THROATED LOON was on Sauk Lake, which is in Sauk
Centre, Stearns County.

Two AMERICAN AVOCETS were seen on the western most strip of land at the
Purgatory Creek wetlands in Eden Prairie, Hennepin County, on April
23rd. As many as seven AMERICAN AVOCETS were at the western end of Lake
Billesby in Dakota County on the 23rd, along with many PECTORAL

A SUMMER TANAGER was seen on the 22nd in Spring Valley, Fillmore County,
but the bird is apparently now gone.

A YELLOW RAIL was heard from the boardwalk at the Old Cedar Avenue
Bridge area of Bloomington on the 17th. I also have new reports of

The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday, April 30th 2009.

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[mou-net] appreciation

2009-04-24 Thread Thomas Maiello
One thing I love about this server and network is that when I get  
stuck figuring out a bird, all I have to do is put my best  
observations out there (and they improve each time), add a pinch of  
occurrence research (readily provided on-line), surf for images of my  
best guesses, pour over the variations in my various bird books and  
wait.  Within minutes, much better educated guesses than I can come up  
with fill my mailbox.  But it is more than that - each one provides an  
experiences birder's perspective, ID hints, practical knowledge I  
might have missed, and more.  While I still cannot say for positive  
that the bird I saw yesterday was an Orange-crowned Warbler (a lifer  
for me) or not, if another one every comes into my visual range again,  
I will be able to ID it quickly and assuredly.

Thank you, all of you passionate and giving birders out there who care  
enough to share you knowledge and insights.  You add more to my  
birding experience than you can know.  All of you.  Thank you.

Thomas Maiello
Angel Environmental Management, Inc.
Maple Grove, MN

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[mou-net] Cattle Egrets, Brown County

2009-04-24 Thread Brian Risa Smith

There were two adult Cattle Egrets at the Sleepy Eye compost site earlier this 

Brian Smith
Sleepy Eye

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[mou-net] Female Purple Finch / Lincoln's Sparrow (Corcoran)

2009-04-24 Thread Andrew Longtin
While working on finding a job I got distracted a few times by a Lincoln's
Sparrow (FOY -for me) that was snooping through my shrubs and a female
Purple Finch that landed on the tree by me sunflower and safflower feeders..
I got shots of both, I think the Lincoln's turned out good, if so I'll put
that one up on my web pages and send the link out to you all..



I'm looking for a job!!  Please see http://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewlongtin



Andrew Longtin

Corcoran (Hennepin Co.) Minnesota

See my WEB pages at: www.birderguy.com

Email: birder...@comcast.net


Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory Supporter


Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Member

Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) Member


Cornell Lab Member (PFW)



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[mou-net] Purple Martins Hennepin County

2009-04-24 Thread Madeleine Linck
Three Rivers Park District currently has 3 active Purple Martin Colonies
and adult martins have now returned to all three sites with much
vocalization going on:
Eagle Lake Golf Course, Maple Grove
Baker National Golf Course, Medina
Medicine Lake, French Regional Park, Plymouth (at the District's
swimming beach)
With the help of dedicated volunteers we are attempting to attract
martins to a 4th site at The Landing in Shakopee, Scott Co.
Madeleine Linck
Wildlife Technician
Three Rivers Park District
12615 County Rd. 9
Plymouth, MN 55441-1248
Fax: (763) 557-4943

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[mou-net] Indigo bunting Cook Co.

2009-04-24 Thread Jim Carol Tveekrem
I was lucky enough to be looking out a window when a bright male Indigo 
Bunting landed on the ground near the veggie garden.  Several juncos and 
blue jays were the only other birds nearby.  It didn't stay long, darn 
it.  Bird appeared to be an adult, no brown in wings or elsewhere.  We 
usually don't see these here until mid-May or later.  The system 
bringing the thunderstorms up from southwest must have blown this fellow 
in.  Local winds have been north, east or somewhere between for days.  
Briefly west late yesterday afternoon.

After not seeing any Common Redpolls for several days, we had 6 of them 
on April 21.  They scrounged a few seeds and left.  Tree Sparrows have 
also moved on - numbers dwindled to one bird by the 20th and now none 
for several days.  Still plenty of Juncos and Song Sparrows.  So far no 
Chipping Sp, Whitethroated or others

A friend in Tofte saw a Hermit Thrush on April 22.

Species numerous along Hwy 61 between Schroeder and Silver Bay yesterday:
  Bald Eagle, at least 5 different birds, 3 adults, one being harassed 
by a crow.

  Am. Kestrel
  Com. Flicker
  Com. Grackle

Looking at the lake:Pied billed Grebe - 3 at end of Baraga Cross Rd.
  Common Goldeneye - small groups along the shore
  Long-tailed Duck - flocks strung out beyond identification with a 
scope - 15 or more birds in each group, all birds staying about the same 
distance from shore.

Carol Tveekrem, Schroeder

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[mou-net] Wabasha County shorebird spot (incl. Phalarope)

2009-04-24 Thread Dedrick Benz
I have been been periodically visiting the Dorer pools at the Whitewater WMA 
this Spring, and always finding a handful of shorebirds, but today there were 
well over 100 of them at one of the drawn-down pools.  A Peregrine Falcon made 
a pass through the flock, and a River Otter was hanging out near the culvert 
between two pools. 
Lots of:
Lesser Yellowlegs
Greater Yellowlegs
Pectoral Sandpiper
One each:
Spotted Sandpiper 
Wilson's Phalarope
The WMA covers Winona and Wabasha Counties, but this particular pool is in 
Wabasha County, along St Hwy 74, at fire marker 14947 on the east side of the 
road.  Walk this berm to the back and you should find shorebirds.  If you have 
the time and energy, you will probably be rewarded by walking around the whole 
pool (make a left at the T, and then your next left to bring you back to Hwy 74 
at fire marker 14649).
Other First of year birds for me today:
Green Heron (Dorer pools)
Northern Waterthrush (Carley State Park, Wabasha County)
Dedrick Benz
Winona, MN
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[mou-net] Red-throated Loon - Benton Cty

2009-04-24 Thread Bob Ekblad
There is a non-breeding plumaged Red-throated Loon at Little Rock Lake  
in Benton County.  I viewed it from the park at the north end of the  
lake.  It was mostly just resting so it was easy to view - classic  
upturned bill.

Sent from Bob Ekblad's iPhone
Byron, MN - Olmsted County

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[mou-net] Louisiana Waterthrushes, Lark Sparrow + snake question

2009-04-24 Thread Dave Bartkey
Hi everyone,

  As I was asking my boss this morning if he'd mind if I played hookey from 
work, I observed many birds foraging in a dirt patch within a grass island 
outside of his window. My boss told me to have fun and when I went out to my 
car, I grabbed my binos and scanned through the flock. All were Chipping 
Sparrows except for one, a Lark Sparrow! After viewing the bird for several 
minutes, I decided to walk at Cannon River Wilderness Park, west side, and I 
had three different Louisiana Waterthrushes calling on territory there, as well 
as one Red-shouldered Hawk, probably another nester.


  Other FOY's today were:

White-throated Sparrows (many)

Orange-crowned Warbler (4)

House Wren (1)

Clay-colored Sparrows (2)

Lincoln's Sparrow (1)


  Also, while walking, I came across a very small snake on the trail. It was 
about 10-12 inches long, and it was a dark brown with dark gray or black 
stripes along the body and it wasn't moving. I figured someone must have 
stepped on it, but I picked it up. It just dangled there, and when I turned my 
hand back and forth, I noticed the snake's head remained pointed at me! It was 
alive and playing dead! Anyway, I placed my hand under the head and the snake 
started moving and flicking its tongue. I turned the snake over and the belly 
was a bright scarlet red. Brown Snakes that I have encountered have white 
bellies. Anyone out there have any ideas? On a reptile note, I also heard tree 
frogs singing in two locations today as well.


Good birding ( reptiling!)


Dave Bartkey

Faribault, MN


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Re: [mou-net] recent Duluth area sightings

2009-04-24 Thread Brad Snelling
Thanks for your report of Duluth sightings, Joshua. I heard my FOY Hermit 
Thrush on the grounds of the College of St. Scholastica a couple of days ago. 
Haven't seen one yet, but I'm always completely satisfied to hear that song! 
Also at CSS this week: 


golden-crowned and ruby-crowned kinglets 

northern flickers 

yellow-bellied sapsucker

yellow-rumped warblers


Brad Snelling

 Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 09:30:28 -0500
 From: bail0...@d.umn.edu
 Subject: [mou-net] recent Duluth area sightings
 Yellow-rumped warbler
 Eastern Phoebe
 Least Flycatcher in two different locations
 Yellow bellied sapsucker
 numerous Great Blue Herons in the St. Louis River estuary
 Right now you can't go outside without seeing or hearing Northern Flickers
 I'm still on the hunt to find my FOY Hermit Thrush.
 Joshua Bailly
 West Duluth, MN
 This message was sent using the University of Minnesota Duluth Webmail
 Join or Leave mou-net:http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net

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[mou-net] Purg. Creek (Hennepin Co.)

2009-04-24 Thread alyssa
Not surprisingly, I could not relocate the two American Avocets reported 
yesterday evening (Eden Prairie). I did, however, enjoy my time while I was 
there. To add on a bit to William Marengo's shorebird species list, about ~50 
shorebirds were present:

-mostly Lesser Yellowlegs (constantly fighting and vocalizing)
-perhaps a few Greater Yellowlegs
-several Least Sandpipers
-several Pectoral Sandpipers
-2 Killdeer, and the highlight for me,
-1 Semipalmated Plover

Also had other expected species, i.e. 1 Forester's Tern, 8 duck species, 1 N 
R-W Swallow, and 1 Herring Gull.

I am somewhat hoping for this drought to remain, so it further improves this 
already decent-looking mudflat area. It was great to witness such biodiversity 
in close proximity. (Even my non-birding high school friend had fun.)

There appears to be another Osprey nest along the east side of Highway 169, 
about 1/3 mile north of Highway 494. I saw the pair there yesterday on a small 
stick nest. I noticed the traditional site at 169 and 62 was inactive this 
week, although I saw it active earlier this month. Interesting. Any 
back-channeled comments are appreciated.

Good birding!

Alyssa DeRubeis
Golden Valley, Hennepin Co.

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Re: [mou-net] [ricebird] Louisiana Waterthrushes, Lark Sparrow + snake question

2009-04-24 Thread danerika
Erika and I saw a Lark Sparrow in Rice Co. today also--about 3 miles south
of the eastern unit of the Canon river Wilderness Area.  it flew up from the
gravel roadside.

dan tallman

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 2:28 PM, Dave Bartkey screech...@q.com wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 As I was asking my boss this morning if he'd mind if I played hookey from
 work, I observed many birds foraging in a dirt patch within a grass island
 outside of his window. My boss told me to have fun and when I went out to my
 car, I grabbed my binos and scanned through the flock. All were Chipping
 Sparrows except for one, a Lark Sparrow! After viewing the bird for several
 minutes, I decided to walk at Cannon River Wilderness Park, west side, and I
 had three different Louisiana Waterthrushes calling on territory there, as
 well as one Red-shouldered Hawk, probably another nester.

 Other FOY's today were:

 White-throated Sparrows (many)

 Orange-crowned Warbler (4)

 House Wren (1)

 Clay-colored Sparrows (2)

 Lincoln's Sparrow (1)

 Also, while walking, I came across a very small snake on the trail. It was
 about 10-12 inches long, and it was a dark brown with dark gray or black
 stripes along the body and it wasn't moving. I figured someone must have
 stepped on it, but I picked it up. It just dangled there, and when I turned
 my hand back and forth, I noticed the snake's head remained pointed at me!
 It was alive and playing dead! Anyway, I placed my hand under the head and
 the snake started moving and flicking its tongue. I turned the snake over
 and the belly was a bright scarlet red. Brown Snakes that I have encountered
 have white bellies. Anyone out there have any ideas? On a reptile note, I
 also heard tree frogs singing in two locations today as well.

 Good birding ( reptiling!)

 Dave Bartkey

 Faribault, MN

 screech...@q.com screechowl%40q.com

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[mou-net] Dickcissel and more shorebirds, Nicollet County

2009-04-24 Thread Bob Dunlap
This afternoon I found an exceptionally early Dickcissel at the  
conservation club access on the southeast side of Swan Lake. The bird  
was foraging with some sparrows when I pulled into the parking lot and  
noticed it. I usually don't see Dickcissels in Minnesota until the  
last week of May, so it was a bit surprising to see this bird. I was  
able to take some pretty good photos of it before it flew off, one of  
which I have uploaded to the Recently Seen page.

The shorebird spot of which I posted yesterday was more exciting  
today, with the following species present:

Semipalmated Plover
Greater Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Semipalmated Sandpiper
Pectoral Sandpiper
Long-billed Dowitcher
Wilson's Snipe

I also checked out the Nicollet sewage ponds (south of Hwy. 14 on the  
east side of CR 23), and found three American Golden-Plovers walking  
the grassy berm on the northernmost pond. There were also more Lesser  
Yellowlegs and Pectoral Sandpipers here.

Bob Dunlap, Nicollet County

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[mou-net] Photos of the Lincoln's Sparrow

2009-04-24 Thread Andrew Longtin
As promised I have added a few shots of the Lincoln's Sparrow and a pair of
the Purple Finch on my bird photos web pages for you all, they are towards
the bottom of this index page..


Enjoy   http://www.birderguy.com/AndrewsBirdPhotosGroup02.htm


I see I have a Black-capped Chickadee that has no tail feathers, it looks
funny a heck, I have seen other birds without tail feathers but I don't
recall seeing a BCCH like that..





I'm looking for a job!!  Please see http://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewlongtin




Andrew Longtin

Corcoran (Hennepin Co.) Minnesota

See my WEB pages at: www.birderguy.com

Email: birder...@comcast.net


Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory Supporter


Minnesota Ornithologists' Union Member

Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) Member


Cornell Lab Member (PFW)



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[mou-net] Shorebirds, Smith's longspur- Kandiyohi co.

2009-04-24 Thread Randy Frederickson
This was meant primarily for those going to and from Salt lake this weekend,
so I apologize for it being tardy.

Two locations starting to produce birds in the county.

The drawdown of Olson Lake WPA in the SW part of the county.  The birds of
note there today were not shorebirds, but 7 Smith's longspurs that briefly
stopped to take a drink and bathe.  A few tundra swans still present and
about 50 shorebirds including 7 species.

Location #2- from the town of Pennock on state hwy 12 (west of Willmar), go
west 1.4 miles and turn north on 120th St NW.  Proceed north about .8 mi.
About 80 shorebirds present including both hudsonian and marbled godwits.

Also seen in the county today, one cattle egret, flying.

Randy Frederickson

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[mou-net] Answer to snake question

2009-04-24 Thread Dave Bartkey
Hi everyone,

  When I usually post a question on the listserve, I like to reply personally 
to every response. However, due to the overwhelming responses I had today, I 
would like to re-post thanking all of you at once who replied. I apologize for 
the laziness of it, but there were so MANY wonderful responses that I would be 
here half the night! Thank you all so much! The information I attained from you 
all was fantastic!


  The case in every reply was that of a Red-bellied, or Northern Red-bellied 
Snake. Very, very cool! The snake was very tame, and I like to look for snakes 
as kind of a side hobby. I just don't know too much about them. Some said the 
species is very secretive, while others stated that it is pretty common, with a 
few reports being seen here within Rice County just this week! Apparently, the 
size which I saw, about 10-12 inches, is about as big as they get. And I 
received one photo of a Red-bellied Snake, and that is definitely what I saw. 
Great stuff!


Thanks again to all of you!!!




Dave Bartkey

Faribault, MN




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[mou-net] Winona County Shorebirds

2009-04-24 Thread Williams, David A
Nothing terribly exciting, but there is some shorebird habitat at Prairie 
Island in Winona, especially at the Verchota boat landing on Prairie Island Rd. 
Friday afternoon found the following:

Greater yellowlegs
Lesser yellowlegs
Pectoral sandpiper

Eight American white pelicans were feeding close to the parking lot, and and 
afforded nice close-up views.

I followed up on Dedrick's sightings in Wabasha county and found plenty of both 
yellowlegs and a handful of pectorals. No phalarope, sadly. However, at the 
parking area I found FOY Palm warblers and White-throated sparrows.

Good birding!

Dave Williams

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[mou-net] Carolina Parakeets

2009-04-24 Thread Carol Crust
Anthony Hertzel:


There is a small flock of Parakeets in Dallas at the old city power station.
I was told they were Carolina Parakeets.  They are a small green parakeet.

When I recently reread the article you wrote about the Carolina Parakeets in
Minnesota in the 2004 issue of The Loon I wondered if there was any
possibility of these being the same birds.Birders in Dallas called these
birds Carolina Parakeets.  


Would appreciate your comments.   Carol Crust

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